Krayt dragons are among the deadliest species in the world. Star Warsand a new source reveals more information about these deadly predators. Krayt dragons technically first appeared in A New Hopewhere skeletons could be seen in the Tatooine desert and Obi-Wan Kenobi used the Force to imitate the roar of a krayt dragon to scare the Sand People. They continued to be referenced and occasionally appear in Star Wars films, TV shows and other media, making its full live-action debut in The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1 "Chapter 9: The Marshal."
After seeing Din Djarin, the people of Mos Pelgo, and the Tusken Raiders unite to defeat a krayt dragon, fans may be curious to learn more about these incredible monsters. Happily, Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1: Creatures of the Galaxy by ST Bende and Iris Compiet efficiently summarizes known facts about krayt dragons and even reveals some new details. This brings together all of the krayt dragon appearances into a single source and explains more about how they operate in the Tatooine ecosystem.
Krayt Dragons Are Officially the Apex Predators of Tatooine - Even Consuming Sarlaccs
No other creatures on Tatooine are compatible
Although there are many dangerous animals on Tatooine, Star Wars Bestiary confirms that none of them stand a chance against a krayt dragon. The book details how "Tatooine's top predators are positively gigantic - and exactly how big they can grow has yet to be determined!" Although Krayt dragons primarily hunt "innocent prey like Jawas, Tuskens and banthas," they are more than capable of killing an adult sarlacc. This is an impressive feat considering how Return of the Jedi extolled sarlaccs as terrifying predators that digested their prey over 1,000 years.
Krayt Dragons Use Sarlacc Pits to Hunt
Maybe they should be called "krayt pits"
After a krayt dragon kills a sarlacc, they often take control of a sarlacc pit and use it to hunt other prey. The pit offers plenty of protection while also being close enough to the surface for a krayt dragon to sense movement in the sand and quickly attack a creature. This means Jabba the Hutt was lucky a krayt dragon never took over the Great Pit of Carkoon and attacked his barge while he was sending captives to their deaths.
There are several different species of Krayt dragon
This explains the different representations in Star Wars
Star Wars Bestiary also clarifies that there are several different species of krayt dragons on Tatooine. This would help explain how different Star Wars Stories have visually depicted krayt dragons, from the krayt dragon walking above ground in the video game Legends Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to the dragon Krayt that lies beneath the sand in The Mandalorian season 2. Krayt dragon species include "the sixteen-limbed, venom-spewing krayt leviathan dragon; the great greater krayt; and the smallest canyon krayt."
According to legend, ancient Krayt dragons had wings
A trait suitable for something called a dragon
One of the most surprising facts Star Wars Bestiary is the legend passed down by the people of Tatooine. The natives of the planet believe that extinct species of krayt dragon had wings and could flysimilar to the traditional legend of dragons in the real world. However, there are no recordings or physical evidence to support this idea, so it is up to readers to decide whether they believe this to be true within the Star Wars universe.
Krayt Dragon Venom Explained
They breathe acid instead of fire
The Krayt dragon's venom was one of the most horrible surprises in The Mandalorian 2nd season and Star Wars Bestiary reveals more about this. The poison is mainly intended for "ward off aggressors" from a distance, although its acidic properties mean it can melt through most creatures. When venom remains inside a kyrat dragon, it serves to help it digest its food.
Krayt dragons are hunted for their pearls
The Sand People value them
Finally, although krayt dragons are Tatooine's apex predator, Star Wars Bestiary clarifies that they are hunted for their pearls. Although it seemed like finding a krayt dragon pearl was simply a bonus after killing him in The Mandalorian in season 2, it turns out to be a highly sought after treasure. The Tuskens even believed that krayt dragon bones contained magic and would collect them during his travels through the desert. This is one of the most fascinating revelations in the book, adding more clarity to the nature of krayt dragons in Star Wars.