Every Dragon Ball TV show and movie in order

Every Dragon Ball TV show and movie in order

Fans of several decades have grown up watching the adventures of Akira Toriyama's Goku, but the stories of the Dragon Ball Franchises are too big to fit into just one Anime series. Even though the original manga reached its end in 1995, that didn't stop the production of the anime series from expanding on the story and history of the wish-granting Dragon Balls and the lost useless alien Boy who grew up to become the savior of the universe. .

In 1986, Akira Toriyama's anime adaptation Dragon Ball Manga began to enter viewers as it was arranged on television. Over the years, the popularity of the show grew, especially when its sequel series began to air in countries worldwide. Now, almost forty years later, there were Seven different ones Dragon Ball Anime series Which have each helped grow the universe of the franchise, capture new fans and delight existing ones.


The first Dragon Ball anime helped introduce the story that changed the world

The 153rd episode of Toei Animation Dragon Ball The series ran from 1986 to 1989

The original Dragon Ball Played a considerable role in popularizing the anime medium in many cultures thanks to its skillful blending of comedy, drama and action. Toriyama's art style was recreated with charming animation that brought his characters to life. And for fans of the franchise that did not discover Dragon Ball Until after seeing one of its sequel series, the way it builds the universe and introduces its eventual iconic character is more than worth a look, especially since many fans still consider it the best Dragon Ball series in the entire franchise.

The fateful meeting between the teenage Bulma and the young Goku would eventually prove to be an essential trigger for universe-changing events, but before that would happen, the two go on a considerable adventure to find seven magical spheres that are said to grant any wish . Fortunately, the first series takes little to no time to deliver likable characters and exciting action, especially with Master Roshi's first mountain-destroying demonstration of the Kamehameha Wave in Dragon Ball Episode #8. However, this only proved to be an appetizer for excitement to come.


Over the original Dragon Ball In the series, Goku travels to different locations and meets powerful fighters, some of whom become lifelong friends, while others push the young warrior to develop his considerable skills for battle. Many of its arcs rank among these Dragon Ball The best of the franchise, especially the tournament arcs, which were so well constructed that they inspired many future Shonen series to create their own. Despite his age, Dragon Ball is a series that holds up surprisingly well and deserves the attention of new fans Who enjoyed the latest projects of the franchise.


Dragon Ball Z pushed the franchise and its reputation into the cosmos

291 episode of Toei Animation Dragon Ball p The series ran from 1989 to 1996

The original manga by Akira Toriyama kept the Dragon Ball Title over its run. However, these Dragon Ball p Anime broke the series and adapted the second half of the beloved storyline. DBZThese arcs have some dramatic turns that set it apart from the adventures of Goku's youth. The direct continuation of Goku's story effectively expanded the franchise by revealing that he was an alien known as a Saiyan, a powerful warrior race whose planet was mysteriously destroyed. It also introduced some of fiction's most iconic villains.

Goku has become a fan-favorite character that is hard to move the spotlight away from, even if the original plan was to make his son Gohan the main character of the Dragon Ball p Series. Still, Toriyama, his team, and The producers of the DBZ Anime created an entertaining space opera that captivated fans worldwide and inspired generations of animators. His art style, animation, voice acting and direction framed the sequel series' action to revolutionary heights, and when combined with his storytelling, it became legendary.

Many aspects helped make Dragon Ball p One of the best anime of all time, including its storylines, which saw characters like Goku, Gohan and Vegeta strive to push themselves against stronger opponents. Antagonists like Frieza, Cell, and Buu pushed the Z Warriors past their limits, causing them to reach stunning new heights and inspiring countless people to improve themselves.


Dragon Ball GT hit the road without Toriyama's guidance

The 64th episode of Toi Animation Dragon Ball GT The series ran from 1996 to 1997

yet Dragon Ball z endedThe franchise reached a level of popularity that made it hard not to want more, even if the manga didn't have more stories to adapt. This led to the creation of Dragon Ball GTWhich started airing a week after the final episode of DBZ. Franchise creator Akira Toriyama did little more than provide character designs and approve certain story elements of DBGT. However, some aspects of its plot worked better than others and stood out from its more mediocre moments.

Beginning ten years after the end of DBZGoku is transformed into a child after accidentally making a wish on the Dark Star Dragon Balls. The different set of balls risk blowing Earth if they are not found from across the galaxy within a year. Throughout the series, memorable foes like Baby, Super Hell Fighter Android #17 and Omega Shenron of the Shadow Dragons clash against Goku and the iconic Super Saiyan 4 transformation. Compared to the original series and DBZDBGT's narrative is increasingly lacking Compared to Toriyama's work, but it's worth a look for hardcore fans.


Dragon Ball Z Kai made the series easier than ever to enjoy

167th episode of Toei Animation Dragon Ball Z Kai Series ran from 2009 to 2011, and 2014 to 2015

One complaint potential fans have about starting the DBZ The series ran for 291 episodes, with episodes containing questionable pacing and filler material that often made Dragon Ball p Feel like a drag to watch during specific sections. However, in an effort to make the series more digestible and profitable by repackaging the work that has already been done, Dragon Ball Z Kai is created, which condenses the beloved series into 167 episodes with even more upgrades.

Dragon Ball Z Kai is the same as DBZ But with editing that helps it more closely resemble the source material of Akira Toriyama's manga. In addition to the shorter runtime, the revised series included newly recorded voice lines and remastered visuals and audio. The series played a big role in introducing the iconic DBZ Anime to more viewers and many Fans recommend that people try DBZ Kai as an entry point To get into the franchise. While DBZ Kai Fortunately, it cuts off unnecessary gags and too long staredowns, it lacks beloved ones Dragon Ball p Filler fans have grown to love.


Dragon Ball Super resurrected the franchise

The 131st episode of Toei Animation Dragon Ball Super Series ranking from 2015 to 2018

It has been several years since the division Dragon Ball GT ended, and the franchise's reputation is threatened to end in disgrace thanks to the live-action Dragonball Film. As interest grew to bring the franchise back with a new animated movie, Akira Toriyama felt compelled to come out of retirement to play a more prominent role in the creation of Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods As anyone expected. That involvement helped create the whole Dragon Ball Super Sequel series, bring the franchise back with enough excitement to fill city streets with fans Thrilled to watch his battles together.

The animated films Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods And Resurrection 'F' laid the foundation for the first arcs of the DBS Anime, which dramatically expands on the theatrically released movies. The long-awaited anime series got off to a rocky start with questionable pacing and even more so about animation. However, after a few changes with the anime's production schedules and teams, the Dragon Ball Super Anime produced arcs that thrilled audiences with intense battles, fascinating antagonists, and new transformations that replicated the excitement long-time fans felt when they watched the series during their youth.


DBS Further expanded on the franchise's lore by introducing the Gods of Destruction, Angels, and the child-like King of All, who all have a level of power almost unimaginable in past series. The concept of multiverses also added a lot with their vibrant cast of characters that all helped make the Final Tournament of Power arc one of the best in the franchise, especially with DBSThe last battles of Ultra Instinct Goku vs. Jiren. While Dragon Ball Super Is not without its faults, there is no denying that it reignited love for the Dragon Ball Sort in a big way.


Super Dragon Ball Heroes is meant to sell cards, not tell a story

The 56th episode of Toei Animation Super Dragon Ball Heroes series ran from 2018 to 2024

Akira Toriyama is known to have had little to do with much of this DBZ sequel series, but he has even less involvement with the most controversial anime, Super Dragon Ball HeroesWhich exists to advertise the incredibly lucrative Dragon Ball Trading card game. The promotional anime web series releases ten to fifteen minute episodes at a sporadic pace and with a level of quality to match. While the series plot takes place shortly after the events of Dragon Ball Supers Tournament of Power, its consistent lackluster battles help remind viewers of what makes others tick Dragon Ball Animes great.

Because the paper-thin plot of the SDBH Series loosely based on the completely non-canon video games based on the card game, it goes in many wild directions that make it hard to take seriously. Time manipulation, mysterious portals, hybrid villains and the clash of alternate versions of characters from all the previous ones Dragon Ball series happen almost every minute of the short series. with Super Dragon Ball Heroes Giving its characters and story so little time to build, it's the equivalent of smashing action figures togetherWhich may be fun for some.


Dragon Ball Daima will be Toriyama's last adventure with Goku

Toy animation Dragon Ball Dima The series will begin releasing episodes weekly on October 11, 2024

The latest project in the franchise that Akira Toriyama helped with is the upcoming anime series Dragon Ball Dima. A lack of preproduction severely limited the quality of the beginning of DBSs anime, however Always Should be a different story since it has been in the works for more than a year. Although its plot apparently took place before the god of destruction, Beerus, came to earth, much of the new story is currently a mystery. Still, Toriyama played a much more involved role that fans are anxious to see unfold when Dragon Ball Dima Begins on October 11.

Sources: Junior, Crunchyroll Dubs, Toy animation/ YouTube