Every Star Wars character who could cameo in his next TV show

Every Star Wars character who could cameo in his next TV show

Star Wars upcoming tv show, Star Wars: Skeleton Crewis set during the New Republic era, meaning that many of Star Wars Best characters could make an appearance in the show. Skeleton Crew will prove to be an interesting addition to Star Wars Movies and TV shows. Although details about Skeleton Crew stay largely under wraps, Star Wars confirmed that Skeleton Crew Will follow Jod Na Nawood, a Force-sensitive character played by Jude Law, and a cast of children, lost in the galaxy.

Additionally, the show will feature a remarkably Earth-like planet and, as mentioned, will be set during the New Republic timeline. Because it is set during this point in the Star Wars Timeline, there are a number of main ones Star Wars Characters who were active at the time and may appear in the show. Although these are entirely speculative for now, Here are 10 Star Wars Characters that may have cameos in Skeleton Crew.



Ezra Bridger may be back in the main Star Wars universe

First appeared in: Star Wars Rebels

Currently, it is not clear exactly when Skeleton Crew Will be set in the greater New Republic era. The show is meant to be concurrent with The MandalorianBut the Mandalorian Era is expansive. Because of this, It remains unknown whether Skeleton Crew is set before or after Ahsoka. However, this can have a big impact on anyone on the show.

If Skeleton Crew is determined yet AhsokaEzra Bridger may make an appearance on the show.

Especially if Skeleton Crew is determined yet AhsokaEzra Bridger may make an appearance on the show. in the Ahsoka Finally, Ezra Bridger finally made his way off Peridea, a planet beyond the main one Star Wars Galaxy, where he was trapped alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn and his army. Thrawn's return will undoubtedly trouble the New Republic, but Ezra's return is exciting. In fact, as Nawood is confirmed to be Force-sensitive, Ezra could have an interesting dynamic with Jude Law's character.



Bo-Katan Kryze's whereabouts may be interesting

First appeared in: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Yet again, the exact timing of Skeleton Crew Will prove interesting. However, unlike Ezra Bridger, Bo-Katan Crisis may make an appearance at various points throughout the New Republic era. Bo-Katan was last seen in The Mandalorian Season 3 ending where she was primed to be the new ruler of Mandalore. This means that she Star Wars Future is a bit of a question mark, but a thrilling one.

If Bo-Katan were to appear, it seems unlikely that her appearance would be little more than a brief cameo.

If Bo-Katan were to appear, it is unlikely that her appearance would be more than a brief cameo. instead, Bo-Katan's story is likely to be explored in the upcoming The Mandalorian & Grogu movie or perhaps even in (an unconfirmed) season 4 of The Mandalorian. It certainly seems that Bo-Catan's story is far from over in the franchise; It remains to be seen which project will see you more fully developed. Nevertheless, Bo-Katan can certainly appear in Skeleton Crew Based on the timeline.


Maz Kanata's wisdom would be quite useful

First appeared in: Star Wars: The Force Awakens

One of the more surprising possibilities is that Maz Kanata may make an appearance in Skeleton Crew. In fact, this cameo could be a smart move on Star Wars Part to bridge this era with the Star Wars Sequel trilogy. Maz Kanata ends up playing a massive role throughout the sequel trilogy as someone who has an incredible wealth of knowledge and key connections across the galaxy. Notably, she is also the person who put Anakin's lightsaber in Rey's hand (literally and figuratively), setting the stage for her Jedi future.

Maz Kanata would also make a fair bit of sense given what is currently known about the story. especially, Skeleton Crew Will see Jude Law and the group of children trying to find their way across the galaxy. Who can be of more help to them than Ms. Kanata, who has proved so clever and so lucky?


Han Solo may cross paths with the lost crew

First published in: A New Hope

with Skeleton Crew took place between Return of the Jedi And Star Wars: The Force AwakensIt makes sense that the original Star Wars The heroes of the trilogy may make an appearance. Han Solo is certainly among the possible cameos from the original trilogy cast and charactersAlthough that would, of course, be a bit complicated. Given Han's age at the time, this would require de-aging or re-casting.

However, this realistically makes Han the easiest of the three original trilogy heroes to bring in Skeleton Crewlike Solo: A Star Wars Story Already re-cast the role of Han Solo. Probably, if he was open to him, Alden Ehrenreich, who played Han Solo in SoloMay return to these Star Wars Franchise for a came in Skeleton Crew. If he had also returned to his smuggling ways, it would have been easy enough to be the team with Han.


Hera Syndulla worked for the New Republic during this era

First appeared in: Star Wars Rebels

One character that has proven important during the New Republic era in Star Wars Live-action TV shows is Hera Syndulla, the Rebel pilot of Star Wars Rebels. Hera made the leap from animation to live-action in Ahsoka Along with her colleagues Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger and Chopper the droid. Notably, Hera's son, Jacen Syndulla, whom she had with Jedi Kanan Jarrus before he died, also appeared in the show. Again, it is not clear whether Skeleton Crew Will be set before or after AhsokaHowever, in each case, Hera could certainly make an appearance.

In fact, more than any other Rebels character, Hera seems to have remained critically important throughout the New Republic era. It was clear that she had a high rank and commanded respect in the Ahsoka Show. It is unclear what role she may play Skeleton CrewBut given the timing, Hera Syndulla could certainly appear in the show.


Carson Teva's live-action appearances may continue

First appeared in: The Mandalorian

Carson Teva has proven quite important in Star Wars Live-action TV shows. After being introduced into The MandalorianThe New Republic pilot returned to the Star Wars Screen in The Book of Boba Fett And Ahsoka. In fact, in AhsokaTbe worked very closely with Hara, sometimes even helping her leave with a smile of indifference against the New Republic Senate, which means that maybe the two can even have a cameo together.

Especially given Teva's repeated appearances during this era, arguably rivaled only by Ahsoka Tano herself, it seems likely that Teva could make some sort of appearance in Skeleton Crew. Furthermore, as a pilot, there are a number of ways that Tbe could encounter Jod na Nawood and the group of lost children. It would certainly be wonderful to see Carson Tbe's character again, as his importance in this era is only increasingly clear.


As a bounty hunter, Dean Jirin may make an appearance

First appeared in: The Mandalorian

Of course, as the New Republic era and the Mandalorian era have in some ways become one and the same, It is quite easy to imagine that Dean Jirin could make an appearance in Skeleton Crew. Mainly because of his role as a bounty hunter, it would make sense for Din Djarin to meet the group as they travel through the galaxy. This can also be interesting based on timing.

Both before The Mandalorian And yet The Mandalorian Season 3, Din Djarin works as a bounty hunter. However, earlier in The MandalorianDean Dzarin was a completely different person. Before he became Grogu's adoptive father, Dean Djarin was much rougher, more aggressive, and, arguably, more selfish. If the crew were to encounter Dean Djarin earlier in the Mandalorian era, it could be conflict or at least confrontation between Jod na Nawood and Dean Djarin. If Skeleton Crew is determined yet The Mandalorian Season 3, however, Din Djarin would almost certainly have a soft spot for the kids.


Grugo would almost certainly accompany Dean Dzarin

First appeared in: The Mandalorian

naturally, If Dean Dzarin appears in Skeleton CrewIt almost guarantees that Grogu will also appear. Unless Skeleton Crew is set before The MandalorianAs it turns out, Dzorin and Grugo have already met. If Grogu isn't with Dean Jirin in a potential cameo by The Mandalorian, it would probably mean that Skeleton Crew is set together with The Book of Boba FettWhen Grogu was training with Luke Skywalker.

Although this is not entirely out of the question, it would be a bit of an odd choice. In terms of Din Djarin and Grogu, it would be a wasted opportunity to see the fan-favorite duo return to the screen, which would undoubtedly be a nice little boost ahead of The Mandalorian & Grogu. For the larger show, however, confirm Skeleton Crew At the same time as The Book of Boba Fett Wouldn't do the new show any favors. sad, The Book of Boba Fett is still considered one of the less successful live-action Star Wars TV shows.


Luke Skywalker may be aware of this mysterious Force-user

First published in: A New Hope

Of course, many are waiting to see if Luke Skywalker can make an appearance not only in Skeleton Crew But also in other shows and movies in this era, including The Mandalorian & Grogu And the upcoming Ahsoka Season 2. Luke Skywalker was very actively involved in the New Republic eraWhich was not why, what he had already entered The Mandalorian Season 2 ending and in The Book of Boba Fett. It follows that he can appear in Skeleton Crew.


However, this raises another issue entirely. So far, Luke has come out with a combination of de-aging and recasting, which has worked for the most part. actually, The Book of Boba Fett Has clearly made major improvements after Luke's cameo The Mandalorianwho had already risen, had a bit of an unheard of valley effect. The question now remains, will Star Wars Continue with this practice, or is the franchise ready to recast?


Leia Organa was integral to the New Republic during this time

First published in: A New Hope

Unsurprisingly, questions about Luke Skywalker's whereabouts will inevitably lead to questions about Leia Organa, though her role in the New Republic era has proven much more complicated to navigate. Star Wars. Princess Leia actress Carrie Fisher sadly died earlier Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. For this reason, the franchise clearly hesitated to recast Leia, presumably partly out of respect, with the Ahsoka Show her simply name-dropping and C-3PO appears in her place.

It would admittedly be funny for Skeleton Crew To be the project in which Leia's new actress debuts, although never say never when it comes to Star Wars. moreover, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Already revealed that a quick Leia cameo can work without completely recasting her (but that also causes the invisible valley effect). It is therefore possible that Leia Organa could be among the cameos in Star Wars: Skeleton CrewAlthough it remains to be seen who, if any of the characters, Star Wars will incorporate.