Every pistol and revolver, ranked worst to best

Every pistol and revolver, ranked worst to best

The best revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2 Can make Arthur Morgan into one of the deadliest gunslingers in the West, but the worst can make him feel like a lover at a shooting range. There are a total of 16 pistols and revolvers in RDR2, And while some are extremely common and can be bought in almost every city and settlement, others are rare and can only be purchased from the hands of bandit leaders. Regardless of how they are obtained, each gun performs differently than the next, and it is important that players take their strengths and weaknesses into consideration.

generally, Pistols and revolvers are nowhere near as powerful and effective as shotguns and rifles. However, where rifles prioritize range and shotguns prioritize power, handguns provide an incredible combination of accuracy and speed, which can be indispensable in dispatching large enemy groups. Plus, Arthur can actually dual-wield handguns in RDR2, which allows him to unload a storm of lead in dicey situations (and also feels pretty exciting, if not a little theatrical). Whether common or rare, single or double, these are all the handguns Arthur can carry RDR2Ranked from worst overall to best.


RDR2's double action revolver is the worst handgun in the game

Bought from all gunsmiths

The double-action revolver lands at the bottom of the list because of its low damage and middle-of-the-road reload speed, detracting from its snappy rate of fire. Sure, it's fast, but it doesn't have much else to show for it. simply, The double-action revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2 Sacrifices too much for speedAnd there are many other handguns that fire just as quickly, only with higher damage and quicker reload speeds.


The double-action revolver becomes available at all gunsmiths for $65 after starting Chapter 3, after finishing the "A strange kindnessPlayers can also get their hands on the gun for free at Lonnie's Shack, where it's hidden under a bunk bed.


RDR2's high roller revolver has the same stats as the double action revolver

Bought from Fences

Being a mere re-skin of the double-action revolver, The high roller revolver is not much of an improvement. As players suffer through its low damage and accuracy, they can at least do it in more style with the handgun's unique carvings, which depict various gambler motifs (like dice and a deck of cards).

right, The high roller revolver can be purchased from a fence After completing the poker-centric mission "A nice night of debauchery.” Despite not being better than the regular double-action revolver, the High Roller cost more than double, requiring a hefty fee of $190, presumably for the flashy design.


Micah's Revolver is an edgier double action

Lottable from Mount Hagen after "American Venom"

Micah's revolver is a custom double-action with a red-and-black skull grip and a custom engraving reading "Vengeance is thus mine,” which perfectly fits Red Dead Redemption 2 The treacherous personality of antagonist Micah Bell. Although it may be more striking than the average double-action visually, It still suffers from the same defects. There are plenty of better handguns to choose from, but Micah's revolver is at least a little more theatrically interesting.

After the timeskip near the end of RDR2, Players can return to the site of the "American Venom"Mission, the top of Mount Hagen, to find Micah's weapon. It is also possible to get the gun earlier in the game by having one of the O'Driscolls lead the player to Micah during the "Old friends"Mission in the first chapter.


The Cattleman Revolver is the standard handgun of RDR2

In Arthur's inventory from the beginning

The Cattleman Revolver is available from the start of the game, and another can be acquired by buying or looting it. The revolver may be the first weapon Arthur wields, however Its stats are surprisingly well-rounded For being the starting gun. Cattleman's stats are on par with, if not better than, many of RDR2It's rare, expensive or unlockable handguns, with the added bonus that the player never needs to go out of their way to look for it.

It's nowhere near as flashy as some other weapons, but the Cattleman will get the job done, like Young brothers Show on YouTube. There are, however, many better handguns out there Red Dead Redemption 2So while the Cattleman will serve Arthur well near the start of the game, it's best to look for an upgrade before long.


Granger's Revolver is a reskin of RDR2's Cattleman

Robbery of Emmet Granger

If players are looking for a Cattleman-esque weapon with a little more style to match the best Red Dead Redemption 2 Outfits, they should look no further than Granger's revolver. The rare handgun has all the same stats as the cattlemanBut comes with a dark metal finish and custom floral engravings. It is still not the best revolver in RDR2But it's a true dueler's weapon, and at least Arthur can look cool holding it.

Unfortunately, it's a little more difficult to get, like Arthur will have to beat Emmet Granger in a duel to win the revolver. This is one of five side quests included in the mission"The noblest of men, and a woman", which has Arthur tracking down five notorious gunslingers across the West. The visits usually end in violence, and all but one reward Arthur with a unique weapon for his trouble.


Flacco's revolver is another custom Cattleman

Booty from Flaco Hernández

Just like Grainger's Revolver, Flacco's revolver is a cattleman with a little more pizzazz. The rare weapon comes with skull engravings and an ivory handle, which is carved with an image of an eagle eating a snake. It will do everything Cattleman is capable of, but look better while it's doing it.

In order to win this, Arthur will have to defeat another gunslinger as part of "The noblest of men, and a woman," in this case, Flaco Hernández. Since there is no difference between the two guns except for the design, players can choose which one they prefer the look of. The two revolvers also make an excellent pair for dual-wielding.


John's Cattleman Revolver is the best custom made Cattleman

In John's inventory after "Motherhood"

John's Cattleman Revolver is the latest (and best) of the unique Cattlemen in Red Dead Redemption 2. This one comes with more sentimental value than all the rest, ever Red Dead Redemption Protagonist John Marston owns it. It comes with a blackened steel finish and a bone grip to make it stand out among the rest, but that's all there is to the default Cattleman.

This gun is automatically in John's inventory after completing the quest "Motherhood," but he is seen using it long before. Players have a chance to unlock the revolver earlier in the game, much like Micah's revolver. Getting it requires disarming an O'Driscoll during the mission"Paying a social call"And they lead the player to John.


Algernon's revolver is high speed, low damage

Requires completion of "Duchess and Other Animals"

Algernon's revolver is best known for its blindingly fast rate of fire, but unfortunately, it lacks the damage To take it higher in the ranking. This gun is best saved for situations where enemies are overrunning Arthur, but it doesn't stand a chance against high-health targets.

It takes some doing to get Algernon's revolver. First, Arthur can meet his owner, Algernon Wasp, at the mayor of Saint Denis party, during the quest "The Gilded Cage- If Arthur saves him from choking a nut, he will invite him to visit his hat shop, otherwise Arthur will have to find the shop himself. Algernon will ask him to collect a wide variety of materials for his hats - To complete the game may take the entire length of the game. Eventually, Arthur can return and save Algernon's life again, earning the exotic hat and Algernon's revolver.


RDR2's LeMat revolver has a unique advantage

Bought from the Saint Denis gunsmith

Among handguns, the LeMat may have the slowest rate of fire, however It has a unique characteristic that sets it apart from any other RDR2 Handgun: The ability to fire shotgun shells. This trait gives players a fallback if they ever run out of pistol ammo in a firefight, which can help immensely in getting out of close-range jams. Still, the LeMat is best complemented with a quicker sidearm to make up for its sluggishness.

The LeMat is only available at the Saint Denis Gunsmith for $172, making it the most expensive revolver in the game. This gun is only available for purchase after completing "The Gilded Cage“Mission in Chapter Four.


RDR2's M1899 pistol is a technological marvel

Bought from the Saint Denis gunsmith

The M1899 is the most modern weapon in the game, but it's still not the best gun in RDR2. Its gimmick is that it is semi-automatic, certainly a novelty at the turn of the century. As a result, it's all about speed and less about power, making it best for close-quarters fights with large hordes of enemies.

unfortunately, It can only be found in Saint Denis for $350 after completing the Chapter Three mission"The Battle of Shadow Master" Making it harder to come through for newer players. However, once it is available, it makes a decent addition to Arthur's arsenal. The gun can also be customized, making it a versatile choice for players.


RDR2's semi-automatic pistol is shockingly fast

Purchased from the Valentine and Saint Denis Gunsmiths

This semi-automatic pistol proves that the best gifts in life come in small packages. It trades accuracy and power for a blistering rate of fireAnd also has a snappy reload speed. Its main weakness is its lack of accuracy, making it most effective in close encounters against multiple enemies. Nevertheless, it is satisfying to avoid such opposition with the semi-automatic pistol.

This pistol can be purchased for $210 from Gunsmiths in Valentine and Saint Denis. It is only available after completing the Chapter Four mission"The Joys of CivilizationUnlike most of the other weapons in the game, this is the only gun that can only be acquired by buying it from a gunsmith, as no other character in the game uses it (which means it cannot be looted).


The RDR2 Mauser pistol has high velocity and high capacity

bought or looted

The Mauser can similarly turn enemies into Swiss cheese with its rapid rate of fire, reload speed and ammo capacity. It can hold more bullets than any other gun In the game, making it perfect for suppressive fire in a situation where Arthur is facing a swarm of enemies. Unfortunately, the Mauser is short in the range and power departments, which means it's best partnered with a slower but more powerful rifle.

The Mauser is available at the Valentine and Saint Denis Gunsmiths At the beginning of chapter six. However, it can be picked up earlier (and for free) when Angelo Bronte chucks one at John during the mission"Revenge is a dish best eaten"You can also rob it from the shanks in "Bare knuckle friendships."


RDR2's midnight pistol is sleek, but lackluster

Booty from Billy Midnight

The Midnight Pistol is a unique variant of the Mauser, and the best pistol in Red Dead Redemption 2. However, it is far from the game's best handgun overall. It has the same stats as its predecessor, but its gold plating will make it glimmer in the sunlight and make Arthur's outfit flashier than a normal mouser.

The Midnight Pistol can be obtained in a Gunslinger Duel with Billy Midnight during the mission "The noblest of men, and a woman."Like the other guns obtained in this way through duels, this weapon cannot be customized.


RDR2's Volcanic Pistol blows enemies away

Bought from any gunsmith

The Volcanic Pistol does more damage than any other gun in RDR2And is easy to get. All gunsmiths start holding it as players progress through Red Dead Redemption 2s history, especially after they completed the "Eastbound"Mission.

The Volcanic pistol suffers from a lackluster rate of fire, but sharpshooters will make great acquaintances with the gun regardless. The gun is said to pack a punch and have an impressive reach for a gun.


The Calloway revolver is an excellent dual-wield option

Robbery of Jim "Boy" Callovey

Calloway's revolver is a jack-of-all-trades in RDR2and is best used to round out any dual-wild build. The unique weapon is a custom-engraved Schofield revolver with silver plating and custom engraving, making it flashier than standard Schofields. However, it has all the same stats: high damage, near-perfect accuracy, and a blistering rate of fire. Calloway's revolver was obtained from the gunslinger of the same nameJim "Boy" Calloway, after beating him in a duel during the "The nobility of men and a woman"Mission.

in another RDR2 Easter egg, the barrel of Calloway's Schofield has a custom engraving reading, "Can edit." This is Latin for "Dog eat dog” and also happens to be the motto of Bullworth Academy in another Rockstar game, Bully.


Otis Miller's revolver is beautiful, but hard to find

Found in a treasure hunt

Like Calloway's, Otis Miller's revolver is a rare Schofield. But where Calloway's gun is silver-plated, Miller's is made entirely of gold and ivory, making it almost as flashy as the Midnight Revolver's solid-gold body. It is among the coolest-looking handguns in the game and has excellent accuracy, making it a popular choice for players.

In order to obtain Miller's Revolver, players must successfully solve a treasure hunt Red Dead Redemption 2. The treasure hunt is only available in the epilogue of the game, so it's best saved for last.


The Schofield revolver is the best handgun in RDR2

Bought from any gunsmith

The Schofield is the best revolver in RDR2Hands-down. It's a bit slower than some of the speed demons on this list, like the Mauser, but a headshot from this well-rounded weapon will take down anything that stands in Arthur's way. Two-wielding Schofields in RDR2 Makes a deadly combo, and since The revolver is available in all Gunsmiths fairly early in the campaignImmediately after the chapter two missions "Happy are the issues?", it is always worth buying.

Other pistols and revolvers may have a flashier appearance, but at the end of the day, the Schofield revolver is the best gun. It has the best stats around, and is useful in almost any situation. Still, other handguns have their own applications. With the occasional need for rapid fire, long range, and alternate ammo types, there's no such thing as a bad gun in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Source: Young Brothers / YouTube