Double-bladed lightsabers are rare and deadly variants of lightsabers in the Star Wars franchise, with several Jedi and Sith using them in both the original Legends and modern canon Star Wars continuities. The iconic standard lightsaber is the ancient signature weapon of the Jedi, and although their ancient enemies – the Sith – are a separate faction, the first Sith Lords were former Jedi who fell to the dark side. The Sith have their own culture distinct from that of the Jedi and, appropriately, use their own lightsabers, which typically have red blades.
There are many different types of lightsabers, from the curved lightsaber used by Count Dooku to the light whip, recently put into live action in The Acolyte. The double-bladed lightsaber (also known as a lightsaber) is simply a lightsaber that produces blades on both ends. These weapons are used by a multitude of Jedi and Sith across canon and legend timelines.
Different Types of Double Bladed Lightsaber |
Standard double-bladed lightsaber |
A simple double-bladed lightsaber, like the one used by Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace |
Saber Divider |
A double-bladed lightsaber with a hilt that can be separated, transforming it into two blades |
Pocket knife |
A double-bladed lightsaber with a hinge, meaning the two blades can be held parallel - like the one used by Dark Rey in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker |
Inquisitors' Lightsaber |
An unusual variant of the double-bladed lightsaber, which can even be used as a kind of helicopter blade |
Darth Maul
Canon and Legends
The most famous user of a double-bladed lightsaber is Darth Maul, who gave the weapon its live-action debut in 1999. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. The Legends continuity revealed the origin of Maul's weapon during his rise to Sith Lordship; he found ancient records of the Sith and was inspired to pursue their project. The modern canon - which saw Maul survive his bisection - would arm him with a new saber staff that could be disguised as a cane, as seen in Star Wars Rebels.
Exar Kun
Exar Kun is a former Sith Lord who debuted in the Legends exclusive comics. Kun is the first known user of the double-bladed lightsaber in the world. Star Wars franchise, having built his weapon using an ancient Sith design. Kun's weapon is atypical, with a standard length hilt and two blue blades instead of the traditional Sith red. Exar Kun – and his saber – also exist in the modern canon, with few details known about him.
Satele Shan
Introduced in Star Wars: The Old RepublicJedi Grand Master Satele Shan is shown using five different lightsabers throughout her appearances in the Star Wars Continuity of legends. Four of the five weapons are double-bladed lightsabers, and two of the four were destroyed in combat with the Sith. Although Shan is primarily a saber user, she is known to use a standard lightsaber and a single-bladed sparring lightsaber.
Shan Bastille
Bastila Shan is a Jedi Master, the main character of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republicand an ancestor of Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan. Like Darth Maul, Bastila Shan initially used a standard single-bladed lightsaber, but eventually modified the weapon into a saber.. During his brief turn to the dark side, Shan swapped the yellow crystals on his weapon's lightsaber for red ones, but restored the weapon's original gems by cleansing himself of the dark side's corruption.
Komari Vosa
Once Count Dooku's padawan, Komari Vosa fell to the dark side after being captured and tortured by the cult known as Bando Gora. After her mind broke, Vosa became the new leader of the Gora Pack and used a pair of curved-hilt lightsabers with red blades. Although Vosa is never shown using this feature, lightsabers could be connected to the hilts, transforming them into a saber.
Asajj Ventress
Canon and Legends
Asajj Ventress appears in both the original Legends continuity and the modern canon, with each timeline giving her a different background and story. One thing both iterations have in common, however, is that she uses two red-bladed lightsabers; in Legends, they belonged to Komari Vosa. Unlike Vosa, Ventress is occasionally shown using her two lightsabers as a double-bladed lightsaber..
Jaro Tapal
Jedi Master Jaro Tapal's lightsaber is a blue-bladed saber, as shown in modern canon. Jedi: Fallen Order. During Order 66, Tapal's weapon would be split in half by a high-powered blaster beam. Cal Kestis would carry the halved weapon for years and eventually repair its other half, restoring it to a double-bladed lightsaber.
Cal Kestis
Even after Cal Kestis repaired his master's weapon, it would be destroyed again, forcing Kal to travel to Ilum to find a new Kyber crystal. Not only did Kal bond with a gem, turning it blue, but he also built a new lightsaber by combining parts from Jaro Tapal's weapon with Cere Junda's. As shown in both Jedi: Fallen Order and Jedi: SurvivorWal Kestis's new weapon was highly customizable and could function as a saber or other lightsaber variants.
Pong Krell
The traitorous and loathsome Jedi Master Pong Krell was a short-lived but impactful antagonist in the modern canon. Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Taking advantage of his size, strength, and four arms, Krell wielded two double-bladed, articulated lightsabers with lethal skill. Tragically, he would use his weapons to assassinate clone troopers during the Battle of Umbara.
Imperial Inquisitors
While Imperial Inquisitors exist in both the Legends and modern canon timelines, the latest continuity gives them a much more prominent role, along with more uniform armor and weapons. The standard weapon of Imperial Inquisitors in the modern canon are the distinctive red-bladed, double-sided lightsabers, whose blades can rotate.. While not the most practical feature, the spinning blades gave the Inquisitors a highly intimidating presence.
King Palpatine
Rey imagines herself embracing the dark side and becoming heir to her grandfather, Palpatine, in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. In this vision, Rey sees herself wielding a double-bladed red lightsaber with a folding hilt. The weapon's blades are unstable like those of Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber, perhaps indicating Rey's unfamiliarity with most red-bladed lightsabers.
Jedi Brutes
Large, physically powerful Jedi Guardians who served in the Jedi Temple Security Force were known as Jedi brutes. These Legends-exclusive Jedi were typically armed with double-bladed lightsabers with a pair of blue or green blades. Despite their strength, Darth Vader and the mind-controlled clone troopers of the 501st killed several Jedi brutes at the Jedi Temple during Order 66.
Jastus Farr
Appearing in Star Wars: Purge comics, Jastus Farr was a Jedi Master and a Jedi brute who somehow survived the early stages of Order 66 – perhaps by not being in the Temple during Vader's attack. Like all other Jedi brutes, Farr wielded a double-bladed lightsaber, his weapon being known for its green blades. Farr was formidable enough to challenge Darth Vader himself, but was felled by gunfire from clone troopers – who had been brainwashed into serving the Empire.
Darth Zannah
One of the most unique double-bladed lightsabers in the Star Wars the franchise is Darth Zannah's signature weapon in the Legends continuity. The lightsaber is called the Heart of Bane and its red blades are unusually short. – having been adapted to Zannah's preference for the Soresu defensive lightsaber. The weapon was also rigged to electrocute anyone who tried to use it, except Darth Zannah himself.
Darth Phobos
The ancient Sith Lord Theelin Darth Phobos specialized not only in mental manipulation through the dark side of the Force, but also in lightsaber combat with his red-bladed staff. It is unknown what happened to Darth Phobos' lightsaber, but she died some time before the New Sith Wars. An apparition of Phobos – and his double-bladed lightsaber – appears in 2008 Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.
Savage Oppression
Savage Opress was a member of the modern canon Nightbrothers (a clan of Dathomirians) and brother of Darth Maul. Upon joining the Separatist Alliance, Opress underwent formal Sith training and constructed an enormous double-bladed lightsaber to replace his Nightsister's enchanted polearm. The lightsaber, notably, emitted an animalistic sound as its red blades ignited.
Jorak Uln
The sadistic and mentally unstable Sith Jorak Uln was once the headmaster of the Sith Academy on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. He was eventually usurped by his student, Uthar Wynn, leaving Uln isolated in the Tomb of Tulak Hord, where he would capture Sith students and force them to participate in deadly "lessons." Uln was, unsurprisingly, a skilled duelist, using a reb-bladed saber staff in combat.
Uthar Wynn
Uthar Wynn was the Sith apprentice of the feared Jorak Uln, but he ultimately fought and defeated his master, sparing him and still taking his place as headmaster of Korriban's Sith Academy. Like Uln, Wynn was an extremely powerful Sith who skillfully wielded a double-bladed lightsaber. In a battle with his Sith apprentice – Yuthura Ban – and a redeemed Darth Revan, Wynn was killed in the Tomb of Naga Sadow.
Zez-Kai Ell
Introspective Jedi Master and High Council member Zez-Kai Ell is unique to the original Legends continuity, having debuted in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Ell is largely defined by his criticism of the Jedi Order for their actions during the Jedi Civil War, but he is also a highly skilled warrior who has employed four different forms of lightsaber combat. Ell's weapon of choice was a double-bladed lightsaber with purple blades.
Jaesa Willsaam
Once a humble servant of House Organa of Alderaan, Jaesa Willsaam became a Jedi when the Order discovered her incredible connection to the Force. Willsaam has the uncanny ability to see someone's true nature, and her lightsaber skills are almost so formidable. As a Jedi and later Sith, Jaesa Willsaam wields a double-bladed lightsaber.