Ark: Survival Ascendeds Aberration The expansion pack is now out, bringing a wide variety of new features to the game. Most notable is the introduction of a new, expansive map, consisting of various layers of cave passages flooded with mutating radiation and strange new creatures. However, there are also many new plants to grow, new recipes to make, new tools to use and, of course, new dinos to tame.
Aberration Is the third DLC map free for ASAAnd one of the biggest yet - Not only by surface area, which is really significant, but also by new features introduced. Although a re-release of the map with the same name for the original version of the game (Ark: Survival Evolved), Aberration Includes some surprises for returning players, too. Here's a look at everything players can expect from these Aberration Expansion pack.
Everything in Ark: Survival Ascended - Aberration's new map
An expansive coffee network and a radiation hazard
Perhaps the most notable change made in ASAs Aberration DLC is the fact that The whole thing takes place on a new map - the title Aberration. This consists of a huge network of multi-layered, criss-cross cave passages that can make navigation difficult - use of a GPS is strongly recommended. Since it is mostly located underground, many of AberrationThe main features and main regions are themed accordingly. To this end, players can find a mushroom forest and a river valley in its fertile lands.
Aberration Also includes a large area full of bioluminescent plants and creaturesDivided into four main regions: a set of crystalline swamps, a hidden grotto, the luminous marshlands, and the overlook. With their combination of glowing plants and animals and large water features, they make for very visually impressive sights - but the beauty of ASAIts shiny scenery can be a distraction from the powerful enemies that can spawn here.
AberrationHis third and final underground area is set on the banks of an elemental river. Bathing the deep caverns in a bright purple light, the river is gorgeous and deadly. Between that environmental risk and the hordes of strong ASA creatures that praise there, This is generally considered the most dangerous area of Aberration.
finally, Aberration Also includes a small above-ground area called the surface. This is the easiest place to find Oil, and also the only place on the map where Supply Drops will spawn. however, Players can only safely explore the Surface area at nightBecause the earth is covered with magma during the day. It is all too easy to drop a full inventory of items here, and they can sometimes be lost permanently depending on when and where they are dropped.
apart from all this, Players will also need to deal with a particular environmental hazard as they explore Aberration: radiation. Part of AberrationThe map is rife with deadly waves of radiation, and like other poisons, radiation cannot be purified. Players will have to plan ahead when traversing this harsh terrain – hazard suits are basically necessary. Some creatures, like Aberrant Megalosaurus, are also immune to radiation, and can be mounted to crawl over it.
New dinos and other creatures in Ark: Survival Ascended - Aberration
Glowing dogs, climbing dragons and repairs
In order to navigate Aberrations dark passages, players will need reliable light sources. Torches may be enough, but often are not enough - Instead, there are a wide variety of glowing creatures available To cast reliable light on great cave walls. One of the most reliable is the Bulbdog, a small canine creature that can ride on the player's shoulder. A bulbdog will consistently project light on its surroundings, which can be incredibly useful not only in navigation, but also in buffing some of its deadliest dinosaurs.
And speaking of shoulder pads, Players can also tame small web-spinners called Cosmo Spiders ASA: Aberration. The big-eyed arachnids can automatically collect webs from bigger, more hostile spiders, which they recycle into ammunition. Webs can also be used to pick things up from far away, or even to perform Spider-Man Style swings across Aberrations deep canyons.
As for larger creatures, Players can attempt to tame Rock Drakes Aberration In order to quickly scale its large stone walls. Basilisks are tamed from Rock Drake eggs, but also have some serious combat abilities, and can deal large amounts of damage while also inflicting torpor on enemies. Basilisks can also burrow into the ground, which allows them to use a kind of stealth mechanic to get past enemies and scope out large areas.
Like Basilisk, some creatures in Aberration Have unique taming procedures, including what may be the weirdest mechanic in Ark. The repair is probably Aberrations most powerful creature, but in order to tame one, Players will need to find a Reaper Queen and allow it to impregnate them. Sometime later, they will give birth to their own Reaper, and once it grows up, they can start riding it into battle.
The Yi Ling is a new creature Introduced in the ascended version of Ark. It is a fan-designed dinosaur that was selected for inclusion after winning a fan poll. Yi Ling uses its feathers as its primary method of attack: it fires them into enemy humans or creatures, and "ActivateS" them to deal large amounts of damage at once and refill its feather ammo stores. The feathers can also slow enemies on impact.
New Items in Ark: Survival Ascended - Aberration
Resources, equipment, tools and more
Players will have plenty of new materials to pick from as they explore Aberrations map. Fungal wood can be gathered from large mushroomsAnd used almost anywhere regular old wood can be in crafting basic tools and structures. It can also be used in crafting more unique Aberration Materials, including climbing picks, carkino saddles and portable rope ladders. Since the entire map is basically one big cave, players can collect three different types of multicolored gems (red, green and blue), along with the purple element ore, which can be used in a variety of different crafting recipes.
Aberration Also includes several different types of edible mushroomsEach of which has different effects. Aggaric mushrooms offer immunity to poisons found in fertile biomes, like those secreted by red mushrooms. Aquatic mushrooms provide immunity to poisons found in bioluminescent areas, specifically the kind of freezing spores. Acerbic mushrooms work against elemental poisons, and auric mushrooms against torpor.
Players will also need to use a number of new tools to survive AberrationIncluding the five-piece Hazard Suit. This will protect them from radiation, allowing them to pass irradiated areas and collect the rare materials inside without damage. They will also benefit from crafting climbing picks, which will allow them to scale the high stone walls in the cave. Glider suits further help navigate the highly vertical areas of the map, while glow sticks and charge lanterns help illuminate the dark. Charge Lanterns can also be used to shoot powerful light beams that weaken enemies.
There are also several options for getting up and down steep surfaces Get in quickly Aberration. Besides using creatures to scale walls, players can build elevators or craft ladders to quickly climb vertically.
In the new expansion pack, Players can choose the Aberrant skins for their helmets and swords. Other cosmetics include a fun set of cute helmets and masks: the images of a bulbdog, chili pepper, dinosaur and otter.
These are all the main new creatures, items and mechanics in ASAs Aberration DLC. However, there is a ton more to discover in the expansion itself; Players will have to dive in and explore to find absolutely everything. But, how Aberration Could be the biggest DLC Ark: Survival Ascended Still saw, they might get lost along the way.