Star Wars Outlaws offers an open-world experience with new and iconic planets, rich in stories of adventure and space battles.
The game follows the protagonist Kay Vess, exploring unique planets like Kantonica, Kijimi, Ekiwa, Tatooine and Toshara.
Each planet has its own specific biome, with richly detailed landscapes to explore.
Star Wars OutlawsDeveloped by Ubisoft's Massive Entertainment, offers players an open-world experience in the Star Wars Galaxy, including new and iconic returning planets to explore. The Star Wars Universe has never failed to capture the hearts of fans with its epic stories of adventure, space battles and exotic planetary landscapes, all of which are present throughout the game.
Set in the years between the events of The empire strikes back And Return of the Jedi With the Galactic Civil War at its peak, Star Wars Outlaws' Protagonist is Kay Vess, a charming scandal with her little companion, Nix, a furry Mercaal. While players can explore some memorable planets from previous films, such as Tatooine, Star Wars Outlaws Expands the galactic tapestry even further, delving into completely uncharted territory created for the game.
Star Wars Outlaws Opens on the planet of Cantonica, the home of Kay Vess. Cantonica is home to the casino town of Canto Bight and is situated in the corporate sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The dry planet first appeared in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
The planet is the native home of the criminal organization known as the Sixth Jaw, which returns in the opening moments of the game. The group first appeared in the Dr. Afra Comics, which takes place between the events of The empire strikes back And Return of the JediAnd their presence can be felt during the opening, even if they are not seen again. It is also home to Sliro, the game's main antagonist and leader of the Zrek Besh, and after Kay tries to steal from him, he puts out a kill order on the young scandal, forcing her to flee.
Unlike the other planets in Star Wars OutlawsKay doesn't seem to be able to visit Cantonica outside of story missions. This is a shame, because from what is seen during the two main sequences in the campaign, it seems like a great mixture of extravagant casinos and really dirty dive bars and clubs that would have been a treat to explore further.
First introduced in The Rise of SkywalkerKijimi is a frozen world situated in the Middle Rim's Brix sector, and became a hub for outlaws after the fall of the Galactic Empire. In the movie, Poe travels to the planet in search of Zori Bliss, the leader of the Space Runners, a famous smuggling gang. in Star Wars OutlawsHowever, Kijimi is home to the Ashiga Clan, a new syndicate created by Massive Entertainment and Lucasfilm for the game that functions as one hive.
Except for Cantonica, which is only in story missions, Kijimi is the smallest open world map in the gameJust let players explore Kijimi City, and its scale is notable compared to other locations, primarily because Kay can travel across it on foot without the need for her speeder. Still, it is an incredible frozen landscape that draws influences from Asian culture and is visually stunning to explore regardless of its size.
The primary setting of the Star Wars: Aftermath Novel trilogy and a lush world with diverse forests and humid biomes, Ekiva is a distant planet in the Outer Rim with a droid factory. After the Clone Wars, the planet became a stronghold for the Galactic Empire, and after the Battle of Endor, high-ranking officials in the Galactic Empire converged on the planet to plan a counterattack on the New Republic. Since Star Wars Outlaws Set in a turbulent time before the Battle of Endor, the game immerses Kai in a time of heightened political tension and imminent warfare, where the planet is teeming with smugglers and hired guns.
Akiba is certainly an impressive planet to explore, but it takes a bit of work to do soAs Kay had to track down some parts for her spider to enable it to travel over deeper water. Up to this point, players are much more limited in their movements, which is the only reason why the delicious rainforest-esque planet doesn't rank higher when compared to the next two entries.
No Star Wars Adventure would be complete without a visit to the sandy Outer Rim planet. The desert planet was introduced in the original Star Wars Film where Obi-Wan Kenobi meets the young Luke Skywalker as the latter begins his journey to become a Jedi. Tatooine, appearing regularly throughout the franchise, has an invisible underbelly for smugglers and scandals, and Kay Vess is able to explore the streets of Mos Eisley in the game.
The planet is also home to Jabba the Hutt, the infamous crime boss who runs the Hutt Cartel. While Kay is able to infiltrate his palace and face his fearsome Gamorrean guards and his grudge in an intense sequence, Jabba's influence spreads far and wide, as he is able to issue a lockdown that stops Kay from leaving. Massive Entertainment's recreation of the iconic Star Wars Planet certainly does it justice, with plenty of detail in the likes of Mos Eisley making it Perhaps the most rich and faithful version of the place in gaming so far.
A new planet of arid plains brought to life by Massive Entertainment specifically for Star Wars OutlawsToshara is a place where players will play for a large amount of the game's runtime, mainly from the moment Kay escapes there from Kanto Bay to the point the Trailblazer is fixed and the other planets open up - although she can return To the planet even after this happens.
Toshara is actually a moon, a haven for many bandit groups where they work alongside and mingle with the Empire. In the arid lands of Toshara lies Jaunta's Hope, a settlement where players can upgrade their weapons and accept missions Before you set out to complete them. It is here that Kay really starts to learn more about the different syndicates and their rivalry when she meets the broker Danka who shows her the ropes.
Because of Toshara's role as the primary location for such a significant part of the game, there is more to see and do on the Savannah Moon than other locations in the game. Toshara may be the only completely original place to appear in Star Wars OutlawsBut Massive Entertainment has done a great job of making it feel as worthy of a visit as some of the previously-established favorites.