Every new and returning character explained

Every new and returning character explained

Warning: Contains spoilers for Dragon Ball Daima Episode #1.A year after its initial discovery, Dragon Ball Dima Has finally premiered worldwide. The story sees Goku and his friends turned into children by Gomah, the new king of the Demon Realm, and now Goku and Shin must travel through the Demon Realm and meet new allies and enemies as they search for a way to return everyone to their proper place. Age.

Dragon Ball Dima is the last installment in the Dragon Ball franchise, and the cast is as great as ever. Between the returning cast of characters and all the new ones introduced, Dragon Ball Dima Boasting an impressively large cast of old and new characters right from its first episodeAnd it will only get bigger as the series goes on. Even for the elderly Dragon Ball Fans, there will be many characters to remember, And laying out the biggest players from Dragon Ball Daima Episode #1 is a great way to keep things on track.


Son Goku

The hero of Dragon Ball

Son Goku is, of course, the main protagonist of Dragon Ball. in Dragon Balls forty years of history, there has never been a story that did not see Goku as the main driving force of the plot, and Dragon Ball Dima is set to fail.

One year after the Buu Saga, Goku and his friends and family were innocently celebrating Trunks' birthday when King Gomah, the king of the Demon Realm, used the Dragon Balls to turn Goku and everyone else into children out of fear that they will otherwise interfere in his rule. This means that Goku will be significantly weaker than he normally is, but to what extent and how this will affect his journey through the Demon Realm is currently unknown.


Shin (Supreme Kai)

The guardian of the universe

Shin is the highest Ki of Universe 7 ie Goku's universe. While Shin used the Potara earrings to bond with his assistant Kibito, Shin and Kibito are now separate beings thanks to the strange gases inside Majin Buu, the same way Vegito was split back into Goku and Vegeta after being absorbed by Super Buu.

Shin didn't do much in episode #1, but he's already set up to be one of the main characters, so he's bound to have a bigger role in future episodes. That especially makes sense with the reveal that Degesu and Dr. Arinsu, two of Dragon Ball DimaThe main villains are Shin's siblingsAs he will undoubtedly be the best person for dealing with their specific kind of fighting power.



Goku's eternal rival

Vegeta is Goku's rival and the deuteragonist of the Dragon Ball Franchise. Vegeta spent most of Dragon Ball p A reluctant ally to Goku and his friends at best, but by the end of the series, Vegeta finally committed to being a good person and has been a genuine ally ever since, all while still maintaining his rivalry with Goku.

Vegeta is not advertised as a major player in Dragon Ball Dimas story, but based on one of the trailers, Vegeta will likely have a part to play in Dragon Ball DimaEven if he is not a main character. What that part will be is currently unknown, but episode #2 and beyond will likely help make his character's direction much easier to understand.



The Guardian of Earth

Dende is a young Namekian who Gohan and Krillin befriend after they protect him from the Frieza Force. Later, when Piccolo and Kami fused back into a single being, Dende was brought to Earth to be the new Guardian so people could continue using the Dragon Balls, and he has been a mainstay among the cast ever since.

Dende has always been more of a tertiary character in Dragon Ball Like everything, though Dragon Ball Dima Put Dende in the spotlight for a little thanks to Dende confronting Gomah and Degesu as they tried to take the Dragon Balls. That said, considering how Dende's character is usually handled, it's unknown if he'll continue to play a part in the story going forward.


Majin Buu

The final villain of Dragon Ball z

Majin Buu was the villain of the Buu saga and the final villain of Dragon Ball p. However, Mr. Satan inspired Buu to become a good person, and after Buu separated from his evil half and said that the evil half was defeated, he retreated to Earth after the Dragon Balls were used to erase all Memories of him.

Majin Buu didn't just split Kibito Kai back into Shin and Kibito, though Majin Buu's defeat at the hands of Goku and his friends was the main reason why Gomah adopted them in the first place.. Majin Buu is heavily tied to the overarching plot of Dragon Ball DimaAnd in all probability, his role in the story will not end with what little is done in the premiere.



The universe's most evil wizard

Babidi is the clone son of Bibidi, the evil wizard who first unleashed Majin Buu on the universe centuries ago. Babidi tried to continue his father's work and rule the universe with Majin Buu, but Goku made Buu realize that he didn't need to take orders from Babidi, and Babidi was killed by Buu as Buu took over as the main villain.

Babidi only appears in flashbacks and the recordings Gomah and Degesu watched, however Babidi's defeat played a large role in Goma's antagonism towards Goku and the other Z-Fighters.. Gomah also seems to have a personal relationship with Babidi, so Dragon Ball Dima Will likely delve further into the Bibidi and Bibidi story than the original anime.



The former king of the demon realm

Dabura is the former king of the Demon Realm whom Babidi brainwashed to be his most obedient and powerful servant. Deborah was killed by Majin Buu when he tried to make the case that he was too dangerous, and humorously, Deborah was sent to Heaven when he died, because someone like him would enjoy being in Hell.

Dabura only appears in the recordings that Gomah and Degesu watched, but he is also vital to the overarching plot, as Dabura's death led to Goma becoming the new king of the Demon Kingdom. AlwaysThe story will be set primarily in the Demon Realm, and with any luck, it will do a lot to differentiate Dabura's story and overall character.



The new king of the demon realm

Gomah is the new king of the Demon Realm and the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Dima. Fearing the power of Goku and his friends, Gomah used the Earth's Dragon Balls to de-age everyone into children, weakening their power to what should be a level that poses no threat to him.

Another part of Goma's plan is that Gomah wants to use the Dragon Balls to find the Evil Third Eye, a lost relic of the Demon Kings that can grant the Wilder incredible power.Because that would make him strong enough that no one would question his rule. Dealing with this will probably be another major part of the story, and it will be interesting to see how it plays out.



The highest kai of the demon realm

Degesu is a Kor human, the race the Kais belong to, who is subject to Gomah, the king of the Demon Realm. It is unknown how or why a kai became affiliated with the Demon Realm, but as Gomah's second-in-command, Degesu is set to be one of the biggest threats in Dragon Ball Dima.

What makes Degesu especially dangerous is that he's not just a simple kai, like Degesu is the younger brother of Shin, the Supreme Kai Who else was not mentioned until now. Considering Shin's role in the wider Dragon Ball Study, Degesu is likely on a similarly large scale relative to the Demon Realm, and the conflict with him will certainly add a lot to the overall franchise.


Dr. Orinsu

The scholar of the demon realm

Dr. Arinsu is another core person and was Dabura's head of research before he was enslaved to Babidi. While technically on the same side as Gomah and Degesu, Dr. Arinsu appears to work independently of them, and Gomah and Degesu even go out of their way to keep you out of their plans.

Just like Degesu, Dr. Arinsu is Shin's brother who was affiliated with the Demon Realm for unknown reasonsSo there is a lot of mystery in how it functions in the latitude Dragon Ball Study. Add to that her relationship with Deborah and her father, and how she is not exactly on the side of Goma, and there is no way to know in which direction her image will stand.



The guardian of the demon realm

Neva is the guardian of the Dragon Balls of the Demon Realm and the creator of the Tamagami, three powerful beings who have guarded them for over 1000 years. Like other Guardians, Neva is also a Namekian, viz Dragon Ball Dima Revealed that Namekians originally came from the Demon Realm.

Despite Neva's advanced age, he is far more powerful than the average Namekian, as he can not only create powerful beings like the Tamagami, but Neva's magic can force the Dragon Balls to become active again in the middle of a hibernation period. Despite his relationship with Gomah, Neva doesn't seem to be completely evil, so it's unknown how his character will be handled going forward.


Other new and returning characters in Dragon Ball Daima

Every other Dragon Ball character to look out for

Besides the previously mentioned letters, many others Dragon Ball Mainstays appearing in the present or in flashbacks such as Bulma, Piccolo, Krillin, Trunks and Goten. curious, Gohan was the only major recurring character that did not appear in the present in Dragon Ball Dimas premiereAnd whether this is meant to set up a bigger role for Gohan remains to be seen.

As for new characters, in addition to the brief appearance of the Tamagami, Glorio was briefly seen as Gomah and Degesu headed to Earth, and based on episode #2's title, Dragon Ball Dima Episode #2 will be the formal introduction of Glorio, one of the main characters of the story. Panzi is the only major newcomer not to appear in the premiere, but when she does, it will likely mark the moment when Dragon Ball DimaS cast is finally complete.

Dragon Ball DAIMA is the fifth overall series in the action-adventure anime franchise. It features most of the classic cast members as de-aged versions of themselves, including Goku, Vegeta and Bulma. The series was announced at NYCC 2023, with creator Akira Toriyama returning to handle DAIMA's run.




Akira Toriyama