Star Trek revealed fascinating new information about the Star Trek: Section 31 covert operations team led by Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh as Emperor Philippa Georgiou. Directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi and written by Craig Sweeny, Star Trek: Section 31 premieres Friday, January 24th, on Paramount+. Section 31 is the first Star Trek film made for streaming on Paramount+. Excitingly, Section 31 is the first new Star Trek film since Star Trek Beyond'premieres in theaters in 2016.
Star TrekThe official Instagram page has released a series of character cards highlighting the franchise's 'Rogues and Scoundrels', with special emphasis on the new and familiar faces of Star Trek: Section 31. Six of Section 31The well-known seven-member team received character cardsexcept until now Star Trek: The Next GenerationThe future captain of the USS Enterprise-C, Rachel Garrett (Kacey Rohl). But that could be because Garrett is a member of Starfleet tasked with keeping Section 31 in check and is therefore not a rogue. Here it is Star Treknew information about Section 31characters.
Filipa Georgiou
The Emperor
Emperor Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) is Star Trek: Section 31the best-known entity. Georgiou comes from Star Trek: Discoverywhere she was the ruler of the Mirror Universe's Terran Empire before Philippa jumped to Star TrekMain timeline. A big question about what happened to Emperor Georgiou after the Guardian of Forever (Paul Guilfoyle) sent her back in time to Star Trek: Discovery is answered by Georgiou's Instagram Star Trek character card:
Unable to return to the Terran Empire, Emperor Philippa Georgiou lives under a new alias as the owner of The Baraam, a nightclub operating outside Federation space. That is, until Section 31 recruits her to help protect the Federation while facing the sins of her past.
It is clear that Emperor Georgiou landed in Star Trekearly 24th century "it was lost" decades before Star Trek: The Next Generation. Georgiou went into hiding under a false name and opened a nightclub called The Baraam, where the United Federation of Planets has no reach. Georgiou becomes a Section 31 recruitbut, knowing the Emperor, she will not take orders for long and will probably take command at the first opportunity.
Alok Sahar
The brain
Alok Sahar (Omari Hardwick) is the leader of Star Trek: Section 31of the covert operations team. As evidenced in Star Trek: Section 31In the trailer, Alok knows who Emperor Georgiou is and recruits her for a secret mission. A mysterious figure himself, Alok's Star Trek Instagram Character Card sheds some light on this provision of Section 31:
Alok Sahar is a strategic genius who leads a special team of Section 31 agents. Sahar is driven to make amends for his past actions by serving the greater good, which involves tracking down and recruiting Emperor Philippa Georgiou for a secret mission.
In addition to revealing Alok Sahar's full name, his Instagram character card indicates that the Section 31 team leader is "a strategic genius" who is it "driven to make amends for the actions of his past." This makes Alok curiously similar to Emperor Georgiouand the two alphas are bound to butt heads. Alok seems to embody all the darkness of Section 31.
The Enigma
Quasi (Sam Richardson) is already known to be a Chameloid, and he is only the second of his shapeshifting race to be seen in Star Trek. Almost follows in the footsteps of Martia (Iman), the criminal of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. Almost Star Trek Instagram Character Card reveals more intriguing details about chameloids and Section 31The resident Changeling of:
No one has ever known the true form of a Chameloid before, perpetuating their status as a myth as they never show their real appearance, which suits Quasi perfectly as a member of Section 31. He has no interest in the illusion of “utopia” and in many other things, especially you.
So, Quasi's appearance in Star Trek: Section 31 It's not Chameloid's true form, which is an intriguing mystery. Quasi also isn't interested in Gene Roddenberry's film Star Trek vision of "Utopia" of the Federation, although it fights to preserve it as a member of Section 31. Interestingly, it has already been revealed that It's almost physical. His knowledge of physics and his status as a shapeshifting Chameloid make Quasi a doubly dangerous member of Section 31.
The Machine
Despite his cybernetic appearance, Zeph (Rob Kazinsky) is not a member of the Borg Collective. Zeph looks like a walking arsenal and likely serves as Section 31's heavy artillery. Zeph's Star Trek Instagram Character Card reveals fascinating new details about the armored Section 31 agent:
Mechanical life is not just about brute strength. The human Zeph lives, works and everything else inside his mechanical exoskeleton, extracting the right tools in his work as a Section 31 agent.
Zeph never takes off his exoskeletonwhich could mean he is permanently a cyborg. Star Trek also previously established that Zeph is extremely loyal to Alok Sahar, suggesting that they may have a shared history that goes back a long way. The question is: what kind of opposing force will Section 31 encounter that will require the kind of weaponry used by Zeph?
The lover
Many questions surround Melle (Humberly Gonzalez), Star Trek: Section 31It's Agent Deltan. The bald and attractive Melle is one of the few Deltans seen in Star Trek from the original Deltan, Lieutenant Ilia (Persis Khambatta), in Star Trek: the movie. Melle's Star Trek Instagram Character Card highlights how the Section 31 agent is different from his predecessor, Lieutenant Ilia:
While most Deltans take an oath of celibacy upon joining Starfleet, Melle uses her irresistible magnetism to the benefit of Section 31. After all, she is in a league of her own.
Lieutenant Ilia joined Starfleet and took an oath of celibacy, but As a Section 31 agent, Melle operates outside of Starfleet. The main sighting of Melle in Star Trek: Section 31The trailer shows her working at Emperor Georgiou's nightclub, The Barram, so perhaps Melle is Georgiou's employee who follows the Emperor to Section 31. Hopefully, Melle will reinvent the Deltans for a new era in Star Trek, as a legacy alien character who Star Trek: Section 31 is giving new prominence to.
The maniac
Fuzz (Sven Ruygrok) is another wild card in Star Trek: Section 31. Fuzz's pointy ears suggest he's a Vulcan, but everything about his character's emotional instability suggests he could be a Romulan. However, it might be more interesting if Fuzz is a Vulcan who can't control his emotionswhich would make it very dangerous. Fuzz's Star Trek Instagram Character Card Tips on Fuzz's wild mood swings:
Fuzz can switch from hysterical laughter to unfiltered rage in the blink of an eye. He's a fun guy until he isn't. Just don't suggest anger management sessions to this Section 31 agent.
Vulcans are known for their logic and keen intelligence, while Romulans are feared for their insidious nature. Maybe Fuzz is a Vulcan and Romulan hybridhow Lt. Saavik (Kirstie Alley) was originally designed to be in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Vulcans who acted like villains tormented Star Trek countless times. Which side is Fuzz really on? Star Trek: Section 31 it's worth keeping an eye on.
Source: Star Trek Instagram