Star Trek: Deep Space NineMedical Director, Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig), approached his romantic relationships the same way he approached his career: with youthful optimism and the confidence that he could accomplish anything. While this generally worked out better for Julian's Starfleet career than his love life, Dr. Bashir still had a number of problems. DS9 love interests. On Star Trek: Deep Space NineOver the seven years, Bashir found love (or something like it) with one-episode and recurring guest stars DS9 identical characters.
Like many other characters in Star Trek: Deep Space NineDr. Bashir evolved as a character thanks to DS9risky - but effective - storytelling strategy, which was more serialized than previous Star Trek show. The continuing adventures of Deep Space Nine's senior team gave more insight into Deep Space Nine's personal life. DS9 characters. Bashir was a desperate philanderer Star Trek: Deep Space Nineprevious seasonsbut his craving for romantic attention eventually faded as Julian became more grounded later on.
Lieutenant Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine seasons 1 and 2
In Star Trek: Deep Space NineIn the first few seasons, Julian Bashir ardently pursued Lieutenant Jadzia Dax. While Dax made it clear that she was not interested in a romantic relationship with BashirJadzia also did not discourage Julian's flirting and instead let Bashir's passion run its course. After all, Dax was a close-knit Trill who was once a young man (and an old man) with the same desire for women's attention, so Jadzia understood where Julian was coming from.
As DS9 continued, Dax and Bashir continued to work together as professionals, and Dr. Bashir's romantic interest in Jadzia Dax turned into a solid, sustainable friendship. Julian was shown to be disappointed when Jadzia became involved with Lieutenant Commander Worf (Michael Dorn), but Bashir ended up supporting Dax's choice of partner and even attended Dax and Worf's wedding.
Ensign Melora Pazlar (Daphne Ashbrook)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 2, Episode 6, "Melora"
In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 2, Episode 6, "Melora", Dr. Bashir fell in love with Ensign Melora Pazlar, an Elaysian from a planet with less gravity than other inhabited worlds in Star Trek. Melora used a wheelchair to get around in standard gravity, so Bashir researched neuromuscular treatments that would allow Pazlar to work without an assistive device.
Melora and Julian were a good match as like-minded scientists willing to push each other to improve. Bashir highlighted Ensign Pazlar's refusal to accept help, even in professional settings that had nothing to do with his disability. Similarly, Melora challenged Bashir's ability by calling the treatment he developed a cure. The relationship was not sustainable and Melora was transferred.
Leeta (Chase Masterson)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 4
Dr. Julian Bashir's relationship with the Bajoran girl Dabo Leeta occurred mainly in the context of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine4th season. Both Julian and Leeta were adventurous, fun-loving, and physically attractive, but the lack of common interests (apart from each other) probably made Bashir and Leeta's relationship quite superficial.
The most time Julian and Leeta shared on screen was in the episode where they broke up, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5, Episode 7, "Leave Him Who Is Without Sin." In it, Bashir and Leeta go to Risa to celebrate the end of their relationship with the Bajoran Rite of Separation. The two remained friends after their amicable split.
Sarina Douglas (Faith C. Salie)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7, Episode 5, 'Chrysalis'
In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 6, Episode 9, "Statistical Probabilities", Bashir works with the non-verbal Sarina Douglas and other genetically enhanced humans to discover how the Federation can win the war against the Dominion. Julian and Sarina's bond turns romantic a year laterin DS9 Season 7, Episode 5, "Chrysalis", when Bashir uses a neurocortical probe that helps Sarina learn to speak. Unfortunately, the effect was temporary and Sarina returned to her previous state, leaving Bashir heartbroken.
Sarina's characterization as an almost childlike wise woman made this relationship a particularly questionable choice for Bashir.
Julian Bashir's relationship with Sarina was very similar to Bashir's relationship with Ensign Melora Pazlar five years earlier. In both cases, Julian felt attracted to a woman he believed could help with her medical knowledge.. Melora refused the so-called treatment, but Sarina accepted and seemed to fall in love with Bashir because he helped her. Neither affair was ethically correct by modern standards, but Sarina's characterization as an almost childlike wise woman made this relationship a particularly questionable choice for Bashir.
Lieutenant Ezri Dax (Nicole de Boer)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 7, Episode 14, "The Dogs of War"
Starfleet advisor Ezri Tigan received the Dax symbiote following the death of Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax at the end of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 6. Julian Bashir was almost immediately attracted to Ezri Dax when Dax returned to Deep Space Nine, but Bashir avoided Ezri for months because Bashir feared that his attraction to Ezri was just a misguided second chance at a relationship with Jadzia Dax.
Instead of being a new version of Jadzia, Ezri Dax was a completely different person who ended up being a much better match for Julian than Jadzia ever was.. Ezri and Julian were on the same page, with similar dispositions and career trajectories, and Ezri really reciprocated Julian's feelings. Ezri Dax and Dr. Bashir became a couple in Star Trek: Deep Space Ninepenultimate episode of The Dogs of War, "The Dogs of War".
Elim Garak (Andrew Robinson)
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5, Episode 9, 'Fissure Quest'
The relationship between Cardassian spy tailor Elim Garak and Dr. Julian Bashir was never made explicit in Star Trek: Deep Space Ninebut “Garashir” was still the fan favorite duo. Garak actor Andrew Robinson originally played Garak as someone sexually interested in Bashir since their first meeting in DS9first season. The witty repartee between Garak and Bashir throughout DS9 implied a potential mutual interestbut Star Trek producer Rick Berman vetoed any chance of Bashir and Garak actually getting together.
Finally, in Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 5, Episode 9, "Fissure Quest", Bashir and Garak became canon Star Trek couple. The problem was that both characters were from alternate realities – and Bashir was a hologram – but doing Lower decks'The animated multiversal variants of Garak and Bashir getting married was a brilliant way to canonize the relationship while honor Star Trek: Deep Space Nineromantic developments for Dr. Bashir.