Daisy Ridley is right to make her return Star Wars: New Jedi OrderAnd here are all her potential Padawans. Announced at last year's Star Wars Celebration, little is known about Rey's New Jedi Order movie to date; Ridley hadn't even seen a copy of the script yet. What is known, however, is that she will apparently rebuild an order that is struggling to define its role in a galaxy that has been through so much turmoil, where the people are no longer sure that they even want the Jedi to exist.
The galaxy has gone through several Jedi purges, and viewers can be forgiven for assuming Rey doesn't have many candidates left. Fortunately, several forces have been traveling the galaxy looking for potential Jedi; Delilah's Dawson's Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire Revealed A group called the Gatherers spread the teachings of the Jedi and collect Jedi artifacts. With the help of the Gatherers, the Force ghosts to serve as her guides, and the knowledge contained in the ancient Jedi texts, Rey has everything she needs to train a new generation of Jedi - and here are her potential recruits.
The cute hero of The Mandalorian would be the perfect recruit
Introduced in The MandalorianThe delightful Grogu is the newest member of Yoda's species. Grogu was initially trained by the Old Jedi Order, surviving Order 66 thanks to the help of Jedi Master Kelleran Beck. Although Grogu passed on the opportunity to train under Luke Skywalker, instead of choosing the path of the Mandalorian, there is no reason to assume that he could not change his mind decades in the future.
The addition of Grogu to Rey's new Jedi Order would allow him to serve as a bridge over the Star Wars Timeline.
Grogu is clearly very strong in the Force, demonstrating tremendous Force abilities even before he began training with Luke. But he has a dark side to him; It is notable that Grogu sought to learn the Jedi arts after being threatened again by Moff Gideon, meaning there is a potential temptation here to seek power. The addition of Grogu to Rey's new Jedi Order would allow him to serve as a bridge over the Star Wars Timeline.
Justice for John Boyega
Played by John Boyega in the Star Wars Sequel trilogy, Finn's Force story was one of the franchise's most disappointing arcs. Marketing for Star Wars: The Force Awakens It was hinted that the former stormtrooper would become a Jedi, but he had barely begun tapping into the Force by the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Still, Finn's increasing Force sensitivity proved essential during the Battle of Exegol, and he also clearly cultivated a Force bond with Rey.
All of this seems to set Finn up as Rey's first Jedi Padawan, and it would be delightful to fast forward to a time where he was a Jedi Master. The only question is whether John Boyega would be willing to return to Star WarsBecause he is openly critical of how the sequel trilogy handled his character. If not, it's likely that Finn's Jedi story will continue in the media.
Jannah & her company of Stormtrooper Defectors
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Turns out Finn wasn't the only stormtrooper to break out of the conditioning of the First Order when Rey and her friends ran into a whole group of deserters led by Jonah. According to John, her entire company simply laid down their arms in the middle of a battle; There was no conscious thought, just pure instinct, a certain knowledge that what they were doing was wrong. The movie itself did not reveal the reason why certain stormtroopers were able to break out of their conditioning, but the probable explanation is full of possibilities.
Bond-ins, such as the junior novelization, discovered this, revealing that the First Order used the dark side as part of their brainwashing process, hinting that all stormtrooper rebels were actually Force-sensitive. If this is the case, the Force has already gathered the first generation of Rey's Jedi Order. It can be many more than well, because in Star Wars: The Force AwakensPhasma suggested many stormtroopers needed reconditioning.
Temiri Blag, the roaring boy
Will he become a key player in Rey's Jedi Order?
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Ended on a poignant note of hope, as the legend of Luke Skywalker inspired a group of urchins on Kanto Bight. One of these was Temiri Blagg, known to fans as "Broom Boy", who was fascinated by the resistance. As Luke Skywalker, he was shown staring at the stars deep in thought before using the Force to telekinetically draw a broom into his hand. It was a beautiful way to signify Luke's importance, and that his legend would inspire a new generation of heroes.
Karr Nuq Sin, the forces collector
A perfect assistant to Ray
Kevin Shinnick Kraft collector was set shortly before Star Wars: The Force AwakensWith a young Force-sensitive named Karr Nuq Sin who was the grandson of an Order 66 survivor. He possessed the rare power of psychometry, allowing him to experience the past of an object through touch; Carr dedicated himself to unraveling the secrets of the Jedi, and he and his friend Maze Raynshi began to travel the galaxy looking for historical artifacts for Carr to collect. Carr would probably never become a powerful Jedi, but his power of psychometry could be extremely useful in rebuilding the Jedi Order.
Mill Alibeth & Vivert Stag
A surprising link to the prequels
Introduced in Mike Chains brotherhoodMill Alibeth and Vivert Stag were Jedi Younglings at the beginning of the Clone Wars. They both left the Order during the conflict, likely in part because Mill's Force power - to empathize with suffering - meant she could not stand the war. Surprisingly, they survived all the way through the sequel trilogy era, when they were apparently working as bounty hunters. It's easy to imagine them siding with Ray.
Dean, from LEGO Star Wars
Can he become a cantor?
A mechanic who worked on Mustafar in LEGO Star Wars Terrifying TalesDean was a naive youth who worshiped Poe Dameron and dreamed of becoming a Republic pilot. He was confirmed to be Force-sensitive, with a relatively rare power that allows him to connect to machines and technology, intuitively see circuit boards and repair systems through the Force. It would not be difficult for Star Wars To make Dean canon, so it's possible that he joins Rey's Academy Star Wars: New Jedi Order.