Includes SPOILERS for The Stormlight Archive through Rhythm of War.
The ten Heralds of Roshar are some of the most important figures in the The Stormlight Archiveand understanding what is known about them so far is important for reading Wind and Truth. The first arc of The Stormlight Archive sees the Heralds become more prominent with each volume, after being considered practically mythical figures in The Way of Kings. Put Rhythm of War In the end, several Heralds participated in the True Desolation to some extent, although there are still some who are missing in the Storm Archive books.
The Heralds were born primarily on the planet Ashyn and received their powers from Tanavast, the being who held the Honor of the Shard. Each Herald is the patron of one of the Radiant Orders. THE The Heralds' purpose was to lead Honor's battles on Roshar, fighting the Voidbringers in the Desolations.. When each of the Desolations ended, the Heralds would be sent to Braize, where they would be tortured by Odium's forces until they broke, allowing them and the Voidbringers to return to Roshar, starting another Desolation.
Order of the Windrunners
Jezrien, the King of Heralds and Patron of the Order of Windrunners, he is considered one of the most virtuous and noble characters in The Stormlight Archive. He was originally born in Ashyn, where he gave birth to his daughter and would-be Herald Shalash. He led his people to Roshar, where he helped humanity in their war against the Fused, eventually realizing that they could not win without trapping the Fused in Braize.
In Oath ending, in the present day, Moash kills Jezrien using a lightning knife, killing him permanently.
Jezrien and Ishar formed the Oathpact plan, which Honor agreed to, establishing the ten Heralds of the Almighty. Thousands of years later Stormlight Archive In the timeline, Jezrien became a drunken beggar, known by the name Ahu. As Ahu, he interacted with Dalinar Kholin, and they drank together from time to timeas shown in Oath flashbacks. In Oath ending, in the present day, Moash kills Jezrien using a lightning knife, killing him permanently.
Order of the Stonewards
Talenel's story is one of the most important to establish, as he is the one most impacted by the torture in Braize. In the Last Desolation, Talenel was the only Herald to die in battle, and the other Heralds speculated that only one of the ten would have to remain in Doom for the Oathpact to be sufficient. THE nine others abandoned the Oath Pact, leaving Talenel to suffer torture alone for 4,500 years.. The nine remaining Heralds lied and claimed that the cycle of desolations was over.
Talenel returned to Roshar in the epilogue of The Way of Kingsarriving in Kholinar. After everything he's endured, Talenel never broke, although his mind was essentially ruined by thousands of years of torture.. The only time readers see the real Talenel is during the Battle of Thaylen's Field, when Dalinar swore the Third Ideal, causing Talenel's mind to momentarily awaken, allowing him a conversation with Shalash. Instead of expressing anger at being abandoned, he was delighted with what his sacrifice allowed humanity to accomplish on Roshar.
Order of the Dust Heralds
Often nicknamed Chana, Chanarach is the patron Herald of Heralds of Heralds, and her life is one of the most mysterious in all the world. The Stormlight Archive. She participated in the original Oathpact and then abandoned it during the Last Desolation, although his whereabouts are relatively unknown through Rhythm of War. Before Wind and TruthAt the release, Brandon Sanderson stated that Chanarach appeared “on screen” at least once in the first two books, meaning she has played a role in the series thus far.
Order of the Weavers of Light
Shalash, nicknamed Ash, is the patron of the Order of Lightweavers and is commonly considered the Herald of Beauty. As the daughter of Jezrien, she was included in the Oathpact and participated in the Desolations along with the other nine. During the period before the True Desolation, Shalash spends much of her time destroying works of art of herself, believing herself unworthy of the deification of humanity. due to his role in Talenel's abandonment. She continued to do this until she learned of his return in the interludes of Oath.
Shalash appeared during the Battle of Thaylen's Field, speaking with Talenel during his brief moment of conviction when Dalinar swore his Third Ideal. After, Shalash and Talenel were taken to Urithiru and later to the Emul war front by Jasnah Kholinwho would question them (mainly Shalash) to obtain information about the Radiant Orders and their abilities. Shalash is planned to be the main flashback character in the planned eight books of The Stormlight Archive.
Order of the Skybreakers
Nale is one of the most fascinating Heralds and whose story is pertinent to Wind and Truth. He originally came from the planet Ashyn and had some conflicts with Jezrien. At some point, Jezrien admitted he was wrong and invited Nale to join the Oathpact. Nale accepted and later became the patron saint of the Skybreakers. Unlike the other heralds, Nale actually joined his Radiant Order and remains with them at the end of Rhythm of War.
During the True Desolation, he commanded his Skybreakers to fight alongside the Singers, believing their cause was right as they were the first inhabitants of Roshar.
In order to prevent the chances of another after the Last Desolation, Nale began killing any Surgebinders that appeared in Roshar, although he maintained his Order of the Skybreakers, which continued to operate in secret throughout. During the True Desolation, he commanded his Skybreakers to fight alongside the Singers, believing their cause was right as they were the first inhabitants of Roshar.
Order of Bondsmiths
Ishar is a Herald who appears prominently throughout The Stormlight Archiveas he is the patron of the Order of Bondsmiths, which makes him immensely valuable to Dalinar. Surges were the force of power that led to Ashyn's destruction, and Ishar was the first Herald to consider using them on Roshar, later becoming invaluable in the creation of the Knights Radiant. However, after the Last Desolation, It was under Ishar's instructions that Nale began hunting down and killing those who showed the ability of Surge.
Under the name of Tezim, Ishar became Tukar's leader and god-priest, later refusing to join Dalinar's coalition and defend Roshar against Odium.. Instead, he demanded that Dalinar give him ownership of Urithiru and leadership of the new Knights Radiant. Dalinar tried to approach Ishar at the end of Rhythm of War to learn more about his Bondsmith skills, but Ishar accused him of being Odium's champion and attacked him. Only after the encounter was Dalinar able to hear Ishar's true voice, stating that his mind was distorted and asking Dalinar to meet him in Shinovar.
Order of Elsecallers
Battar is the patron Herald of the Elsecallers, and she participated in the Oath and Desolations along with the other nine. Although Battar's role is not fully revealed in The Stormlight Archive Books 1-4, she's pretty much confirmed as Dova, a fiery one in Kharbranth who helped Taravangian with the Diagram. She warned Taravangian that the True Desolation was coming and was involved in helping him before he became the recipient of the Odium in Rhythm of War end.
Order of Edgedancers
Vedel is one of the Heralds of the Almighty and patron of the Order of Edgedancers. Belonging to the Edgedancers, who value the common people of the world above all else, believing it is their responsibility to improve the lives of the common people, Vedel is known for training humans as surgeons in preparation for times of war. She did not have the opportunity to appear during the current events of The Stormlight Archivealthough she will likely prevail in the second arc, which is considered more Herald-focused.
Order of Willmakers
Kalak is another Herald who appears in Rhythm of War history, although he was known during the Desolations as the patron of the Order of Willformers. Despite not being the leader, Kalak was considered among the Heralds for his rationality and determination, which earned him the respect of his peers. Sometime before the True Desolation, Kalak, under the name Restares, became the leader of an organization called Sons of Honorwhich involved Amaram. He was also present when Kaladin killed Helaran Davar and told Amaram to take the fragments for himself, resulting in Kaladin's enslavement.
In Rhythm of WarShallan and Adolin meet Kalak at Lasting Integrity in Shadesmar. There, he became the Supreme Judge among the city's honorary. He resided in Adolin's trial, which Adolin ultimately won despite Kalak's absence on the final day. Shallan, on behalf of the Ghostbloods, joined the journey to Shadesmar with the intention of assassinating Kalak, though she ultimately decided not to and ultimately broke her ties with the Ghostbloods. He revealed to Adolin and Shallan that before Recreance, Spren did not become a dead eye.
Order of the Watchers of Truth
Known as Pailiah in Vorinism, Pralla is the Patron of the Order of the Watchers of Truth. She is another character who essentially been absent throughout The Stormlight Archive books so faralthough there has been some speculation about his involvement with the Ardents in Kharbranth. She was believed to be a scholar before becoming a Herald and was able to use her powers to grow plants and to heal. Again, it's possible that Pralla will have a more important role later on The Stormlight Archive.