From Harvey Specter trying to right a past wrong to one last stunt to save the company, Suits It had a lot of great series finales. TV shows – especially those with multiple episodes per season and lasting for many years – are known for saving the best for last and ending each season with big twists and cliffhangers. It was no different for Suitsa show that often had two main storylines per season that converged a bit towards the end.
Although everyone has their list of the best Suits seasons, it's fair to say that each season has had at least a few great moments. In fact, even the show's weakest seasons would have a strong ending, which is why many of the SuitsThe best episodes are actually season finales. Between betrayals and marriages, Suits knew how to close a season, although some finals were better than others.
Season 8, Episode 16
Like the first season without Mike, Rachel and Jessica Suits season 8 had the difficult task of making the audience care about many new interactions between characters. Although the only major new character in Season 8 was Samantha Wheeler, names like Robert Zane and Alex Williams were now more important than ever following all the Suits cast members who left the show. It took a while for this “new Suits” to begin with, which is why Season 8, Episode 16, “Harvey” is arguably the least interesting series finale in the series.
With Harvey in danger of being disbarred for breaking attorney-client privilege, the partners at Specter Zane Litt had to make choices and compromises. While putting Harvey's future in question could have been a fun way to ratchet up the tension, it was clear he was going to be okay by the end of the season. After everything that's happened with Mike and Jessica, Suits obviously wasn't going to kick Harvey out either. Robert Zane's sacrifice was predictableand confirmed how Season 8 was very low stakes.
Season 1, Episode 12
“Dog fight”
Although most episodes of Suits had to do with corporate law and million-dollar businesses, “Dog Fight” revisited Harvey’s days in the DA’s office while trying to prove the innocence of a man he helped get convicted several years ago. This marked the introduction of Terrence Wolf, the new district attorney who didn't want to play by Harvey's rules. “Dog Fight” was a direct continuation of the previous episode, during which we began to learn more about Harvey’s past as an assistant district attorney.
For a show whose initial premise was about Mike Ross, it's interesting how Suits the first season ended with a character study of Harvey Spectre. That said, Mike's story also had some twists, especially after Trevor came back and discovered that Mike and Jenny were dating. Seeking revenge, Trevor, who knew Mike wasn't a lawyer, went to Pearson Hardman and told Jessica the truth about Harvey's new partner. While “Dog Fight” was a good episode overallits ending raised the stakes for the show and set up an exciting Season 2.
Season 6, Episode 16
“Character and aptitude”
After Mike was arrested, put on trial, and convicted in Suits In Season 5, it was hard to imagine what else the show could do with his character that would feel so important. Perhaps one of the most disappointing aspects of Mike's story in Suits it was how easily he got out of prison, especially after how the Season 5 finale was about him choosing to protect Harvey and the rest of the company no matter what. Despite the two-year sentence at the end of season 5 Mike got out of prison before the midseason finale.
“Character and Fitness” was a well-executed episode, with Jessica’s sacrifice making it even better.
The only obstacle left for his character was passing the bar and becoming a real lawyer. Suits season 5 ended with a stressful test where everything was on the line. Season 6 tried to recapture that magic, with Mike standing in front of the New York State Bar. Considering how easy it was for Mike to get out of prison, I found it hard to even consider that he wouldn't become a lawyer until the end of the season. Still, “Character and Fitness” was a well-executed episode, with Jessica’s sacrifice making it even better.
Season 7, Episode 16
Before Suits' series finale, the show had its “first ending” when Patrick J. Adams and Meghan Markle left the cast at the end of Season 7. “Good-Bye” feels like a series finale in almost every way, and it’s not unfair to say that Suits could – or should – have ended after Mike and Rachel got married. With Mike serving his time and becoming a real lawyer, there was nothing left for his character to accomplish, with the only remaining story being what his and Rachel's future would be like.
The problem with “Good-Bye” is that it wasn’t just the conclusion of Mike and Rachel’s stories – it was also a secret pilot for the Jessica Pearson spin-off that was about to happen. For an episode that should have been focused on saying goodbye to characters who were about to leave the series, “Good-Bye” had a lot going on and barely spent any time with Mike. Harvey spends most of the episode in Chicago, and Jessica doesn't even make it to the wedding.
Season 4, Episode 16
“It’s not just a pretty face”
SuitsThe flashback episodes were hit and miss, with some being much more interesting to watch than others. Fortunately, “Not Just a Pretty Face” was one of the good ones. To explain what is going on between Harvey and Charles Forstman in the present, “Not Just a Pretty Face” takes us back to Harvey’s final days in the DA’s office and reveals how he made a deal with the devil to help his brother. Harvey's family matters have always been a sensitive part of his character and it has always been interesting to learn more about his past.
“Not Just a Pretty Face” was one of the few flashback episodes in Suits where the flashback part was actually more interesting than everything that was happening in the present. Yet, Louis' praise for Norma was very movingand Mike and Rachel's engagement was the natural next step in their characters' journey. Suits Season 4 ended with Donna leaving her position as Harvey's secretary to work for Louis, echoing how, at the end of the flashbacks, she began working for Harvey after assuring him that they would never get together and remain just working partners.
Season 2, Episode 16
Suits The main plot of Season 2 was one of many battles over the company's fate, and it all led up to Harvey's deal with Darby to avoid the merger. This was the first time in Suits that Harvey blatantly acted against Jessica's best interests, which, at the time, he judged were not the company's best interests. This resulted in one of the most interesting and high-stakes episodes of Suits. To complicate things, Harvey brought Mike into the mess, but he didn't expect Jessica to use her influence on him.
Seeing Harvey and Jessica go behind each other's backs was a mixed bag of emotions, although it was a great ending. Furthermore, the fact that Mike Ross betrayed Harvey Specter by not telling him about Jessica's threat made everything more dramatic. Suits'seasons 2 and 3 were some of the series' bestand one of the highlights of this “Derby saga” was precisely the end of the 2nd season. Harvey and Mike's relationship came close to breaking point and was only repaired later in the third season. This is also when Mike tells Rachel the truth.
Season 3, Episode 16
“There is no way out”
Mike was only exposed for his Harvard fraud midway through Season 5, but that wasn't the first time he was arrested. In “No Way Out,” Mike is taken in by the FBI under orders from Eric Woodwall, who believes he and Harvey tempered a witness to win the Ava Hessignton case. Although Mike initially thinks his secret has been exposed, he soon understands that Eric Woodwall is after Harvey. Mike would never betray Harvey in a situation like this, but the fact that the FBI also had Harold made things more complicated.
Seeing Harvey and Louis come to the rescue was the perfect conclusion to a great season.
Set almost entirely within an interrogation room “No Way Out” is not only one of the best Suits series finale, but also one of the best episodes of the series in general. He doesn't waste time with B plots and recognizes how delicate Mike's situation is. For three seasons, it seemed like Harvey and Mike were invincible, but “No Way Out” showed that wasn't the case. Seeing Harvey and Louis come to the rescue was the perfect conclusion to a great season.
Season 9, Episode 10
“One last trick”
Ending a nine-season show that has had many ups and downs is no easy task, but Suits' series finale did that. With many things to resolve and many stories to close, “One Last Con” found time to give each remaining character their time in the spotlight. Everyone got the ending they deserved, from Mike coming back to help his best friend once again to Harvey accepting that it was time for a change. Although there were two marriages and the birth of a baby, SuitsThe series finale also had a classic case of Harvey and Mike winning.
company name |
Season(s) |
Gordon Schmidt Van Dyke |
Pre-show |
Pearson Hardman |
Seasons 1-2 |
Pearson |
Season 2 |
Pearson Darby |
Season 3 |
Pearson Darby Spectrum |
Season 3 |
Pearson spectrum |
Season 3 |
Pearson Specter Litt |
Seasons 4-7 |
Litt Spectrum |
Season 7 |
Zane Specter Litt |
Seasons 7-8 |
Zane Specter Litt Wheeler Williams |
Season 8 |
Litt Wheeler Williams Spectrum |
Season 9 |
Litt Williams Spectrum |
Season 9 |
Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett |
Season 9 |
The title “One Last Con” tied in perfectly with the Season 9 finale, as it saw Harvey and Mike teaming up for the last time on the show. Their mission now was to stop Feye from destroying the company – or at least what it stood for – while making sure no one got caught in the crossfire. Mike had to play both sides of the process, and it was good to see how Suits'“Batman and Robin” still knew how to work together. “One Last Con” was a beautiful farewell to Suits.
Season 5, Episode 16
“25th Hour”
Suits had a lot of great characters and stories, but the original premise and biggest hook of the show was Harvey Specter hiring someone who didn't have a law degree as his junior associate. Suits I played with Mike's secret several timesand many characters have come close to discovering it or have discovered it. In fact, when he was arrested for fraud in episode 10 of season 5, most Suits the characters already knew Mike's secret.
Still, everything from the moment Mike was arrested to the conclusion of his trial in “25th Hour” was incredible and arguably the best part of Suits. Mike and Harvey had already won dozens of cases, but now they faced their biggest challenge. Seeing how Harvey and Mike were ready to go to prison for each other added another layer to their friendship, with Mike's sacrifice at the end cementing his character arc.