Jason Voorhees has racked up a huge body count throughout his long film career, but there has been Friday the 13th survivors who show that he is not as powerful as he imagines. When it comes to killing, Jason is definitely in the upper echelons of the horror genre, a truly formidable practitioner of the arts of murder. Spurred on by his mother's death by decapitation, Jason is happy to use any conceivable object that can be nearby when he encounters prey, most famously wielding a machete. Jason takes his job seriously, and no one who goes near Camp Crystal Lake is truly safe.
Despite being an enormous beast, Jason is extremely sneaky, often appearing with stabbing instruments in his hands without any warning. This only becomes more pronounced after he is resurrected as a zombie, leading to situations where the only realistic explanation is that Jason can teleport. Still, not everyone falls to Jason's attack. In almost all Friday the 13th entry, at least one character survives, living to pass on the legend of Jason. Of course, if a character survives one movie but comes back to die in the next, it no longer counts as Friday the 13th survivors, such as Alice Hardy (Adrienne King) or Crazy Ralph (Walt Gorney).
Gina Field
Friday the 13th Part 2
...one of the best Final Girls in the entire franchise.
The first Friday the 13th the film did not include Jason Voorhees. Although the first film in the long-running horror franchise begins with the legend of Jason, the film's true villain is his mother. He doesn't become the franchise's villain until the second film. This means the first Final Girl to survive an actual attack by Jason is Ginny Field in Friday the 13th Part 2.
Not only did she survive Jason's attack, but she's also one of the best Final Girls in the entire franchise. She is strong, independent and doesn't need any guy to save her. When Jason starts killing, she and her boyfriend Paul are the last two alive at the camp, and Jason finally gets his hands on her. She enters another great moment, where she makes Jason kneel before her pretending to be his mother and then cuts him with a machete.
Friday the 13th, Part 2 was directed by Steve Miner and written by Ron Kurz. It is a direct sequel to the horror/slasher film Friday the 13th and is the second film overall in the series. Two months after the events of the first film, the only surviving camper is murdered by a new unknown entity, acting as the catalyst for a new massacre at Camp Crystal Lake.
- Director
Steve Mineiro
- Release date
May 1, 1981
- Writers
Ron Kurz
- Cast
Amy Steel, John Furey, Adrienne King, Stu Charno, Warrington Gillette, Steve Daskewisz, Walt Gorney
- Execution time
87 minutes
Paul Holt
Friday the 13th Part 2
There are a handful of characters in the horror franchise whose fates are never made clear because they don't appear on screen or because they are seriously injured but never confirmed to die. Paul Holt's fate remains ambiguous in the Friday the 13th series. He was never shown in the finale, and it can be assumed that Jason killed him off-screen.
However, with most films in the franchise, all of Jason's deaths are on screen, so the fact that no one saw Paul die means he likely lived. The film shows Paul and Ginny running for safety, but Jason appears and grabs her. In the book, Crystal Lake MemoriesScreenwriter Ron Kurz said he wanted to imply that Paul died off-screen, but since this was never shown or revealed in the film, his death never actually happened.
Ted Bowen
Friday the 13th Part 2
Sometimes in horror movies, a person gets lucky. Some characters exist solely to serve as comic relief or to flesh out another character's story. For these characters, they often end up outside of the main action. In the case of Ted Bowen of Friday the 13th Part 2he was one of the unlikely survivors of Jason's rampage.
Ted was mostly the film's comic relief, but he never met the end of an axe, knife, or any other weapon Jason was killing with. That's because Ted managed to get out before the massacre began. Paul, Ted and Ginny go to a bar before the kids arrive the next day, and Ted decides to stay there. Ginny and Paul return and end up fighting with Jason, while Ted is safe and sound at the bar having a great time.
Chris Higgins
Friday the 13th Part 3
Some of the films in the franchise are so violent that there is no more than one survivor in the story. Friday the 13th Part 3The only survivor is Chris Higgins (Dana Kimmell), who fans would have seen beheaded in the film's original ending, according to the book, Crystal Lake Memories. However, Chris wasn't just a Friday the 13th survivor, but she survived Jason's attacks two different times in the same film - the only person in the franchise (so far) to do so.
She survived him as a teenager and returned to Crystal Lake two years later to face her fears. When he attacked her when she was a teenager, she managed to escape and run away. The second time, she threw an ax at Jason, hitting him in the head and becoming the Final Girl here.
Directed by Steve Miner, Friday the 13th Part III is the third film in the horror/slasher franchise and picks up shortly after the events of Part 2. Injured and recovering from his latest killing spree, Jason Vorhees prepares for his next set of casualties when a new group of teenagers arrive at a remote cabin in Crystal Lake.
- Director
Steve Mineiro
- Release date
August 13, 1982
- Writers
Martin Kitrosser, Carol Watson
- Cast
Dana Kimmell, Paul Kratka, Richard Brooker, Tracie Savage, Jeffrey Rogers, Catherine Parks, Larry Zerner
- Execution time
95 minutes
Tommy Jarvis
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter and Friday the 13th: Jason Lives
Tommy Jarvis becomes the main character of some of the Friday the 13th films. He is the only person who has survived two different films against Jason Voorhees.
In the first film, Tommy was a boy played by Corey Feldman. Jason returned from the last film and started killing again, with only Tommy and his sister Trish as the last two survivors. When he was a child, Tommy dealt Jason a fatal blow and began attacking him repeatedly to make sure he was dead.
Tommy was back Jason Lives as an adult and went to dig up Jason and cremate him. However, lightning brought Jason back from the dead, and Tommy was able to stop him again. Tommy managed to send Jason to the bottom of Crystal Lake to survive again.
Trish Jarvis
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
Tommy Jarvis wasn't alone Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter as a survivor. Jason was killing everyone there and his last two targets were Trish and her little brother Tommy. The Jarvis family lived in a house near Camp Crystal Lake. When Jason went on a murder spree by expanding his target area beyond the summer camp destination, his paths crossed with theirs. Jason killed their mother in her isolated home while Tommy and Trish were in town. Only when they returned and couldn't find her did they realize something was wrong.
However, they both lived as Tommy was able to kill Jason before he could hurt him or his sister. While Tommy was back in the next two films (the fourth was a copycat killer and not Jason), this was Trish's only appearance, and she didn't have to deal with Jason again.
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter is the fourth installment in the Friday the 13th franchise. Directed by Joseph Zito, the film continues the story of Jason Voorhees, the infamous and ruthless killer, who goes on another murder spree. Set in the familiar location of Crystal Lake, it focuses on a group of teenagers who become Jason's latest targets, culminating in a climactic showdown that aims to end the saga.
- Director
Jose Zito
- Release date
April 13, 1984
- Writers
Barney Cohen, Bruce Hidemi Sakow, Ron Kurz, Victor Miller, Carol Watson, Martin Kitrosser
- Cast
Judie Aronson, Kimberly Beck, Joan Freeman, Barbara Howard, Corey Feldman, Erich Anderson, Peter Barton, Crispin Glover
- Execution time
91 minutes
Megan Garris
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
She was one of the most proactive Final Girls in the franchise.
While Tommy's sister may not appear in the films again, there are other characters linked to him as he appears in two more films. Tommy's love interest, Megan Garris (Jennifer Cooke), also avoids Jason's wrath because she eagerly fights back. While Friday the 13th Part 6: Jason Lives was the last part of the Tommy Jarvis trilogy, the real Final Girl here was Megan Garris, who gave Jason all he could handle.
With Tommy bringing Jason back from the dead, albeit accidentally, this puts him and Megan in danger. As Tommy sends Jason to the bottom of Crystal Lake, he almost drowns, and it is Megan who saves him. When Jason tries one last attack, Megan uses the boat's propeller to put an end to the threat. She was one of the most proactive Final Girls in the franchise.
The sixth film in the franchise, Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, is a horror/slasher film that brings back Tommy Jarvis to face Jason Vorhees again. After Jarvis accidentally resurrects Jason while trying to destroy his body for good, Tommy must fight his inner demons and return to Crystal Lake to stop Jason's undead rampage against a new group of teens and adults.
- Director
Tom McLoughlin
- Release date
August 1, 1986
- Writers
Tom McLoughlin
- Cast
Thom Mathews, Jennifer Cooke, David Kagen, Kerry Noonan, Renée Jones, Tom Fridley, Darcy DeMoss, CJ Graham
- Execution time
86 minutes
Tina Shepard
Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood
Teenage psychic Tina (Lar Park Lincoln) and her love interest Nick (Kevin Blair) are the only survivors of Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood. This is where the franchise really shifts from teen horror to more supernatural horror. It's true that most horror movie villains are considered invincible, but they don't usually opt for a true supernatural twist.
This film did something that no other film in the franchise had attempted so far. Added a supernatural Final Girl to fight the now supernatural Jason Voorhees. At this point, Jason was mostly a zombie, while Tina Shepard had telekinetic powers. Although these powers accidentally freed Jason from his lake grave, they also helped her fight him off when he attacked. She ripped off his jockey mask, drove nails into his face and chest, set him on fire and made him explode.
Friday the 13th, Part VII: The New Blood is the seventh main film in the iconic slasher/horror franchise, directed by John Carl Buechler. After a traumatic incident from her childhood, a telekinetic teenager named Tina Shepard returns to her old home in Crystal Lake years later, where she accidentally resurrects the masked serial killer, Jason Vorhees.
- Director
John Carl Buechler
- Release date
May 13, 1988
- Writers
Manuel Fidello, Daryl Haney
- Cast
Lar Park Lincoln, Kevin Blair, Susan Blu, Terry Kiser, Kane Hodder, Susan Jennifer Sullivan, Elizabeth Kaitan
- Execution time
88 minutes
Nick Rogers
Friday the 13th Part 7: The New Blood
One thing that the Friday the 13th What makes the franchise different from other horror films is that the Final Girls usually save men in the films. An oft-maligned horror trope is that the boyfriends (or simply potential love interest) of the Final Girls are the ones who defeat the villain or sacrifice themselves so the girl can continue. That's not the case here.
Megan saved Tommy Jarvis, and in The New Blood, Tina Shepard saves her boyfriend Nick Rogers. At the end of the film, Jason has knocked out Nick, but before he can kill him, Tina goes on the attack. She saves her boyfriend and the two are put together in an ambulance and taken away from the massacre, constituting yet another instance of two Friday the 13th survivors in the film.
Rennie Wickham
Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Conquers Manhattan
Most events in the film franchise take place at Camp Crystal Lake or at homes near the summer camp site. Crystal Lake has become an iconic horror film location. While Friday the 13th shook things up Jason conquers Manhattan When moving things from Crystal Lake to New York City, Rennie Wickham had connections to Crystal Lake.
Rennie almost drowned in Crystal Lake when he was 13 years old. She was just one of two survivors when Jason started stalking all the kids on a trip with his graduating class to Manhattan. Once again, it was the Final Girl who fought and beat Jason. In that case, Rennie lured Jason into the New York sewers and threw a vat of toxic waste in his face, melting the skin off his bones and then escaping as Jason was swept away through a sea of toxic waste.
Friday the 13th, Part VIII: Jason Conquers Manhattan is the eighth installment in the slasher/horror franchise featuring hockey-masked serial killer Jason Vorhees. Jason is resurrected again, setting him on a murder spree aboard a yacht full of teenagers. However, the survivors escape to New York City, unleashing the zombified serial killer on the Big Apple.
- Director
Rob Hedden
- Release date
July 28, 1989
- Writers
Rob Hedden
- Cast
Jensen Daggett, Scott Reeves, Barbara Bingham, Peter Mark Richman, Martin Cummins, Kane Hodder
- Execution time
100 minutes
Sean Robertson
Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Conquers Manhattan
Just like Nick in the last film, Sean Robertson is the boyfriend of this film's Final Girl and is saved from Jason by his girlfriend in Friday the 13th Part 8: Jason Conquers Manhattan. When Sean and Rennie run into the sewers to escape Jason, they discover that toxic waste is dumped into the sewers every night. They then have Jason follow them into the sewer system to use this knowledge against him.
During the chase, however, Jason knocks Sean out, leaving him in danger. Before Jason can kill him, Rennie catches his attention and attacks Jason with the toxic waste, while still getting Sean out alive. Even their dog, Toby, lives too. Although family pets are not usually a focal point in the Friday the 13th movies, it's good to see that even the dog can escape.
Jessica Kimble and Stephanie Kimble
Jason Goes to Hell: Last Friday
Jessica Kimble is the last girl in Jason Goes to Hell: Last Friday. This movie made things personal, as Jessica was actually Jason Voorhees' niece. This is one of the only times the films actually explore Jason's family outside of his relationship with his mother. She is also a young mother with a daughter named Stephanie. Her baby technically also becomes a Final Girl, although Stephanie doesn't have to fight Jason.
Based on Friday the 13th tradition that expands here, as they were Jason's only living relatives, they were the only ones who could end his reign of terror forever. In this film, Jason is capable of possessing other people and kills Jessica's mother before attacking his niece. As the only person who can kill Jason, she finally ends things when she stabs him in the chest and releases his soul into Hell.
Jason Goes to Hell: Last Friday is the ninth film in the horror/slasher franchise, directed by Adam Marcus. Jason Vorhees returns as a malevolent spirit seeking ways to resurrect himself - but to do so he must find a surviving member of his bloodline. Leaping between the bodies, Jason continues his trail of carnage across Crystal Lake as he pursues his half-sister and young daughter.
- Director
Adam Marcus
- Release date
August 13, 1993
- Writers
Jay Huguely, Dean Lorey
- Cast
John D. LeMay, Kari Keegan, Erin Gray, Allison Smith, Steven Culp, Steven Williams, Kane Hodder
- Execution time
90 minutes
Steve Freeman
Jason Goes to Hell: Last Friday
Steven Freeman is Jessica's ex-boyfriend and for much of the film, Jessica believes he is the killer. The idea of Jessica being suspicious of her former love interest certainly turns into one of the most overused horror tropes, turning a loved one or boyfriend into the film's true villain.
However, after Robert kills the police officers protecting Stephanie because he is actually possessed by Jason, she realizes that Steven is telling the truth, and they have to team up to fight Jason. Steven doesn't help much in the end, which is in keeping with the franchise, with his Final Girls doing most of the dirty work in the films. Steven leaves it to Jessica to stop Jason before the two leave together with their baby, with the entire family safe.
Creighton Duke
Jason Goes to Hell: Last Friday
Creighton Duke appeared almost like a deus-ex-machina with little explanation Jason goes to hell to give Jessica the clues on how to stop Jason Voorhees and kill him once and for all. Although little has been revealed about Creighton, he was a bounty hunter obsessed with killing Jason. Creighton also had a tragic story planned that ended up being left out. Jason goes to hell.
As a child, Jason killed Creighton's girlfriend, so he was seeking revenge against the franchise's villain. It appeared that Jason killed Creighton in the film, but that's not the case, although his survival was never definitively revealed on-screen in the franchise. Film director Adam Marcus said Duke survived the attack and was one of the rare Friday the 13th survivors who were not a Final Girl.
Rowan LaFontaine
Jason X
Rowan LaFontaine is the last girl in Jason X. This is the film that takes the horror franchise into sci-fi territory rather than typical slasher horror. This sends Jason into space and causes him to start killing people aboard a spaceship. The idea is that scientists want to study his ability to heal his seemingly fatal wounds in the future, but Jason is more interested in killing everyone around him. It also includes one of the franchise's funniest scenes with Jason on a holodeck.
As for Rowan, she is a scientist who needs to find a way to stop Jason when all methods of trying to kill him fail. She decides to cryogenically freeze Jason. They both end up frozen and unfrozen 445 years later, and she still can't kill him, only escaping when Jason ends up in space and floating in the burning atmosphere.
Jason As always, anyone who crosses paths with the now cybernetically enhanced killer suffers a painful death, this time in outer space.
- Director
James Isaac
- Release date
April 26, 2002
- Writers
James Isaac
- Execution time
93 minutes
Jason X
Tsunaron is another survivor of Jason X and Voorhees' trip to space. Surprisingly, the film features more survivors than the franchise typically offers in the Friday the 13th films. Typically, the small casts mean there are only one or two people who survive the murder spree. The unusual setting and sci-fi approach to the story may have something to do with it.
Tsunaron is a student aboard the ship Jason ended up on after they found his frozen body. He's also the man who helped create one of the film's best characters, the android Kay-Em 14, who also fights Jason. To your credit, Tsunaron risks his life more than once to help his android invention, and he is one of the few survivors after Jason is launched into space.
Kay-Em 14
Jason X
Kay-Em 14 is an android created by one of the scientists on the ship Jason is on. Jason X. She is also the only person in the history of the franchise who is capable of going blow for blow with Jason in a fight, and she completely decimates Voorhees. To be fair, it's probably because she's the only person he faces (at this point) who isn't a typical human being.
In fact, she beats Jason quite easily when she blows up his torso and then blows up his head. However, thanks to the nanobots on the ship, Jason ends up somehow rebuilt and cuts off Kay-Em 14's head before going after the humans. However, as an android, she does not die and Tsunaron manages to rescue her and escape before the ship explodes.
Lori Campbell
Freddy x Jason
Freddy x Jason It was always meant to be a battle between two of horror horror's most iconic killers. Anyone who loves horror movies has probably debated which iconic characters could win in a match between them. However, the real story has Freddy using Jason to kill children so he can return, all before the two killers end up fighting.
That left room for a Final Girl, and that's Lori Campbell. When Jason starts killing people on Elm Street, Lori and her friends must figure out what's going on to survive his wrath, freeing Freddy in the process. Lori puts everyone in danger by pulling Freddy out of his own dreams, but her plan works, and she is even able to blow up Freddy.showing that she deserves her Final Girl status in this film.
The rise of Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees in the '80s made them two of horror's most iconic villains, and in 2003, after years in development hell, the duo finally faced off. To return to power, Freddy (Robert Englund) needs people to fear him again. To make this happen, Freddy resurrects Jason (Ken Kirzinger) and tricks him into going on a killing spree in Springfield. Things don't go according to plan when Lori (Monica Keena) and her friends fight back, resulting in Freddy and Jason fighting for supremacy.
- Director
Ronny Yu
- Release date
August 15, 2003
- Writers
Mark Swift, Damian Shannon
- Cast
Robert Englund, Ken Kirzinger, Monica Keena, Jason Ritter, Kelly Rowland, Chris Marquette
- Execution time
98 minutes
Will Rollins
Freddy x Jason
In Freddy x JasonWill Rollins is a patient at Westin Hills, a hospital in Nightmare on Elm Street franchise that often houses people with mental health issues in films. He also dated Lori Campbell, but was admitted to the hospital after believing he saw Lori's father kill her mother.
In the film, he learns about the deaths at Lori's house and escapes from the hospital to try to save her. He then accompanies Lori and her other friends to Camp Crystal Lake, trying to lure Jason Voorhees into fighting Freddy Krueger. Will and Lori are the only survivors of the event, and while he helps blow up the pier while they are fighting, he still stands by and watches as Lori saves the day by stopping the franchise's two villains.
Clay Miller
Friday the 13th (2009)
When Friday the 13th rebooted in 2009, the series brought back Jason Voorhees, and his main adversary was Clay Miller, played by Jared Padalecki (Supernatural). When the film begins, Clay's sister Whitney has disappeared and he sets out to find out what happened to her. This takes you to Crystal Lake and Jason's camp.
Friday the 13th is a remake of the iconic 1980s slasher franchise, directed by Marcus Nispel and released in 2009. This reboot centers on Clay Miller, a young man searching for his missing sister in Crystal Lake. As Clay encounters a group of friends vacationing at the ill-fated lake, a hockey-masked killer begins to relentlessly pursue them as they approach the camp.
- Director
Marcus Nispel
- Release date
February 13, 2009
- Writers
Damian ShannonMark Swift
- Execution time
97 minutes
However, just like in previous films in the franchise, when Clay finds his sister, she doesn't need help dispatching Jason with a machete, and the two leave together. Although Whitney apparently killed Jason, he appeared after the battle and Jason dragged her to the bottom of Crystal Lake, leaving Clay as the only survivor in the Friday the 13th restart the movie. This is the last chapter of the franchise, making Clay the last survivor, for now.