Metaphor: ReFantasiovery similar to Person The series features a number of characters who will join the player's party, helping him in difficult combat situations and accompanying him in his exploration of the United Kingdom of Euronia. Although the list of playable characters is not as large as Persona 5 Royalplayers can still control many people. Metaphor. Each character also has their own archetype - a powerful being that they transform into that gives them unique abilities.
Of course, there are many other great characters in the series. Metaphor: ReFantasiobut the supporting cast are not available to play and act as Followers instead. Essentially, these are social links from Person series allowing players to improve their Archetypes while strengthening bonds with their Followers. However, There are only seven playable characters, including the main character, and while they are all awesome, some stand out more than others..
Grius (Arvid Alses)
Temporary Hero
Greius - real name Arvid Alces - joins the main group at the beginning of Metaphor: ReFantazio, helping in their quest to kill Louis Giabern. He is a tenacious sword fighter who once served the prince as a fencing teacher and now seeks to protect him and help the Resistance. While he's certainly a memorable character, his brief appearance puts him lower on the list.simply because he has almost no time to prove himself.
Greius is the protagonist's mentor before he is brutally kidnapped and killed by Luis at the beginning of the game. Metaphor: ReFantasio. Unfortunately, he is reanimated and forced to fight the player and his party in a difficult battle. However, his kind and brave behavior is shown in his final moments when he asks the player to continue the journey and protect his daughter Maria. Despite his untimely death, he has a fun time with the gang. and a reminder of why Metaphor: ReFantasio this is so great. If Arvid had stuck around longer, he probably would have been much higher on the list.
Will (main character)
"Blank Slate" character
The main character in Metaphor: ReFantasio isn't particularly compelling, despite having more spoken lines than previous Atlus protagonists. While he's not exactly on the same page, thanks in large part to his interesting backstory with the Prince, his gut-wrenching sincerity can make him a little boring at times.supported only by Gallica and her charm. Compared to the rest of the cast, the main character is simply not that interesting, which naturally earns him a rather low place on the list.
Certainly, Gallica does most of the heavy lifting as her outspoken personality meshes well with the rest of the cast.. She's an Atlus character in every way, and her combination of cheeky humor and wit makes every interaction with her extremely enjoyable. Plus, her relationship with the main character is sweet and funny, which goes a long way to making up for his shortcomings and making her the more memorable part of the duo. While not the worst Atlus protagonist, Metaphor: Refantazio's The main character definitely could have acted better.
Once a close friend of Louis
Juna is a very interesting character. Metaphor: ReFantasiowas once a close confidant of Louis, the main antagonist. However, after he ultimately betrays her, she ends up joining the main party, making her like most party members in Metaphorthe bad guy became good. Her role as a singer also gives her a unique personality trait. this is evident throughout the game, helping to further diversify the cast.
Juna is definitely unique and ahead of the main character when it comes to the best gaming characters. There's nothing particularly bad about it as it adds a lot to both the game and the party, proving once again that Metaphor: ReFantasio is one of the best JRPGs of 2024. Despite the fact that other playable characters are only slightly inferior to her due to their unique qualities, Juna is a lot of fun to be around and more than makes up for the personality vacuum left by the main character..
Three-Eyed Miracle
Yufa is an incredibly unique character who helps expand the world significantly Metaphor: ReFantasio and his various tribes that the player will encounter. She is a priestess of the Mustari tribe and has three eyes with which she can see Magla, making her stand out both narratively and visually. She also has one of the most unique archetypes, the Summoner, which makes her an interesting character to use in battle.
Once again, as in the case of Juna, there is nothing wrong with Yufa, and she, like the best, Person party members, she is truly an amazing addition to the team. Her unique traits and qualities make her a more memorable character, as does her position in the story. Discovering her and her archetype is an important part Metaphor: ReFantasioand she will likely be a fan favorite character and is considered one of Atlus' best.
Valiant Knight
Heismaya's bold demeanor and quirky way of speaking stand in stark contrast to his cute, bat-like appearance, which is largely what makes him such a lovable character from the moment players meet him. He belongs to the Eugean tribe, which is visually very different from the rest of the United Kingdom Euchronia, and also suffers from acute sensitivity when it comes to sounds. However, although he experiences a lot of discrimination everywhere Metaphor: ReFantasioHeismay manages to rise above it allfinally proving that he is a fascinating character.
He also has a classic hero backstory, as he was once a brave knight of the Eugean tribe before his son died and went into exile. However, after joining the party, he decides to atone for his failures - although, naturally, the party does not see it that way - and eventually becomes close to them, creating a new family. Heismay is great not only in terms of design, but also in terms of the typical brave knight with a heart of gold.and having him by my side is a constant joy throughout Metaphor: ReFantasio.
Stoic hero
Even though Hulkenberg is a fairly typical JRPG character, he is undoubtedly one of the best gaming characters in the entire universe. Metaphor: ReFantasiobringing some much-needed stoicism to a game filled with quirky characters. Her story of wanting to repent of her failure to protect the prince, her formal and sometimes goofy attitude, and her penchant for fighting make her and Haysmay closely related, but she still manages to stand out as a unique character. Although she has a lot in common with some of Persona 5 best characters. she offers a new dimension to the party Metaphor what is valued.
Certainly, Hulkenberg is a fan favorite because of how badass she can be, and her blade skills prove incredibly impressive throughout the game. Metaphor: ReFantasio. Her connection with the main character and Strohl is always interesting to watch: her seriousness and hard work conflicts with the more absent-minded attitude of the main character. While she doesn't reach the top of the list of best gaming characters, it's easy to see why so many players consider her to be the best.
best friend
Strohl is probably the best playable character in Metaphor: ReFantasio for one simple reason: he fits the best friend archetype perfectly. which Atlus games simply adore. From Ryuji to Persona 5 to Yosuke's Persona 4Every Atlus game seems to have these types of characters, and Strohl does a great job of filling this role while also managing to elevate it. Traditionally this best friend archetype is stupid and clumsy, but Strohl is smart, driven by his passion for justice, and also noble without even showing it.
What makes Strohl so compelling is his relationship with the main character.as he becomes attached to him almost immediately, helping him on his quest from the moment they meet. There is much more to him than meets the eye, his sarcastic and cocky attitude often getting in the way of his goals and driving others away from him. Srtol is a wonderful character in Metaphor: ReFantasio and extremely memorable, especially for those particularly drawn to the best friend archetype.
Certainly, Metaphor: ReFantasio we're lucky to have such a wide roster of wonderful and well-developed characters, which is pretty typical for Atlus games. This is what makes it such an attractive and easy game to recommend to those looking for an interesting RPG in 2024. Although Strohl may be the best playable character, Metaphor: ReFantazio's The whole party is incredibly memorable and will most likely go into the JRPG Hall of Fame.
Sources: YouTube/Official Atlus West, YouTube/BuffMaster
- Platform(s)
PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S
- Released
October 11, 2024
- Developer(s)
Studio Zero
- Publisher(s)