It's no secret that The Umbrella Academy Season 4 wasn't well received by fans or critics, but the romance of Five (Aidan Gallagher) and Lila (Ritu Arya) was the most divisive development to unfold during the show's fourth and final outing. Based on the comic book series of the same name by writer Gerard Way and illustrator Gabriel Bá, The Umbrella Academy Centers on a dysfunctional family of adopted superhero siblingsAll of them were born on October 1, 1989, in The Umbrella Academys original timeline, before he was adopted by an eccentric billionaire, Sir Reginald Hargreeves (Colm Feore).
While he hand-picked these Umbrella Academys super-powered Hargreeves siblings, Reginald didn't adopt every child who was infused with the superpower-enhancing substance known as Marigold.. The original lineup of the vigilante team included seven Umbrellas, including the super-strong astronaut Luther (Tom Hopper); the vigilante Diego (David Castañeda), whose powers allow him to control the trajectory of flying objects; the mind-controlled actor Alison (Amy Raver-Lampman); the immortal medium Klaus (Robert Sheehan); Tentacle Ben (Justin H. Minn); the time-hopping five; and Victor (Elliot Page), who can convert sound waves into energy.
While Five is away on a time-hopping trip, Ben dies under mysterious circumstances, pushing the remaining Hargreaves siblings to go their separate ways. In 2019, the Umbrella Academy reunites for Reginald's funeral - and to prevent an apocalyptic event that Five tells them is on the horizon. At the end of season 1, the Hargreeves fail spectacularly, so Five frantically tries to transport them back in time. The decision lands the Hargreaves in the 1960s - although they all arrive on different days or years. one more time, Five learns that they must stop an apocalyptic event, although there are some changes to the formula.
Lila's powers allow her to mirror someone else's abilities…
The Commission, a secret organization created by Five (or a version of it) to protect the space-time continuum, sends The Handler (Kate Walsh) into the season two frenzy. The second excursion is also when The Umbrella Academy introduces The handler's adopted daughter, Lila, who is revealed to be one of the super-powered children that Reginald did not adopt. One of the more powerful Umbrella Academy Characters, Lila's powers allow her to mirror someone else's abilities. Initially, Lila stands against the Umbrella Academy, but, eventually, she comes around to the Hargreaves' side and starts a family with Diego.
The age and appearance gaps between five and Lila
no doubt, The Umbrella AcademyThe timelines are incredibly complicated, especially where Five Hargreeves is concerned. In fact, his may be the most difficult senior of the Hargreeves siblings to track down - although Lila gives him a run for his money. throughout the show, Five's mental and physical ages are different because, when he is 13 years old, Five uses his powers to jump to a post-apocalyptic 2019. Stuck for over 40 years, Five eventually escapes when the handler offers him a job at the Commission. When Five blips back to pre-apocalypse 2019, he returns to being a 13-year-old boy.
As season 4 begins, Five makes a comment about being 63 years old mentally…
Although he is a teenager biologically and physically speaking, Five is actually about 58 years old, mentally speaking, in The Umbrella Academy Season 1. For five, the first three seasons of the show unfold in a few weeks. As season 4 begins, Five makes a comment about being 63 years old mentally, even though he is 19 years old physically. Lila Pitts, on the other hand, was raised outside of time by the CommissionBut she seems to be roughly the same age as Diego (and the other siblings who weathered less time-travel shenanigans).
Umbrella Academy Time |
Rotten Tomatoes score |
1 |
77% |
2 |
91% |
3 |
91% |
4 |
54% |
After Five and Lila travel through various timelines for seven years on the time-hopping subway system, their ages shift again. During The Umbrella Academy season 4's finale, Five is 70 years old mentally, but 26 years old physically. Meanwhile, the seven-year side quest with Five makes Lila approximately 42 years old in the series finale. No matter how you slice it, the age gap is weird. Five is mentally decades older than Lila, and, physically speaking, their ages are still a mismatch.
Five killed Lila's parents
The handler who ordered the death of Lila's parents was a very traumatic event
A defining aspect of The Umbrella Academy Season 2's ending was the bloody conflict that erupted when The dealer revealed that she had ordered five to kill Lila's parents, thereby orphaning the super-powered then-child.. This fact alone has pushed many fans to wonder WTF Umbrella Academy was thinking with Five and Lila's story in the fourth season. Although Five was manipulated by the handler, he still committed the murder. As Five told Lila, it "Wasn't personal"Because he's killed a lot of people over the years. While Lila herself is a murderer, Five's actions are unforgivable.
If Lila had forgiven Five, it would have been helpful to see that conversation unfold before their romance plot.
Thanks to the reset timeline, which the Hargreeves siblings and Lila set in motion The Umbrella Academy Season 3's finaleLila's parents are alive and well in season 4. Even so, it's hard to imagine Lila just letting go of all her grief and anger. If Lila had forgiven Five, it would have been helpful to see that conversation unfold before their romance plot. It's also incredibly strange that Five wouldn't still feel some remorse over his actions. A lot of messed up things happen in The Umbrella AcademyBut this glossed-over dynamic is up there.
Five acts like an amorous teenager when he is actually an old man
Number Five's out-of-character reaction makes the love story worse
While it could be argued that Five's social skills are lacking, his love-sick teenage act felt completely out of character (and out of place) in The Umbrella Academy Season 4. As discussed, Five is mentally 63 years old during most of season 4Although that number climbs even higher after his train-hopping stint with Lila.
sure, Five's first and only major relationship was with a mannequin named DoloresBut he does seem shockingly well-adjusted in all other aspects of his life. That is, it is difficult to accept that only his romantic side would be stunted
Lila & Five Gaslight Diego
Diego worries that Lila is cheating for most of the Umbrella Academy season 4
One of the most frustrating elements of the Five and Lila romance is the way Diego couples gaslight for most of the six episodes of season 4. The fourth outing picks up six years after the end of season 3 in a timeline where the Hargreaves and Lila No longer have their powers. Diego and Lila are married with kids, and both characters seem a little unhappy With the daily monotony. While Diego is a delivery driver who hopes to join the CIA, Lila spends all her time and energy taking care of their children.
... Lila emotionally cheats on her husband long before she kisses Five.
In order to have some time to herself, Lila Moonlight acts as a spy of sorts, leading her straight to a secret meeting of the Keepers. There she meets Pipe, who is also undercover for work. Diego winds up after his wife and sees her getting a drink with a mustachioed man who he doesn't realize is five. This prompts Diego to accuse Lila of cheating on him, which she deniesAlthough Lila does emotionally cheat on her husband long before she kisses Five. It's more frustrating to see Diego being totally gaslit and betrayed.
The five and purple romance is incredibly rushed
No montage can make the sudden plot point convincing
Despite a well-crafted montage of their seven-year stint through timelines and subways together, Five and Lila's romance felt incredibly rushed. That rushed feeling definitely stems from the fact that season 4 was composed of only six episodes. Clearly, the writers threaded Five and Lila's budding attraction throughout all six episodes, but the arc of their relationship still seems shoehorned into a season that's already juggling too many threads. To make matters worse, It seems like Lila's love for Five hinges more on their circumstances than anything else. If they weren't lost, their romance probably wouldn't happen.
Five is willing to give up his family - and the fate of the world - for Lila.
During her seven-year side quest with Five, Lila is determined to return home. Eventually, she gives in to exhaustion and agrees to stay in the strawberry house with five. Even though both characters are attracted to each other at this point, Lila can't give Diego a straight answer when he asks her if she loves Five In the finale of the show. On the other hand, Five is ready to give up his family - and the fate of the world - for Lila. This is a huge departure from his characterization in other seasons, and it would have been nice to see more of a build up.
The cleaning was threatening to destroy everything while Five and Lila fell in love
The timing of Five and Lila was truly perplexing
For most romances, timing is everything - although Five and Lila don't seem all that concerned that the Clancy is bearing down on them when they fall in love and exchange strawberries in the show's latest episode. Five has always put stopping the many Hargreaves-caused apocalypses before anything elseSo it's funny to see him admit that he's happy to stay in a random timeline with Lila while his siblings struggle to keep the cleans.
Even if it's the short season's fault, dedicating so much space to Five and Lila's romance in The Umbrella Academys series finale feels like a huge disservice.
Key background
"My Chemical Romance" frontman Gerard Way wrote the original comic series.
Even though the main events of the first season take place in 2019, no character ever uses a cell phone in any episode.
In the comic book, each member of the Hargreaves family has a code name. In the series, only Luther is sometimes called by his code name, Spaceboy.
All four seasons of The Umbrella Academy are streaming on Netflix.