Anyone who knows the name Superman
knows that its greatest weakness is kryptonite. The radioactive crystalline ore was formed under extreme pressures and geological instabilities that eventually led to the destruction of Krypton. Like Earth's radioactive elements, kryptonite is highly lethal to Kryptonians, destroying their cells until there is nothing left. However, while green kryptonite is the most iconic form of the ore, it is far from the only type.
Each variation of kryptonite exhibits a diverse range of effects on kryptonians beyond cellular degradation. Some versions of the alien ore significantly alter a Kryptonian's mind, while others have seemingly mystical effects. Throughout each reincarnation of the DC Universe, the list of known kryptonite variants has only grown in size. Luckily, this list is here to finally catalog all the colors of kryptonite in Superman's history and the effects they have.
Green Kryptonite
The most iconic form of the Kryptonian deus ex weakness, Green kryptonite effectively operates like uranium or polonium on Earth. When exposed to this kryptonite, a Kryptonian will soon begin to feel weak and lethargic. Over time, symptoms progress to extreme fatigue, dizziness and loss of movement. Continuation
exposure to green kryptonite
it eventually destroys too many cells for the Kryptonian to survive, ultimately killing them. That's it iconic and terribly unflashy. Frankly, if it weren't for Superman's increased physical prowess, the green kryptonite would probably kill him within minutes.
Red Kryptonite
Depending on continuity, red kryptonite is more an artificial increase to its green counterpart than to its own independent form. In its original continuity, red kryptonite was formed when fragments of green kryptonite passed through a mysterious cloud upon entering Earth. The effects of this form vary greatly, with it sometimes being noted that she is unable to affect a Kryptonian the same way twice. Some effects it had on Superman include amnesia, growing a beard, growing an ant head and transforming into a dragon.
Blue Kryptonite
The effects of blue kryptonite have also varied incredibly between continuities, but it is most often known to affect Kryptonians Bizarro than their Prime counterparts. Post-Crisis, blue kryptonite actually reversed the effects of the reality-altered Superman, significantly increasing his intelligence. In the Post-Infinite Crisis continuity, blue kryptonite had the opposite effect, killing Bizarro slowly just like green kryptonite does to Superman. More recently, blue kryptonite has been linked to causing spiritual rather than physical death.
Yellow Kryptonite
Again, a significantly non-concise form of kryptonitethe yellow variation of radioactive ore has a multitude of effects. Although yellow kryptonite was originally a fake version of the substance intended to intimidate Superman, other continuities have treated the ore similar to the Yellow Lantern Corpsinstilling fear in Kryptonians. In modern continuity, yellow kryptonite has not made a canonical appearance, although its recurring presence outside of Rebirth continuity does not necessarily preclude its presence in modern comics.
Orange Kryptonite
Orange kryptonite was recently seen in DC League of Super-Pets and the Krypto the Superdog linked comics. In these universes, orange kryptonite is capable of imbue ordinary animals with superpowers. Although the effects are only temporary, it has been used to reinforce Krypto's animal allies. It is currently unknown whether all animals on Earth are affected by the ore or whether it also affects alien creatures. Although people like Lex Luthor have tried to obtain their own powers with this variant of kryptonite, It has never been shown to alter higher life forms.
Purple Kryptonite
Despite its altered appearance, purple kryptonite has only demonstrated have identical effects as their green counterpart. Outside the DC superhero girls animated shorts, which significantly alter the effects of Kryptonite across the board, Purple Kryptonite has only been seen in Adventure Comics #171 by Don C. Cameron and John Sikela. Readers have speculated that this variant may simply be a rare form of the ore. However, it was likely a mistake made on the writer's part that was ignored from that point on.
Pink Kryptonite
One of the most infamous forms of the radioactive substance, pink kryptonite is more popularly known as making Superman stereotypically gay. Although DC Comics has yet to revisit the questionably comical Kryptonite after its original appearance in Supergirl #79 (2003), made another appearance on Justice League Action animated shorts in 2017. Pink Kryptonite displayed a “similar” effect to its predecessor, this time inverting traditional gender binaries of Kryptonians.
Black Kryptonite
This version of Kryptonite made its first appearance on WB Smallville television series, but later entered the post-Crisis continuity. Originally, black kryptonite was used to physically separate the dueling identities in a Kryptonian's mind. This was mainly used to create two versions of a Kryptonian, one purely good and one purely evil. Some versions of Kryptonian ore, such as its appearance in Batman Who Laughs stories, black kryptonite has been used to fdisregard traditional morality. However, this alteration of morality goes far beyond simply making Superman evil, as has been demonstrated Drive the superhero into an unrestrained killing frenzy.
White Kryptonite
While one might assume that white kryptonite would have the opposite effect to its black counterpart, this is certainly not the case. Instead, white kryptonite is more similar to the green variant, except instead of affecting Kryptonians, affects microbial and plant life. When harnessed correctly, white kryptonite has been a significantly powerful tool that can stop and prevent pathogens and viral diseases. However, in the wrong hands, the ore could theoretically be used to disrupt and kill microbial life within a person's body, wreaking havoc on their internal ecosystem.
Golden Kryptonite
One of the rarest forms of Kryptonian ore, golden kryptonite has the power to permanently remove a Kryptonian's superpowers. This genetic change is so powerful that it also affects the Kryptonian's future descendants. Golden Kryptonite not only represents a person's powers on a superficial level, but also on a genealogical level. The ore effectively removes the defining characteristics of a Kryptonian, reducing them to little more than the average human being. Fortunately, the radiation field is quite small, meaning a Kryptonian would have to be close to the ore for it to take effect.
Platinum Kryptonite
Unlike its golden counterpart, platinum kryptonite permanently bestows the typical suite of Kryptonian superpowers on unpowered humanoid species. So far, this variant has not yet been seen in use. However, as revealed in Batman Secret Files #1 (2018), it was revealed that Batman has a piece of the ore to use as part of his contingencies against Superman. Hopefully, someday, the right writer and story will find a use for platinum kryptonite, so readers can see the rise of an unexpected artificial Kryptonian.
Silver Kryptonite
Although silver kryptonite, like yellow kryptonite, was originally introduced as an accessory intended to trick Superman, the Smallville continuity, and later in the post-crisis continuity, realized all the effects of the ore. When exposed to silver kryptonite, Kryptonians experience significantly overwhelming paranoid hallucinations and delusions. Post-Crisis delved further into the material, showing that it contained magical properties that could be harnessed by non-Kryptonians. However, this revamped version of the radioactive crystal is comedically induces a state similar to highreducing Kryptonian inhibitions, inducing vivid hallucinations, and causing intense hunger cravings.
Kryptonite jewelry
Instead of affecting Kryptonians, the Kryptonite jewel primarily affects the inhabitants of the Phantom Zone. This form of kryptonite can be harnessed to strengthen mental and psychic powers of those
trapped in the Phantom Zone
. This effectively allows them to extend their reach beyond their domain and affect the outside world. Considering the greater implications of the Phantom Zone's existence as a projection of a god's mind, the Kryptonite Gem could hypothetically be used to expand the reach of the Phantom Zonetransforming the “prison” into an all-consuming force. However, this version of kryptonite has not been seen since its original introduction in Action Comics #310 (1964).
This Kryptonian variant has been primarily used to track similar radiation signatures to those who were present on Krypton. This allowed its users to effectively hunt for objects originating from Krypton that fell to Earth. However, it not only tracks objects from Krypton, but also Kryptonians. No matter how hard any Kryptonian like Superman might try, Magno-Kryptonite will always be able to reach his location.