Warning: Contains spoilers for My Hero Academia: You're Next.Big anime franchises are known for releasing theatrical films alongside their shows, and My hero academia is no different. The series has released a new film concurrently with one of its seasons every few years since 2018, and what is particularly interesting is that unlike other anime films, My hero academias films are supposed to be canon to the story, thus giving people much more reason to watch them.
Unlike other great anime, My hero academia Has not so many films; Only four have been produced at the time of writing, and with the manga over and My hero academiaThe last season in production, it is unknown if it will get another. nevertheless, each My hero academia Film does a great job of enhancing the anime with very engaging stories and breathtaking animation and directionWith each one finding a way to top the film that came before. When you look at each film as a whole, however, there is a definite hierarchy in quality, and it is worth analyzing enough.
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes
Released on July 5, 2018; Directed by Kenji Nagasaki
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes Is My hero academiaThe first theatrical film released in 2018. Taking place shortly before season 3, Izuku and his friends travel to I-Island, a mecca for advanced Quirk research where Izuku meets Melissa Shield, a genius inventor who is All Might's daughter Former sidekick and was born Quirkless, just like Izuku. What starts as a fun vacation turns deadly when terrorists attack I-Island, however, and even with All Might incapacitated, it's up to Izuku, Melissa, and all their friends to save the day.
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes was the first movie of the franchise, and it shows in some of the worst ways. Not only is there an excessive amount of exposition and flashbacks to the anime, but the villains are empty and it has the worst use of the extended cast of any film, with every returning character except Izuku, Bakugo, All Might and A select. Few more providing little more than cameos. My Hero Academia: Two Heroes Has some of the weakest writing of the My hero academia filmsAnd this is especially true when compared to the later films.
That said, the film is not without its merits. While the villains aren't written that well, Melissa and David Shield are some of the most entertaining characters of all My hero academiaWith Melissa serving as a great foil to Izuku and David's friendship with All Might perfectly driving the plot and developing both of their characters from start to finish. Add in some great action scenes and comedy, and My Hero Academia: Two Heroes Is great for any My hero academia Fan, even if it doesn't hold up as well as some of the other films.
My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission
Released on August 6, 2021; Directed by Kenji Nagasaki
My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission is the third My hero academia Film released in 2021. The internships that Izuku and his friends did some time before season 6 put them on a global task force against Humarize, a cult that defies quirkless people and seeks to kill everyone else in the world. By pure chance, Izuku and a young grifter named Rudy Soul end up with the keys to defeat Humarice, and it becomes a race against the clock to use them before the entire world as they know it is destroyed.
Not only is World Heroes Mission Another film that relegates most of the extended cast to little more than cameos, but the most unique elements of the story are never developed as much as they should have been; The international angle never plays into the plot much, and despite the villains being a cult obsessed with quirkless people, Izuku never has a clue about them, despite being the one person who should. My Hero Academia: World Heroes Missions Biggest problem is that it promises a lot and delivers little in returnAnd this, unfortunately, brings down its quality.
Much like Two heroesbut, World Heroes Mission is largely saved by its original shape. While the villains don't get much screentime or development, Braid three, why small My Hero Academia: World Heroes Mission Do with him, is a wonderfully compelling and intimidating villain; Not only do his powers make him a menacing opponent with a unique fighting style, but his trauma does a great job of highlighting some of the negative aspects of Quirks that aren't always explored in the main story. Flect's final defeat was quite anticlimactic, but he was a big part of the story.
The film's biggest standout, however, is its deuteragonist, Roddy Soul. In addition to how well he plays off of Izuku, Roddy's arc of making amends with his father and learning to be a more selfless man does a great job of adding heart to My Hero Academia: World Heroes MissionAnd it's one of the strongest character arcs in the entire series. Roddy was popular enough to break into the top 10 in one of the recent popularity polls, and to some extent, the film is worth watching just for that.
My Hero Academia: You are next
Released on August 2, 2024; Directed by Tensai Okamura
2024s My Hero Academia: You are next is the last, and presumably final film in the My hero academia Franchise. As Izuku and his friends prepare for the final battle against Shigaraki, Japan is suddenly attacked by the Gollini family, a notorious European crime family led by an evil doppelganger of All Might named Dark Might who seeks to take over the country amid its chaotic state . The heroes must band together to stop the new threat from making things even worse for everyone, all while Izuku unravels the connection that the mysterious couple of Giulio and Anna have to everything.
of each My hero academia film, You're no further Probably has the best cast of original characters. In addition to the Gollini family, all with great designs and personalities with plenty of time to explore them, Giulio and Dark Might are two of the best original characters in a My hero academia projectWith Giulio's character circle is engaging from start to finish and Dark Might is an excellent over-the-top villain take on all Might. Anna, unfortunately, gets lost in the shuffle as more of a normal damsel in distress, but beyond that, the original cast does not disappoint.
The story, of course, is where You're no further Really beautiful. Between the themes of regression versus progress and how well it forces Izuku and his friends to take charge in a crisis, My Hero Academia: You are next Does a great job of playing into the themes of My hero academia Season 7 and beyond Thanks to its focus on the need for society to change. Add some of the best animation and fight choreography in anime to date, especially in the film's climax, and My Hero Academia: You are next is one of the franchise's strongest offerings to date.
My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising
Released on December 20, 2019; Directed by Kenji Nagasaki
My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising is the second one My hero academia Film, released in 2019 in Japan and 2020 in the West. Taking place between the Joint Training and Endeavor Agency arcs of season 5, Izuku and his friends are sent alone to a small island for hands-on experience with hero work. Unfortunately, the island is attacked by a group of villains led by Nine, a mysterious villain with a copy of All For One looking to steal the quirk of a child on the island, everyone needs to step up and Protect the island as they can.
The wicked of My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising They are not given a particular amount of depth, but this is more than made up for with their exposure. Unlike other films, My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising Gives his villains enough screen time to fully sell the audience on their personalities and threat levelsWith Nine and Chimera in particular coming off as intimidating characters that more than justify them being so difficult to deal with. No's group is probably the best group of villains in any of the movies, and achieving that with so little development is an incredible feat in and of itself.
Another area where Heroes: Rising It succeeds in how effectively it uses its supporting cast. Whereas other films typically struggle with making the most of their supporting cast, My Hero Academia: Heroes: Rising is the film with the best handling of the supporting cast of the storyAs the enormity of the threat creates a situation where everyone has to contribute something to the fight just so they can survive. Even the main story has problems giving everyone something to do, like that Heroes: Rising Doing such a good job with this is a true testament to the strengths of his writing.
The best part of the film, however, is its handling of Bakugou. The increased focus on Bakugo plays perfectly into how Bakugo finally started to get along with Izuku again during this time, and it all culminated in Izuku temporarily shares One For All with Bakugo to defeat Nine in one of the most beautifully animated sequences in the entire franchise. That small, but deep character writing is the biggest selling point of My Hero Academia: Heroes: RisingAnd it helps make it the Best My hero academia Film, to date.