Every cameo by an actual scientist in Futurama, ranked

Every cameo by an actual scientist in Futurama, ranked

Although Futurama Is a sitcom at its heart, it is also a sci-fi series, with the show featuring several cameos by real scientists. Futurama is full of cameos, with many real-world actors, politicians and other types of celebrities joining the series in order to voice themselves. Scientists have been frequent guest stars on FuturamaPay homage to some of the greatest intellectual minds of the modern day with this series. So, here's a breakdown of every real scientist who has a cameo on Futurama Playing themselves, ranked, as well as what their role in the series was.

Futurama is finally back, with Hulu reviving the beloved Matt Groening sci-fi sitcom for an eleventh and twelfth season more than 10 years after the show went off the air. Futurama has retained many of the tropes and staples of the original seriesWith celebrity guest stars once again being usual in the new batch of episodes. In the world of FuturamaMost celebrities of the 21st century and before had their heads preserved in glass jars, allowing them to live into the 31st century. A collection of scientists benefited from this technological development, allowing the three guest stars to appear Futurama.


Neil deGrasse Tyson

First published in A Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow Advertisement

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a famous astrophysicist who is known for conveying the mysteries of the cosmos to viewers in a very simple way, garnering the scientist much popularity. Neil deGrasse Tyson's fame began to grow around this time Futuramas original run first startedMeaning that it made perfect sense for the scientists to cameo in the series. Interestingly, however, the astrophysicist wasn't brought into the franchise until 2017, several years after the original series ended. That's because Neil deGrasse Tyson's first cameo comes in an interesting form, with him not actually appearing in it Futurama TV show at all.

Rather than originally appearing in an episode of FuturamaNeil deGrasse Tyson actually has a cameo in an advertisement for a Futurama Mobile game. Tyson was brought into the Futurama universe to promote the 2017 game Futurama: Worlds of TomorrowWith him get into a fight with some other scientists in an ad that was released shortly before the game. Tyson also appears as an in-game character, which is a nice nod. While it is cool that Futurama The fact that he is only in a mobile game rather than a proper game. Futurama Episode causes his cameo to not live up to the rest.


However, this is not the only time that Neil deGrasse Tyson appeared in FuturamaAs he eventually made his proper debut in the television series. Neil deGrasse Tyson appeared in Futurama Season 12, Episode 9, "The Futurama Mystery Library," one of Futuramas many non-canon anthology episodes. The anthology episode centers around the Futurama The cast is used to tell classic children's mystery novel stories, with Neil deGrasse Tyson appearing as the culprit in the final segment of the episode. However, that is not the full extent of his cameo.

After appearing in the section, Neil deGrasse Tyson reappears in the episode's framing device. Throughout "The Futurama Mystery Library," the episode continues to cut back Read Rainbow Host LeVar Burton in a library floating in space. Burton is the one who introduces each segment of the episode, although he does get to interact with Tyson when the scientist appears in his library. Tyson asks Burton to hide him, believing that the Futurama The characters follow him, which leads to the end of the episode.


Bill Nye

First published in A Futurama: Worlds of tomorrow Advertisement

Bill Nye is another famous science communicator who has appeared in FuturamaWith him actually had three cameos in the franchise. Bill Nye is a popular entertainer and scientist who gained notoriety for being the host of the children's educational program Bill Nye the Science GuyHowever, during the years of the implementation of the program, the scholar began to work in more mature fields. Nye is a serious advocate for climate change awareness and other scientific positions, participating in debates, panels, and more.

however, Nye is far from done with appearing in pure entertainmentAs you can see in the scientists' different opinions from over there Futurama Franchise. Nye first appeared alongside Neil deGrasse Tyson in the advertisement for Futurama: Worlds of TomorrowMaking his franchise debut as part of the mobile game's advertising campaign. Bringing these two popular scientists together is one of the best things to come out of Futurama: Worlds of TomorrowWith the duo being the second and third real-life scientists to appear as part of the animated sci-fi franchise.


Unlike Tyson, however, Bill Nye appeared again in a proper episode. Bill Nye returned Futurama Season 11, episode 7, "Rage Against the Vaccine," with him appearing to discuss the EXPLOVID-23 pandemic. Paying off the mobile game tease has been a neat callback for a long time Futurama fans, and giving Nye's jar a bow tie is one of the fun details that make the show so great. While any character could have served this role, bringing Nye back after his mobile game appearance was the perfect way to turn this bit of exposition into a hilarious one. Futurama Gag.

Interestingly, this is not the only time that Bill Nye has to appear in the right Futurama Series. Bill Nye returned again Futurama Season 12, Episode 6, "Attack of the Clothes," with his small appearance being one of the highlights of the episode. In it, Bill Nye's disembodied head is the host of the science convention that Farnsworth attends. Newly introduced Farnsworth's Longtime Futurama Nemesis, Ogden Wernstrom, with Nye's cameo standing out among the other cameos contained in the episode.


Stephen Hawking

First published in "Anthology of Interest I"

Futurama Stephen Hawking

The scholar most famously published in Futurama Is Stephen HawkingWith the late theoretical physicist appearing in the series several times. Hawking became famous for his groundbreaking work on black holes among other theoretical physics concepts, with his books like A brief history of time Helping to popularize him even further. In his later years, Hawking made all kinds of appearances in various television shows like The Simpsons, Star Trek: The Next GenerationAnd The Big Bang Theory.

Hawking first appeared in the season 2 episode "Anthology of Interest 1," In which Frey asks the What-If Machine to explain what would happen if he wasn't frozen and sent to the year 3000. As it turns out, this blew a hole in the space-time continuum, with Hawking being one of the scientists assigned by Al Gore to research the matter. Stephen Hawking is back in the season 8 episode "Reincarnation," with him playing a small role in the second episode.


On top of the two episodes, Hawking also appeared in the Futurama Movie "The Beast with a Billion Bucks," featuring the disembodied head of the scientist leading the investigation into the monstrous space anomaly. Hawking's latest Futurama Appearance was in the advertisement for Futurama: Worlds of TomorrowWith him appearing alongside Nye and Tyson, flaunting his multiple Futurama Appearances. Hawking was not only the first scientist to properly appear in FuturamaBut his roles were also the best, because he was heavily involved in the episodes in which he appeared. Futuramas Scientist cameos, Stephen Hawking is on top.