Every Power the Spirits of Woodstone Manor Explained

Every Power the Spirits of Woodstone Manor Explained

Many of the CBS spirits Ghosts have powers, making Woodstone Manor an eccentric place for Sam (Rose McIver) and Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) to live. Ghosts UK, a British series with the same premise, inspired the American series. In both shows, Sam and Allison (Charlotte Ritchie) inherit a country mansion full of ghosts from a distant relative. Ghosts United Kingdom inspires characters in Ghosts USA, with many of the original spirits revealing their ghostly powers in the pilot episode.

When Sam and Jay come to see their new house, they fall in love with it, and the ghosts initially think the new couple isn't so bad after all. However, when the ghosts hear that Sam and Jay want to open the Woodstone B&B, they plan to haunt the couple out of the mansion for good. The spirits pull out all the stops, revealing some of the most impressive ghost powers. The American series continues to grant powers to ghosts with new seasons, so some ghost powers have been revealed since the pilot, while others are yet to be discovered.

Thor can control the lights

Thor Can Harness Electricity After His Lightning-Induced Death

Thor (Devan Chandler Long) is the oldest known ghost on the Woodstone estate. He can control electricity. Thor's power was revealed in Ghosts season 1, episode 1when the ghosts planned a haunting to scare Sam and Jay out of the mansion. Thor's ghost powers arose because he died after being struck by lightning, giving the Viking a robust connection to electrical currents. Thor's power is identical to Robin's in Ghosts United Kingdom since they both died due to lightning.

Jay and the other guests at Woodstone B&B can easily witness Thor's power. For example, in Ghosts season 1, episode 5, "Halloween", Thor burned down Sam and Jay's new gazebo with its electrical connection. Still, the couple living in Woodstone initially assumed that Thor's power was just their mansion's outdated electrical system malfunctioning after years without proper maintenance.

Sass can enter people's dreams

The indigenous spirit is a storyteller

One of the most powerful yet subtle spiritual powers of the Ghosts is Sasappis' ability to enter people's dreams. Sass (Román Zaragoza) uses his power by passing his hand over a sleeping person's head. In doing so, he materializes in the narrative of the person's dream. Sass's ghost power was revealed in Ghosts season 3, episode 2"Man of your dreams." In the episode, he communicated with Jay in several dreams. The Lenape ghost used its power to participate in Jay's dreams and convince him to do various things.

From Ghosts Season 4, Sasappis was the only ghost whose death needed to be revealed.

In a basketball-themed dream, Sass disguised himself as a referee and convinced Jay to invest in a wood-fired pizza oven. In another dream, Sass returned as a psychic, advising Jay to hang the TV over the fireplace for Sam. Seeing Sasappis out of her traditional dress was a real change of pace, as ghost characters can't change the clothes they died in. Still, Sass's ghost power has been underutilized, especially since he is the only ghost who can communicate with Jay while using it.

Isaac makes a bad smell when the living pass by him

Isaac's ghost power is underwhelming

Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) possesses a ghostly power that is unremarkable. Ghosts season 1, episode 1, revealed that Since Isaac died of dysentery, he gives off a bad smell when living people pass by him. The ghost's discouraging power earned him the nickname "Founding Farter" in Ghosts season 4. Isaac and Flor (Sheila Carrasco) release paranormal energy and pass it through a life. However, Isaac's effect is simply a temporary stench.

Isaac has one of the most off-putting ghost powers in the series. In fact, he is embarrassed by it. When Isaac and Nigel started dating, Isaac feared that his ghost power would turn off his partner. While other ghosts can leave the property or interact with the living in a more meaningful way, the Revolutionary War soldier cannot. Yet, Isaac's star power makes up for his underwhelming spiritual power in Ghosts. Isaac is often at the center of activities at Woodstone B&B and influences those around him regardless of their abilities.

Alberta can project a hum that the living can hear

Alberta is a jazz singer

Alberta Haynes (Danielle Pinnock), a Prohibition-era lounge singer, has a transcendent ghost power. This power was revealed in the pilot episode of Ghosts. After his death, Alberta's singing voice projects like a hum that "the living" I can hear. Initially, Alberta's power is one of the most notable in the series; Thor can manipulate electricity and Isaac smells bad, but Alberta can be heard.

In Season 4, Pete implies that Alberta has a lesser ghost power, which is different from how the animated ghost used to fawn over the jazz singer.

Although Alberta's ghost power was one of the most impressive when the series began, Ghosts revealed most intriguing abilities since. Alberta's power is overshadowed in Ghosts Season 4 by Pete's ghost power, shown in Season 3, and the arrival of Patience, who can make walls bleed. In Season 4, Pete (Richie Moriarty) hints that Alberta has a lesser ghost power, which is different from how the animated ghost used to fawn over the jazz singer.

Flower elevates life when they pass by it

The flower stays permanently tall after its death

While not the most useful ghost power, Flower has one of the more eccentric gifts. The hippie died while high on hallucinogenic mushrooms, so when Flower goes through life, she leaves them uncontrollably high. Instead of being useful, Flower's ghost power can confuse things. For example, in Ghosts Season 2, Episode 17, 'Weekend From Hell', Flower passes by Jay, and he creates a recipe for success while high, but can't remember it afterwards.

Unlike some of the other spirits, Flower normally doesn't use her ghost power on purpose.. Flower's power doesn't benefit her beyond the comedic effect of seeing others get too high to function. Considering all the shenanigans at Woodstone, it's a wonder why Sam and Jay didn't utilize Flower's ability more. Disorienting guests or visitors to the Woodstone B&B could have gotten Sam and Jay out of some difficult to explain situations, as Flower's effect makes people forget what happened.

Pete can leave the property

The former Scout troop leader has an impressive talent

Pete, a former Boy Scout troop leader and travel agent, discovered his ghost power later during the show. Still, Pete has one of the most impressive abilities of all the ghosts on the CBS series. In Ghosts season 3, episode 9, "The Travel Agent", Pete discovered he could leave the property by accident when he stepped out of his bounds. The other ghosts were shocked to learn that Pete was not geographically limited, as it is a quality that defines all of their afterlives.

Additionally, Pete's background makes his ghost power more significant. During his life, Pete was a travel agent, but he couldn't go anywhere due to their professional and family commitments. When Pete discovered his power in Season 3, he traveled to the airport and caught a flight to join his daughter's family for the holidays. However, Pete's power has a frightening downside: parts of his body disappear if he leaves Woodstone Estate for too long.

Trevor can move material objects

Trevor's power holds weight

Trevor (Asher Grodman) also has one of the most impressive ghost abilities on the CBS series. Inspired by Julian Fawcett's ability to interact with material objects in Ghosts UNITED KINGDOM, Trevor can interact with the living world. Additionally, her ghost power, revealed in Season 1 Episode 1, is a defining aspect of the series. In the pilot of the American program, Trevor knocks a vase onto the floor, Sam trips over it and falls down the stairs. The moment is the catalyst for Sam's ability to see the dead.

Follow all seasons Ghosts USA on Paramount+.

Trevor's ghost power has real weight in the modern world. While his ability doesn't have much strength, meaning he can't pick up things or open drawers, his ability to press things is significant, as both Sam and Jay have an iPad. Trevor through the iPad can have a real presence in the world of living, using it to text Sam and Jay, trade stocks and try to get a date with Bela (Punam Patel). Trevor's ability may be because he died more recently. However, recently dead ghosts like Pete's widow don't share Trevor's gift.

Patience can make the walls bleed

The Puritan has the scariest ghost power

Patience is a Puritan ghost who was banished from her religious community in 1692 for being too extremist. Patience's ghost power was revealed in Ghosts season 4, episode 2, and it's the scariest ghost power ever. In episode 2, Patience made the walls bleed because she disagreed with Sam and Jay's decision to let Frank (Dean Norris) share a bed with his girlfriend, Diane (Melinda McGraw). Additionally, Patience can use the blood to write on the walls. She spelled "Sin" in capital letters on the wall in episode 2.

Patience's ghost power is likely linked to her death. Node Ghosts season 4 premiere, Patience revealed to Isaac that she died of bloodshedan outdated medical practice that removed blood from a patient to prevent and cure disease. As such, Patience had a strong connection to blood at the time of her death, carrying the element into her afterlife. Although her life and death circumstances have hardened her, Patience is an intense character. She has a severe ghost ability to match.

Other ghost powers

Supporting Ghosts

Matt Walsh as Elias Woodstone pointing the finger up in Ghosts

Elijah Woodstone: Hetty's husband, Elias (Matt Walsh), has a ghost power similar to Flower's. When Elijah walks through life, his excited energy passes through them and awakens them. In Ghosts Season 1, Episode 13, Elijah used his power to try to sabotage Sam and Jay's business. Just like Flower's power, the living who experience it have no memory of what happened afterward.

Sam's mother, Sheryl: Sam's mother, Sheryl (Rachael Harris), has a similar power to Isaac. Sheryl died at a seafood restaurant called Mojitown after eating shrimp and suffering a severe allergic reaction. In Ghosts Season 1, Episode 11, "Sam's Mom", Sam visited his mother's ghost and discovered that Sheryl could do "shrimp burps" that she and Jay could smell.


Ghosts (USA) is a comedy series centered on a young couple who inherit an old mansion only to discover that it is inhabited by eclectic spirits from different historical periods, mixing humor and history as they navigate life among the dead.


Rose McIver, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Brandon Scott Jones, Danielle Pinnock, Richie Moriarty, Asher Grodman, Rebecca Wisocky, Devan Chandler Long, Roman Zaragoza, Sheila Carrasco, John Hartman, Betsy Sodaro


Samantha Arondekar, Jay Arondekar, Isaac Higgintoot, Alberta Haynes, Pete Martino, Trevor Lefkowitz, Hetty Woodstone, Thorfinn, Sasappis, Flower, Nigel Chessum, Nancy

Release date

October 7, 2021
