Every Fae court in Pyrthian in a court of thorns and roses, ranked by power

Every Fae court in Pyrthian in a court of thorns and roses, ranked by power

Cutting thorns and roses has explored several of his Prythian fey courts, but the inner workings of any court except the Night Court are mysteries, and a fallen court is the greatest mystery of all. In fact, no court could be considered weak, with characters as powerful as those of the Cutting thorns and roses"Weak" is a very relative term. Each court has its own specializations and secrets, with the nature of each court shaping the basic magic that each High Lord and his people possess. Each cut also has its own non-magical strengths, so it would be a mistake to underestimate any of the Prythian courts node A Court of Thorns and Roses books.

Still, the courts are all shaped by their High Rulers, their policies and their internal conflicts. Sarah J. Maas did not give equal time to the courts (although we may see more in Cutting thorns and roses book 6), but we still know enough to have a general sense of which courts are solid and stable, which courts have vulnerabilities, and which courts are crumbling from within. One thing is certain: if Cutting thorns and rosesWhether the High Fae admit it or not, Prythian is much stronger when the courts are divided and united than when they are in conflict with each other.

Solar Court

Supreme Lord

Era of the High Lord

Twilight Court



Dawn Court


No more than 500 years

Day court

Helion Spell Cleaver

More than 500 years

Night Court

Rhysand and Feyre

538 years and 22 years

Seasonal Court

Supreme Lord

Era of the High Lord

Spring Court


510 years

summer cut


82 years

Autumn Court

Beron Vanserra

500+ (unknown, but he is the oldest High Lord)

Winter Court


No more than 500 years


Twilight Court

Current ruler: N/A

Custom image by Marisa Pangaro

Of all the courts in Cutting thorns and rosesthe Twilight Court is one that no longer exists, but has become myth and legend. All that is definitively known is that it existed, but now it no longer exists. What happened to him and why he disappeared is unknown, a reality strange and incongruous with the rest of the Fae's meticulous records. Considering her long lifespan and memories that easily go back hundreds of years, one would think there would be some record of the Twilight Court and what happened to it. A chronic weakness of Maas, however, is that she often ignores continuity to establish a reveal.

In the case of the Twilight Court, we almost certainly already know what that revelation will be: the Twilight Court used to be where Prison Island isand indeed, the voices Nesta hears coming from behind the rock and the visions she sees of people trapped in the mountain are the citizens of the lost Twilight Court. There is one more ACOTAR theory that it will be Elain who frees the Twilight Court in the next book, which wouldn't be a surprise. Still, we know almost nothing about the lost court, so it comes last on this list.


Spring Court

Current Ruler: Tamlin

If this list had been written after Cutting thorns and rosesor even halfway A Court of Mist and Furythen the Spring Court may have been at the top of this list. At the very least, it would have come in second place. Tamlin is a very powerful Fae High Lord, especially in his bestial form, and although he didn't have many close friends and allies, those he did have, like Lucien, were loyal to him. Their standing army was also significant, which must be considered considering that the Spring Court is the one that borders human lands. In his bestial form, Tamlin was widely considered the most physically powerful and savage of all the High Lords.

However, this was only possible because Tamlin's court was relatively stable, even if his people were not always satisfied with his outdated notions. Feyre breaking Tamlin's heart finally revealed that Tamlin's court was as strong as he was. And while this is the case with all High Fae courts - a strong court needs a strong ruler - Tamlin never learned that true strength comes from creating strong bonds with other people. As a result, when it collapsed, there was no one left to help keep the Spring Court running, leading to its current chaotic state. Even Tamlin's inevitable ACOTAR redemption arc may not save his court.


Dawn Court

Current Ruler: Thesan

Fan art by Thesan in ACOTAR by morgana0anagrom

Considering the vast potential of its areas of specialization, Tribunal da Alvorada could be placed at the top of this list. However, of the current Fae courts of Prythian, We probably know less about the Dawn Courtat least until now. Their High Lord, Thesan, is a mystery. Rhysand counts on him to be an ally in the war against Hybern, mentioning that his Night Court's relationship with the Dawn Court has always been strong and mutually aligned. But we don't know much about Thesan, except that his healing ability is incredibly powerful.

We don't know much about Thesan except that his healing ability is incredibly powerful.

The Dawn Court has a few things going for it, however. The first is his small but powerful legion of winged Fae, the Peregryn, whose commander is Thesan's lover. The Peregryns are not as powerful as the Illyrians, but they are still a crucial ally to have in battle. THE Dawn Court is also arguably the smartest and most advanced of the courtsalso, specializing in inventions, clockworks and magical and scientific discoveries. It was the court of Thesan that created the antidote to combat Hybern's fae poison, saving the other courts and the people of Prythian.


Autumn Court

Ruler: Beron Vanserra

On the surface, The Autumn Court is one of the most powerful and formidable courts in all of Prythian. As High Lord, Beron Vanserra is cruel, calculating, and rules with an iron fist, ensuring that none of his people step out of line. Anyone caught questioning his authority or disregarding his orders is dealt with swiftly and mercilessly, including the archaic Blood Duel of the Autumn Court. This cruelty includes his own children, especially Lucien. He is also one of the most heavily guarded High Lords, with rings of protection around the Forest House complex, and his well-trained and ruthless guards and spies stationed throughout the surrounding trees and rocks.

That said, although Beron knows everything that goes on within his court, he still doesn't seem to know that his own son and heir, Eris, has secretly allied himself with Rhys and the Night Court and is playing spy. With Eris' desire to take the throne, the still unrevealed fact that Lucien is actually Helion's son, and the unrest that Eris suggested is stirring the court. the Autumnal Court may be much more fragile than Beron imagines. Beron will certainly meet his end in the series finale. The only question is whether this will happen in battle or with a knife blade in the dark.


summer cut

Ruler: Tarquinius

Tarquin fan art in ACOTAR by morgana0anagrom

Tarquin has all the characteristics of an excellent ruler and a strong leader one day, but he is young and inexperienced, and his naivety has already led to some damaging results, such as when Feyre and Rhys betrayed him and stole from his court. The Fae High Lords are a gossipy bunch, and there is no way word of this violation of Tarquin's trust and safety could not have spread, which certainly hurt Tarquin's strength projection, already in question due to his green on the throne. It was a difficult lesson for the inexperienced and confident young lord to learn.

Despite that, there's a lot of potential for Tarquin to turn the Summer Court into something really special. He has demonstrated bravery and loyalty rarely seen among the High Lords, and like Rhysand, Tarquin has a progressive outlook and dreams of reforming the old-fashioned and stodgy ways of the Fae into something more progressive. As sailors and water magicians, Tarquin's people are incredibly powerful and virtually unmatched on the high seas. In a few years, the Summer Court could well be near the top of the list, second only to the Night Court. For now, however, Tarquin's youth places him after Beron's Autumn Court.


Winter Court

Ruler: Kallias (and Viviane if she gets it)

The northernmost court of Prythian is in many ways its toughest, built to withstand the kingdom's harsh winter climate. As High Lord, Kallias is more reserved and quiet than most other High Lords, but he is incredibly intelligent and cunning, and his reserve hides a passionate nature. He cares deeply about his people; Just before being trapped under the mountain, he took advantage of his last moments to speak to his best friend, Viviane, to confess that he loved her and ask her to protect his people while he was gone. Now, companions, the two have a powerful bond, arguably the best power couple in Prythian, behind Rhys and Feyre.

The Winter Court also features the incredible addition of polar bears that act as sentries and armored warriors in times of war. This in itself is fantastic and gives the kingdom a great amount of power. That said, the reason the Winter Court isn't higher on the list is that we simply don't know much about its inner workings yet. Kallias and Viviane's romance is well documented, but what happens within its borders is largely a mystery. Because of this, it is unclear how powerful the court isbut with rulers like High Lord Kallias and Lady Viviane, the Winter Court is in good hands.


Day court

Ruler: Helion Spell-Cleaver

Although the other High Lords respect Rhysand for his power and fearsome affected personality, there has always been a feeling that they respect Helion almost as much. It stands to reason that the Night Court's counterpart would need a ruler almost as strong as Rhysand, the yin and yang of Prythian. Helion's seductive nature and voracious sexual appetite belie his prodigious abilities. While all High Lords have the ability to sift and, in theory, transform into a bestial/ultimate form, not all of them have any other abilities beyond this, beyond the main power associated with their court; Beron, for example, despite having ruled his court for the longest time, only seems to be able to manipulate fire.

It stands to reason that the Night Court's counterpart would need a ruler almost as strong as Rhysand, the yin and yang of Prythian.

Helio, however, has almost as many extra powers as Rhysand: Healing, elimination of spells and glamour, touch telepathy, air manipulation, light generation and others. Unlike many other High Lords, Helion also has a son who can take control and would make an excellent ruler in Lucien, though apparently neither knows the truth about their relationship yet. It's a natural fit. The Day Court is the repository of Prythian knowledge, from the kingdom's brightest minds. If the A Court of Thorns and Roses the theory of Lucien becoming the High King of Prythian doesn't work, ruling the Day Court would be the next best thing, one of the few courts where the heir can be even stronger than his father.


Night Court

Ruler: Rhysand and Feyre Archeron

Of course, a list ranking the courts of the Prythian Fae would put the Night Court first by any metric. As noted previously, a court is only as powerful as its High Lord, and Rhysand is the most powerful High Lord in all of Prythian's recorded history.. When Rhysand unleashes his powers to their fullest, he can defeat – and has eliminated – a small army single-handedly. With Feyre by his side as the first High Lady of Prythian, a companion who can match Rhys in sheer power and range of abilities, they make a terrifyingly strong and powerful couple.

In addition to them, the Night Court has the strongest and most formidable Inner Circle. No other court spy can match the shadowsinging and information-gathering skills of master spy Azriel, so Rhys is generally more informed than any other High Lord. As general of his Illyrian legions of fighters, Cassian is the country's greatest warrior and now Nesta has resurrected the Valkyrie regiment. Although it is not certain, Morrigan may be the Morrigan/Badb on ACOTARthe Goddess of War, Destiny and Prophecy. And everyone is afraid of ancient Amren. Thanks to them, Rhysand's gift for strategy, and now Lucien's diplomatic skills, the Night Court has no weaknesses. In Cutting thorns and rosesno court comes close to being as strong on all fronts, or as complete.