Includes massive spoilers for Fire and Blood, House of the Dragons source material.
Vhagar is one of the greatest dragons in "House of the Dragon," with a lot of experience.
Visenya Targaryen, Baelon Targaryen, Laena Velaryon and Aemond Targaryen are important people who have ridden Vagar.
Aemond's reign of terror on Vagar leads to the battle above the God's Eye, ending the line for the old dragon.
Vhagar is one of the most notable dragons in House of the DragonBut the behemoth had multiple riders before ending up with Aemond Targaryen. Vhagar is one of the largest dragons in Game of Thrones story, just falling behind Balerion the Black Dread. To be this big means two things: Vagar is very old, and Vagar has a lot of experience. Dragons in the Game of Thrones Universe never stop growing as they age, as long as they are fed and given space to fly. Vagar was born in 52 BC, nearly two centuries before the Dance of the Dragons.
Vhagar was initially born on Dragonstone decades before Aegon the Conqueror flew to Westeros to begin conquering. She grew to be just over 180 years old, with the Dance of the Dragons being her last conflict, as, like many of the Targaryen dragons, she was eventually killed in battle. George RR Martin A Song of Ice and Fire The book series depicts Vhagar as one of the most powerful and menacing creatures in its entire existence, which is consistently demonstrated throughout HBO's prequel series, House of the Dragon.
Around 20 BC - 44 AC
Decades before the conquest of Westeros began, Visenya Targaryen climbed Vhagar on Dragonstone and became his first rider. Visenia was the older sister of Aegon the Conqueror and was known for being a warrior and dragonrider, on top of being the first queen of the realm and the ancestor of all Targaryen rulers. The HBO Aegon's conquest Series should show her as one of its main characters, with a younger version of Vhagar accompanying her in her many battles in Westeros, including famous events like the Field of Fire and the submission of Torrhen Stark.
Visenia was Aegon's older sister, and they married out of responsibility and Valyrian tradition. It was his younger sister, Rhaenys Targaryen, whom he also married, who was believed to be his primary lover. yet, Visenya outlasted both of her younger siblings, eventually living on to help her son Maegor claim the Iron Throne After that, his older brother Aeni was murdered. Visenia spent the last two years of her life supporting Maegor, as his violent methods allowed the Targaryen dynasty to remain intact in the early years.
Until 43 AC, Visenya and Vhagar still worked together to defeat the enemies of House TargaryenDestroying castles in the Riverlands and Dorne on behalf of her son. She was 73 years old when she eventually died, too old to ride Vhagar in her final year. Visenia died, leaving behind her Valyrian steel sword, Dark Sister, who would eventually end up with Daemon in the House of the Dragon. Vhagar was left for decades before finding a new rider.
73 AC - 101 AC
Baelon Targaryen, also known as Baelon the Brave, was The fourth-born son of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen. The reign of King Jaehaerys was defined as a prolonged period of peace and prosperity for the realm, but problems with his succession were what eventually led to the Dance of the Dragons. Jaehaerys had five sons and several more daughters in his lifetime, but tragedy continued to plague them, with none living to succeed him as his heir. Baelon's son, King Viserys I, eventually ruled the Seven Kingdoms instead.
As for Baelon, he claimed Vhagar at the age of 16, just weeks after proving his bravery and knighthood in a jousting tourney. From there he married his sister, Alyssa Targaryen, whom Daemon had fantasized about. House of the Dragon Season 2. Since the era was primarily peaceful, Baelon didn't have as many opportunities as Visenia to drive the massive Vagar into battleExcept for a failed Dornish invasion in 83 AC. Jaeharis, riding Vermithor; Beelon, riding Whagar; And Belon's brother Ammon, riding on Caraxes, flew out and burned the Dornish fleet before it touched the ground.
His appendix burst and killed him, leaving Whagar riderless once again and the realm without an heir.
Aemon was killed in 92 AC, making Baelon the heir to the Iron Throne. However, none of Jaehaerys' children lived to hold the title, and Baelon himself died just under a decade later. On a hunting trip, he complained of pain in his side. Days later, his appendix burst and killed him, leaving Whagar riderless once again and the realm without an heir. The Great Council of 101, as depicted in House of the Dragon premiere, saw Viserys named heir in his place.
about 104 AC - 120 AC
Wagar's wait for a new rider is not so long, as Laena Velaryon climbed the massive dragon around 104 AC when she was 12 years old. By this point, Balerion had died, making Vhagar the greatest dragon left alive at the time. This was a huge win for House Velaryon, which saw a golden age of power between Corlys Velaryon's wealth and political influence and Rhaenys Targaryen's connection to the royal family, allowing their children to claim dragons. Laena later married Prince Daemon Targaryen, furthering the connection between the two Valyrian families.
While Laenor Velaryon helped her father in the War of the Stepstones in the TV adaptation, Laena is never shown participating in the conflict despite the massive Vagar at her side. However, she is known to love flying, and the show depicts this during her marriage to Daemon. Laena and Vhagar are shown flying near Daemon and Caraxes, tragically foreshadowing the terrible events to come, as Vagar would soon be one of Daemon's biggest problems to deal with during the Dance of the Dragons.
How many women in the Game of Thrones Universe, Leena tragically died after a failed childbirth. In the TV adaptation, She approached Wagar and had her burn the dragon alive, dying a traditional Targaryen death. In the book, she tried to reach Vhagar for a last flight but collapsed on her way.
120 AC - 130 AC
Aemond Targaryen may not be Vhagar's longest-lasting rider, but he's the one TV audiences will be most familiar with. Aemond was bullied as a child by his siblings and cousins for being the only one who did not have a dragon bound to him. so, On the night of Laena Velarion's funeral in Driftmark, the young Prince Aemond took his chances with the huge VhagarRisk obliteration by fire to show his spirit to the world's largest dragon. When the other children found out that Emanand claimed to be a prostitute, it led to a compliment that caused him to lose his eye.
Eamond Targaryen spent the rest of his life bitter about the horrible things that happened to him as a boy. When the dance of the dragons began, he used the violence as an excuse to take revenge on all those who tormented him. He killed Luceris Velorion shortly after the death of King Viserys, of course he started the war between the Blacks and the Greens. In the show, he even uses Vhagar to betray his brother, King Aegon I, at the Battle of Rook's Rest, lighting him in flames and sending him barreling to the ground.
Aemond's reign of terror on Vagar accelerated after Aegon's fall, as he was anointed Prince Regent while his brother recovered. in House of the Dragon Season 2 finale, Aemond is shown destroying an entire city in anger, killing tons of innocents. finally, He and Whagar were killed in a duel against Daemon and Caraxes In what is known as the battle above God's eye. This should be one of the most climactic and epic moments in House of the DragonBut that's the end of the line for old Vhagar.