Every type of raptor in the Jurassic Park movies, ranked by lethality

Every type of raptor in the Jurassic Park movies, ranked by lethality

The Jurassic Park Franchise is famous for hosting a wide variety of dinosaur speciesIncluding the famous velociraptors, and each one has its own level of lethality. Since the release of the first film in 1993, the franchise has become synonymous with dinosaurs, with many TV shows and movies referencing them. Jurassic Park Over the years. The $6 billion franchise hosts six movies divided into two trilogies, Jurassic Park And Jurassic Worldand a seventh film entitled Jurassic World Rebirth is expected to be released in July 2025.

As one of the most famous franchises about dinosaurs, Jurassic Park Must provide the best and scariest species. There have been some interesting iterations of dinosaurs in the movies, such as the Therizinosaurus in Jurassic World Dominion. however, The Jurassic Park Franchise has a soft spot for velociraptorsWith raptors such as Blue even making a recurring appearance, there have been many deadly variations of the species throughout the films.



The Oviraptor appears in the extended cut

The Oviraptor is a unique-looking raptor because it has a beak instead of the usual teeth that other raptors have. However, the Oviraptor also has teeth in the roof of its mouth, which makes it a highly unusual feature, with scientists suspecting the creature is an omnivore. Despite other dinosaurs They are exaggerated in size, such as the velociraptors are much bigger in Jurassic Park, The Oviraptor is one of the few dinosaurs in the franchise whose size is consistent with its real-life counterpart..


appearing in an extended scene in Jurassic World DominionThe Oviraptor is shown in a pit fight against a Listrosaurus, a small creature that was quite docile. Shockingly, although the oviraptor was aggressive, The Lystrosaurus decapitated the Oviraptor in one bitecausing it to run around headless. As the Oviraptor is defeated by a small herbivore, it is definitely one of the less deadly raptors in the Jurassic Park Movies.



One of the only feathered dinosaurs in the franchise

Jurassic Park has been somewhat criticized for its lack of scientific accuracy regarding the appearance of the dinosaurs, as some had feathers as opposed to dark scaly skin. Therefore, the franchise introduced the aesthetically accurate pyroraptor dinosaur in Jurassic World Dominion. Owen Grady and Kayla Watts encountered a hostile pyroraptor on a frozen lake Near the Biosin Shrine, after they crash-landed.

The pyroraptor has been shown to be very aggressive in Jurassic World Dominion As it has no hesitation about squaring up to two humans, despite being on its own. Interestingly, the pyroraptor dived under the ice to pursue its targets, showing impressive swimming skills, as well as incredible speed running on the icy surface. As a result, The pyroraptor could have easily killed Owen and Kayla Did they not reach the safety of the elevator in time, demonstrating the raptor's lethality both on land and in the water.



Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Has a Raptor Hybrid

as one of Jurassic Park s fictional dinosaurs, The Indoraptor is unique to the franchise because half of its DNA comes from another fictional dinosaur; The indominus rex. in Jurassic WorldThe Indominus Rex is introduced as the main antagonist after it breaks free from its confinement and is made with Velociraptor DNA. This led Blue's pack to accept the Indominus Rex as their alpha, which they turned against their previous alpha, Owen Grady.

in Jurassic World: Fallen KingdomThe Indoraptor was first seen at the Lockwood Manor auction and was introduced as Dr. Henry III's Indominus Rex and Velociraptor hybrid.

in Jurassic World: Fallen KingdomThe Indoraptor was first seen at the Lockwood Manor auction and was introduced as Dr. Henry III's Indominus Rex and Velociraptor hybrid. With heightened intelligence and trained response to a laser targeting system, The Indoraptor was engineered to be the next generation of dinosaur that could wield weapons. However, his escape led to many deaths as the Indoraptor became uncontrollable. The Indoraptor is eventually killed by the Velociraptor, Blue, showing that bigger doesn't always mean deadlier.



The Jurassic Park Staple appears in every film

Velociraptors appeared in each Jurassic Park Movie since 1993, although they have changed something over the years. The early velociraptors in the Jurassic Park Trilogy was much more violent than theirs Jurassic World counterpartsAs they are wild dinosaurs as opposed to the raptor pack that was trained by Owen Grady. Although the Raptor Pack is led by a human alpha, they are definitely no less deadly, and it shows in Jurassic World.


Despite Blue and her pack's alliance with Owen, the Velociraptors cannot ignore their behavior when the Indominus Rex becomes their alpha, and they turn on the humans. Velociraptors' ability to work as a pack, using stealth attacks and "Overwhelmed"Tact, makes them a deadly enemy. Over the Jurassic Park franchise, Velociraptors have been responsible for the deaths of multiple humans, as well as dinosaurs that were genetically engineered to be better than them, such as the Indominus Rex and the Indoraptor. As the staple dinosaurs in the franchise, it's no surprise then that velociraptors are one of the deadliest.



The Atrociraptor is introduced in Jurassic World Dominion

As a pack animal, the Atrociraptor is similar to the Velociraptor, especially since they are almost the same size. The astroraptors were first seen in Jurassic World Dominion As a pack of four trained by Suiona Santos to be weaponized dinosaurs. This pack is different from Owen's velociraptor pack, as the atrociraptors have red hues and a strong build, and are much faster than velociraptors. Much like the Indoraptor, The Atroraptors are also trained with a laser targeting systemWhich causes them to lock onto their target and use any means to defeat them, as director and co-writer Colin Trevorrow explains:

Where the velociraptor is a bit more of a stealth hunter, the atrociraptors are a bit more brutal. Things will just come to you. And in this particular case, they've taken his scent, and they won't stop until he's dead. They are quite brutal. They are pretty angry.

in Jurassic World DominionThe raptors kill multiple agents as ordered by Suiona, and also chase after Claire and Owen, who narrowly escape the dinosaurs. While their kill count is significantly lower than velociraptors, the atroraptors only appear in one Jurassic Park movie, and there is still potential for them because they are alive at the end of the film. While most raptors are quite deadly, The Atroraptors are basically faster, modern, weaponized versions of Velociraptorswhich have continuously proved their aggressive nature, making the Atrociraptor the deadliest raptor in the Jurassic Park Franchise.

Source: Empire