Every Dragon Ball character is iconic, but these 10 heroes stand out from the rest

Every Dragon Ball character is iconic, but these 10 heroes stand out from the rest

Dragon ballOver its long and storied 40 years, it has featured some of the greatest heroes in anime and manga history. A story that began following the adventures of a mysterious tailed boy, fans have observed not only Goku, but also the people he surrounds himself with, became Earth's greatest defenders. Having to fight against villains as iconic as they are, each of them Dragon ballThe main cast of fighters consistently put their lives on the line to protect their home planet.

Whether on different planets, or in other universes and dimensions, no matter the enemy, Dragon ballthe heroes show up and work together to save the day. Goku may get most of the credit, but without a little help from his friends, He wouldn't be half the warrior he is today. All Dragon ballThe characters are iconic, but they simply stand out among the rest.



Yamcha, the people's hero

Yamcha has acquired a rather unsavory reputation over the yearsand while his spotty combat record certainly contributed to this, the Z Fighter's meme status isn't entirely fair. Marching into battle against several of the series' strongest villains, Yamcha's bravery is something to be admired. Regardless of his death at the hands of a Saibaman, the human warrior consistently faces opponents beyond his reach to protect his planet and his loved ones.

In time not spent fighting some of the strongest villains in anime and manga history, Yamcha is a famous professional baseball playerinspiring children both in the universe with his games and in real life with his martial arts skills and bravery. He might not be the first character fans think of when telling Dragon ballthe best heroes, but Yamcha deserves his flowers.


Range #2

The android who sacrificed himself for his opponents

Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero deserves that title, featuring two of the franchise's best new heroes in years. The creations of Dr. Gero's genius grandson, Gamma #1 and #2 are advanced artificial androids that are extremely proficient in combat. The first, dressed in red, is the more serious of the two, business-oriented and loyal to his creator. The most heroic, however, is the silliest and happiest Gamma #2.

Understanding that they had been working for the villains all along, the Gammas stopped fighting Gohan and Piccolo and eventually turned their attention to the monstrous Cell Max. Desperate, Gamma #2 sacrificed his own life in a final attack on the giant Cell. Sacrifices always result in heroic moments, but they mean a little more coming from Gamma #2, who gave his life to protect the warriors he had just spent considerable time fighting.



The underrated genius hero

When fans think of Dragon ballOf the greatest heroes, the most powerful characters will often come to mind. Countless fighters have achieved unimaginable feats of strength, eliminating threats in hand-to-hand combat that can destroy dimensions. But few celebrate the fact that countless victories would have been impossible without Bulma's help. The genius scientist created several inventions without which the series' heroes would be lost.

Dragon Radar is probably the most impactful, showing exactly where the Dragon Balls are at all times. The other most important is the time machine that Trunks uses to come from the future. Not only was Earth saved by several of Bulma's many inventions, but entire timelines too.



The strongest human in Dragon Ball

Dragon ball features some humans in prominent roles, but none are as strong as Krillin. Best friend of the series' protagonist and a student at the Turtle School of Martial Arts, Krillin has been by Goku's side since the beginning. Like Yamcha, Krillin fell far behind Dragon ballis the leader of the Saiyans, but still charges into battle knowing full well that he doesn't have the power to face the strongest villains.

Krillin also had more influence on each of the series' major battles than any other human in the series. Controlling and throwing the Spirit Bomb at Vegeta, being the catalyst for the first Super Saiyan transformation, participating in the Cell Games, Krillin has been useful on the front lines throughout his time in Dragon ball. His selflessness also saved the androids, leading to his marriage and family with the number 18. Krillin is a reminder that Not everyone needs alien blood to be a hero.


Android #17

Tournament of Power MVP

One of Dragon ballNumbered Androids that far precede the newer Gammas, Android #17 is one of the series' many examples of a villain turned hero. In their first appearance, #17 and #18 were terrors, destroying cities and taking lives without thinking, with the sole goal of killing Goku. After the ordeal with Cell, however, they changed their ways and practically fell silent. #18 started a family with Krillin, while #17 became a national park ranger on a remote island.

When the Tournament of Power came about, Android #17 was recruited to fight for Team Universe 7, and the once-villain played a key role in the battle royale. As the last surviving warrior, #17 wished to restore all erased universes, saving countless numbers of lives. He is far from the first Dragon ball villain to become a hero, but it's likely that no one else has saved as many lives as Android #17.



The hybrid Saiyan who fights despite his gentle nature

Son of Earth's greatest defender, Gohan demonstrated unlimited potential from the moment he debuted in the series. Although he is kind by nature, Gohan has participated and played important roles in almost every Dragon ballbiggest battles. Surpassing even Goku's strength during the Cell Saga, Gohan is the only other character in the series besides his father who defeated a major villain.

His lack of will to fight often affects Gohan in dangerous moments, but he is still always willing to fight when the time comes. His recent performance in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero proved that the Hybrid Saiyan still has the potential to become one of the greatest fighters on Earthand put Gohan on par with Goku and Vegeta once again in terms of strength.



The Honorary Member of the Son Family

Dragon ball introduced Piccolo as a villain whose only goal was to kill Goku. And he did, during the fight with Raditz at the beginning of the Saiyan Saga. The events that followed, however, set in motion the wheels that would one day lead to Piccolo becoming one of Earth's greatest heroes. Promoting Gohan for "training" in preparation for the Saiyans' arrival on Earth, Piccolo grew close to the boy and learned what friendship can be, and later sacrificed his own life to save him.

From that moment on, Piccolo stood firmly by the heroes' sidegoing into battle and saving your friends from the biggest threats Dragon ball can throw your way. Having become an uncle of sorts to Gohan, and later to Pan, Piccolo found his way into the family of his once mortal enemy. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero it was a return for Gohan and Piccolo, and the series would be smart to keep the focus on the two old friends as it moves forward.


Future Trunks

The Savior from Another Timeline

When Future Trunks arrived in the present after Frieza's defeat, Dragon ball was shaken to its core. The Namek Saga was the longest of Akira Toriyama's original manga up to that point, featuring intense, over-the-top battles that resulted in the series' first Super Saiyan. And before the dust had even settled, another mysterious Super Saiyan appeared to do what took Goku and the others over 80 chapters to accomplish, and killed Frieza.

Trunks not only helped Earth's heroes in their fight against Cell, but also returned to his own timeline to defeat the Androids. Alone, he has saved the planet countless times with little to no help. Trunks is probably the most tragic of Dragon ballthe heroesand his acts of bravery deserve the recognition that the other main characters in the series enjoy.



The former villain is Goku's greatest ally

Vegeta is one of the greatest anime and manga villains who became a heroand over time, the Saiyan Prince became as iconic as Goku. When he introduced himself to the world Dragon ballVegeta was a savage, bloodthirsty Saiyan warrior who came to Earth to kill Goku and wish for immortality with Dragon Balls. That wish would never come to pass, and instead, Vegeta took on the role of hero.

Although he was never the fighter who struck the decisive blow in battle, Vegeta has been an integral part of each of Dragon ballmain conflicts after its introduction. Becoming a hero over time isn't a revolutionary concept in storytelling, given that Piccolo enjoyed basically the same character arc just before Vegeta, but the Saiyan Prince is a joy to watch every time he does something selfless or righteous. Vegeta is not the number one hero in the series, but he is the best challenger for the fighter in that position.



The Low-Class Saiyan Who Defies All Odds

Dragon ballprotagonist of and one of the most recognized anime and manga characters of all time, Goku is iconic in a way that few other fictional heroes can match. Once the strange-tailed boy who was found in the mountains long ago, Goku has become a hero time and time again, defeating each new threat that presents itself. His list of victories is long, and what really makes Goku the series' greatest hero is the fact that he never tries to be a hero.

In a long quest to simply fight stronger and stronger fighters, Goku has saved the Earth and his loved ones countless times. There isn't a challenge Goku would refuse, and regardless of your intentionshe always manages to do the right thing. Dragon ball is home to some of the most iconic fictional characters in history, but in the end, none compare to the series' protagonist.