Every Tiefling Subrace in Baldur's Gate 3, Explained

Every Tiefling Subrace in Baldur's Gate 3, Explained

The Tiefling is a famous and popular breed in Dungeons and Dragons and is equally popular among Baldur's Gate 3 players. Typically, they appear as humanoid creatures with horns and devilish skin colors ranging from red, orange, blue, and purple. Many Tieflings also have horns, scaly skin, glowing eyes with dark sclerae, and many other unnatural features. They also have resistance to Fire and Dark Vision, regardless of subclass..

Tieflings generally inherit their appearance from their ancestors. They are descended from demons, although it is not uncommon for someone to become a Tiefling after making a deal or provoking a demon. Some Tieflings are also abyssal and do not have any hellish origins. Tiefling players can choose to be part of one of three subraces in BG3dating back to one of the rulers of the Nine Hells: Asmodeus, Mephistopheles and Zariel.

Asmodeus Tieflings descend from the King of the Nine Hells

Most Tieflings are part of Asmodeus' bloodline

Asmodeus rules Nessus, the deepest layers of Hell, and is considered the general ruler of the Nine Hells and the entire demon race. He is the embodiment of legal evil - although he is the best-educated of the archdukes, he rules with an iron fist and believes he is the only one capable of leading his kingdom to glory. He is one of the most powerful beings in the Forgotten Realms, possibly second only to Ao, the Supreme God.. He can also turn any demon into an archdevil, which is what he did to Zariel after her fall.

In Dungeons and Dragons, Asmodeus Tieflings have a stronger intellect than the rest of their relatives. The Asmodeus bloodline is considered the most common, and the typical appearance of a red-skinned devilish humanoid is based on its image. Tieflings born of his bloodline are gifted with the control of fire and darkness - Asmodeus's home, Nessus, is located in the void and is a wasteland ravaged by frequent firestorms. Most Tiefling NPCS are of this bloodline, although some significant Asmodeus tieflings include Alfira, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor.

In Early Access, Asmodeus Tieflings received a +2 bonus to Charisma and a +1 bonus to Intelligence, which is how the subrace works in Dungeons and Dragons. However, this is no longer the case to encourage more creativity. The Hellish Rebuke spell uses the character's Charisma modifier to determine damage, meaning that This subclass is best paired with a Charisma-based spellcaster such as a Bard, Sorcerer, or Warlock. This subrace is generally the “default” choice for Tieflings.

Mephistopheles Tieflings dates back to the ruler of Cania

Tieflings descended from Mephistopheles are magically gifted

Mephistopheles is the ruler of the eighth level of the Nine Hells, Cania. Despite maintaining a diplomatic and level-headed facade, he has a cruel temper and often flies into a rage. He is driven by his passion for power and the study of magic, a trait passed on to his Tieflings.granting them enhanced magical abilities and spells such as Magic Hand


Descendants of the archdevil Mephistopheles, these Tieflings are gifted with a particular affinity for arcane magic.

Although Arabella's infernal heritage is never specified, she is likely a descendant of Mephistopheles, given her affinity for magic and similarity to the standard Tiefling Mephistopheles in appearance.

Cania is one of the most dangerous planes in the world Dungeons and Dragons tradition, as the coldest and least habitable of all the Nine Hells. Mephistopheles can live there due to his mastery of fire, an ability he also passed on to the Tieflings in his bloodline with spells like Burning Hands and Flaming Blade. Mephistopheles is highly versed in the realm of magic and is almost unmatched in terms of arcane power. Due to the bloodline's strong focus on this type of magic, a wizard character would work best with this lineage thematically.

Something that many players may miss is that Raphael is the son of Mephistopheles and heir to his throne. This explains how he is so powerful despite being half mortal, as his father is much more powerful than a normal demon. This information is revealed after walking away and giving Raphael the Crown of Karsus in the final cutscene, which many players are dissuaded from doing, or can be discovered using the " Talk to the dead

" spell on Harleep, where they will tell the player that Mephistopheles sent them to keep an eye on Raphael.

Zariel Tieflings come from the ruler of Avernus

Zariel's Tieflings are frontline fighters

Assuming they found and recruited Karlach in BG3Zariel is the Archdevil players will hear most about – the player quickly learns about her antics, as shown in Double DoorZariel's video sends a band of fake paladins to hunt down Karlach. Zariel is a fallen angel who became the Archdevil and is the ruler of the first hell, Avernus. Zariel is determined to win the Blood War between demons and demons, in which Karlach also fought. Zariel is a sadistic ruler motivated by war and bloodshed, and the Tieflings of his bloodline have abilities that allow them to excel in battle..

Tieflings of Zariel's bloodline are gifted with martial strength and can channel scorching flames to punish their enemies.

When it comes to dealing damage, the Zariel bloodline is without a doubt the best - especially for frontline fighters like barbarians and paladins. Tieflings of this bloodline also gain the Thaumaturgy

trick, normally a trait held by all Tieflings in Dungeons and Dragons. Interestingly, Karlach is the only Zariel Tiefling player will encounter, as she was the only Zariel tiefling to escape the Hells - perhaps one of two if the player chooses this subrace. Unfortunately, there are no dialogue options to establish this connection.

While several Tiefling subraces didn't make it into the game, the options players were given have great potential for compelling characters and efficient class builds. In abilities and aesthetics, Tieflings are one of the most fun races to play with Baldur's Gate 3 and has some of the most notable stories in Dungeons and Dragons. All three subraces have their strengths, although many are better suited to specific classes than others.

Source: DoubleGate/YouTube