The first teaser trailer for Superman has finally arrived and with it comes the first official look at several live-action DC Comics characters. Superman is scheduled for release on July 11, 2025, and will be the first film to help launch DC Studios' new cinematic universe, DC Universe. The reboot has led to several recasts for prominent roles, including the Man of Steel himself, although some DCEU characters will carry over to the DCU.
Despite focusing on the eponymous hero Superman boasts a stacked cast, with many not yet adapted into live action. The first trailer for Superman dropped on Friday, December 20th, and revealed the first official photos of Supermansupporting cast, each sporting some particularly comic-accurate character designs. Here they are all revealed and how they compare to their comic book counterparts.
Superman emulates DC's Silver Age
Portrayed by David Corenswet
Superman is, unsurprisingly, the focal point of the first teaser trailer for Supermanfirst seen falling into a snowy landscape that is likely to be the location of the Fortress of Solitude. Superman's vulnerability is immediately apparent when he appears bloodied and bruised, raising the question of who could have inflicted such harm on the Man of Steel. Corenswet is also seen embodying the secret identity of Clark Kent with curly hair and iconic pair of glasses.
His version of Clark Kent looks a little different from his comic book counterpart, although this apparently helps make his disguise more convincing.
James Gunn revealed early on Supermandevelopment that its main source of inspiration was the "Superman of the Stars"Comic book series. This is easy to see in Superman's costumewhich looks identical to the one used in that comic. His version of Clark Kent looks a little different from his comic book counterpart, although this apparently helps make his disguise more convincing.
Lois Lane looks like the classic intrepid reporter
Portrayed by Rachel Brosnahan
Superman's soulmate, Lois Lane, plays the second most important role in the series. Superman trailer, as it highlights the importance of her relationship with Superman. Although Lois is initially unaware of Superman's secret DC Comics identity, the trailer appears to depict Lois kissing Superman and Clark Kent. This is indicative of how Superman is not an origin story and instead shows the Man of Steel as an established figure, meaning he could have revealed the truth to Lois back then.
Rachel Brosnahan Lois Lane looks very true to her DC Comics design with dark hair and stylish work attire. SupermanThe version of Lois gives her longer hair than some DC Comics iterations that depict her with shorter hair. Her relationship with Superman will be pivotal to the next film, and she will no doubt be placed in dangerous situations all the time.
Jonathan Kent is seen crying about something
Portrayed by Pruitt Taylor Vince
Jonathan Kent only appears once in the trailer as he is being comforted by Clark on the family farm. It is unclear what led to Pa Kent's collapse, although Martha Kent's absence indicates the morbid possibility that she may die during Superman. This would mirror Man of Steel how Superman had to deal with his father's death, although Superman You can flip this script. If Superman's costume was made by Ma Kent, that would add an extra layer of sentimentality to it.
Pruitt Taylor Vince looks a little different from Jonathan Kent's typical portrayal at DC Comics. Typically, Superman's adoptive father is portrayed as clean-shaven and with a full head of gray hair, while SupermanPa Kent is going bald and growing a beard. It must be said, however, that Pruitt Taylor Vince would probably play the role of a farmer well and, on top of that, sport a comical outfit.
Krypto rescues Superman
Based on James Gunn's dog
Krypto was depicted in a promotional image for Supermanso it's no surprise that he also appeared in the trailer. He can be seen speeding through the snow after Superman summons him with a super whistle. Upon receiving the order to take the incapacitated Superman"Home"Krypto takes Superman's cape in his mouth before pulling him to safety. It's not immediately clear from the trailer whether Superman intends to be taken to the Fortress of Solitude (as the snowy location suggests), Kent Farm or elsewhere.
Krypto's live-action design looks a little smaller and hairier than Krypto tends to be drawn in DC Comics. He does, however, wear a comical red cape with a yellow S symbol emblem and collar. James Gunn revealed via Topics what SupermanKrypto's is based on his dog, Ozu, which helps explain the character's design. He also clarified that Krypto is a "not-so-good-boy”, promising an interesting dynamic between Superdog and his master.
Lex Luthor looks especially menacing
Portrayed by Nicholas Hoult
Lex Luthor debuts halfway through the trailer inside what appears to be Luthorcorp headquarters. He can be seen witnessing a flying metahuman (possibly Superman, although other superhumans are also in operation), spinning the cylinder of a revolver and looking particularly emotional in a close-up. Superman's arch-rival will likely play a key role in the film, as James Gunn has confirmed he will be “main villain" from Superman.
Nicholas Hoult looks a lot like Lex Luthor at DC Comics. Arguably, Luthor's most recognizable feature is his bald head and clean-shaven face. Man of Steel disrespected this precedent with his version of Lex Luthor in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (although he later shaved his head), which led to some backlash. Hoult's Luthor is thus a striking example of how Superman and possibly the DCU as a whole will try to be accurate to the comics.
Guy Gardner appears as Green Lantern
Portrayed by Nathan Fillion
Nathan Fillion is a prolific collaborator with James Gunn, so it's no surprise he was cast in the DCU's first live-action film. Guy Gardner will beand the first Green Lantern to appear in the DCU, and can be seen in the trailer deploying his power ring to block the windows of a Stagg Industries building as he approaches a distressed Superman. He can be seen entering the room with Hawkgirl, suggesting the two are part of a team similar to the Justice League.
Fillion's Guy Gardner certainly embodies one of his best-known looks from the comics, with bowl-cut red hair. This hairstyle is one of the first adopted by the arrogant hero, although he adopted a less daring style in other comics. SupermanHowever, Guy Gardner doesn't sport his typical green DC Comics costume and instead dons a mostly white super suit that emulates Hawkgirl's design. Fillion, however, conveys Gardner's bold personality in the few moments he appears in the trailer.
Hawkgirl is another established superhero
Portrayed by Isabela Merced
Hawkgirl first appears following Guy Gardner in the Stagg Industries building for a brief second before she can be seen flying through the skies of Metropolis wielding her signature mace. It's unclear who the hero is fighting, although this scene is immediately followed by Superman fighting a kaiju in a similar location. It's not yet clear which version of Hawkgirl Merced will portray.
This all seems relatively comical, even though Hawkgirl is dressed in a white and black uniform similar to Guy Gardner's rather than her typical yellow and green skintight suit.
SupermanHawkgirl sports a classic winged helmet, mace, and what appears to be a pair of organic wings. This all seems relatively comic-accuratealthough Hawkgirl is dressed in a white and black uniform similar to Guy Gardner's rather than her typical yellow and green skintight suit. It's unclear whether Merced's Hawkgirl will return in a future installment of the DCU, and if so, whether she'll don a more comical costume.
Superman appears to be crying for Kelex
Voice actor yet to be determined
Superman is later seen in the trailer hunched over a fallen robot that is missing the lower half of its body. Superman is holding the lifeless android's hand and appears visibly upset, which suggests the two shared a close bond. This appears to happen in the Fortress of Solitude, judging by the crystal walls, which suggests that This robot is Superman's Kryptonian robot assistant, Kelexthe caretaker of the Fortress of Solitude and another link to Krypton along with Krypto.
If this is Kelex, he looks a little different than DC Comics' Kelex. Kelex is typically gold or brass with an elegant disc-shaped head. The robot that Superman suffers from, however, is light blue in color with a more human-like head shape, although it retains the classic visor in place of eyes.
Portrayed by Anthony Carrigan
Metamorpho can be seen briefly at the end of the Superman trailer looking directly at the viewer. Metamorpho is one of DC's most unique heroes, with the ability to transmute his body into a wide variety of materials, including stone, steel, and rubber. Your specific role Superman is unclear, although his association with Simon Stagg suggests that Metamorpho may have something to do with Stagg Industries that appears in the trailer.
Given that Anthony Carrigan's Metamorpho only appears in a close-up, it's hard to see how closely his body resembles that of Metamorpho in DC Comics. However, its shoulders are visibly made up of different compounds, suggesting it will closely resemble a patchwork-style design with comical precision. Carrigan's Shapeshifter also resembles Rex Mason's pale, textured skin, although his deep blue eyes are a unique addition to the live-action version.
Mister Terrific has some protective technology
Portrayed by Edi Gathegi
Mister Terrific appears briefly in the same scene as Guy Gardner, but in a longer scene at the end of the trailer. The photo includes a close-up of his face wearing a T-shaped mask before deploying his T-Spheres to generate a protective force field as a group of fighters open fire on him and a retreating female figure who may be Lois Lane. Meanwhile, these soldiers could belong to Lex Luthor, given their armor's familiar purple and green color scheme.
Mister Terrific is perhaps the most comical figure among the superheroes already established in Superman. His black and white leather jacket and T-shaped mask mimic his comic book attire, and although it's hard to see if the costume is "Fair play"It's printed on your sleeve, Superman photos reveal that this is likely the case. His costume is also reminiscent of Hawkgirl and Guy Gardner's designs, although it appears his costumes were designed to resemble Mister Terrific's.
Upcoming DC film releases
Source: Topics