Eddie Murphy's Axel Foley encountered some wild villains during his Beverly Hills Cop Misadventures, but some way rank higher than others. The Beverly Hills Cop Movies are basically Eddie Murphy showing off his movie star prowess, with the original 1984 film only cementing his growing fame. Murphy also hates these Beverly Hills Cop Sequels (although his attitude on the second film has softened a lot) so much it took him 30 years to improve the enthusiasm for a fourth outing.
While Netflix is late Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F was far from flawless, it underlined that Murphy's star power remains intact. Time will tell if Beverly Hills Cop 5 Will happen, but given the positive response to part four, it's a good possibility. Murphy's Axel is so overpowering in the films that the villains often fail to register, which was a problem. In short, most of his antagonists have been a bit lame, with only a handful truly registering as worthy enemies.
Charles Kane (Dean Stockwell)
Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987)
Beverly Hills Cop 2 was an early Tony Scott movie and contained all the pleasures that could mean. It looks gorgeous, the action is slick and it's littered with a great cast. One of the joys of the sequel is that it's an excuse for Foley, Taggart (John Ashton) and Billy (Judge Reinhold) to hang out together while working on the case. It's doubtful anyone will rewatch Beverly Hills Cop 2 To engage with the plot, which is too convoluted and has more villains than it needs, with Dean Stockwell's jaw is a good case in point.
The late Stockwell was a terrific actor, but with Kane, he had almost nothing to do In this film. Keen manages a gun club that is also a staging area for a series of robberies. While the true villain is set him up for a case, Kane still approves of the use of custom ammo from his club for the crimes. It's a really dumb move on his part, and he also sends incompetent hitmen to kill Axel around the midway point. He was later shot during a heist, having made little impression on the story.
Orrin Sanderson (John Saxon)
Beverly Hills Cop 3 (1994)
Beverly Hills Cop 3 is the worst of the series by a decent margin. Director John Landis (Come to America) was completely wrong for the material, while Murphy disastrously insisted on pulling back the humor to make himself more of a dramatic lead. This results in a shaggy Die hard Ripoff is set in a theme park, where the villains are counterfeiting money. Legendary genre actor John Saxon plays Sanderson, the manager of the Wonder World theme park who, like Stockwell before him, is completely wasted.
Sanderson is a villain through and through, and his character is never threatening - even when ordering people killed. Sanderson is ignobly killed by an off-shoot villain in what's meant to be a twist, but instead feels like his sole purpose in Beverly Hills Cop 3s Plot.
Ellis DeWald (Timothy Carhart)
Beverly Hills Cop 3 (1994)
Dewald is Beverly Hills Cop 3s True antagonist, being a sleazy ex-cop turned head of security in Wonderland. When Eddie Murphy was reflecting on the reasons why the third film failed, he specifically cited Devald as a weak villain. As a problem. Now, the character has a strong introduction, where he and his men brutally gun down the crew of a chop shop to cover their tracks, before also killing Axel's rude boss Todd (Gill Hill).
Carhart is a performer who works well with villainous supporting roles, but despite making Devald agreeably smarmy and unlikable, there's never any doubt that Axel will win.
Despite the strong first impression, Devald becomes less and less threatening as the story unfolds. Despite talking a big game, his schemes always come to nothing, such as his failed attempt to kill Wonder World founder Uncle Dave (Alan Young). Carhart is a performer who works well with villainous supporting roles, but despite making Devald agreeably smarmy and unlikable, there's never any doubt that Axel will win.
Steve Fulbright (Stephen Mahatty)
Beverly Hills Cop 3 (1994)
Beverly Hills Cop 3 Secret villain is Secret Service agent Fulbright, played by famous character actor Stephen McHattie. Fulbright is presented as the gruff but sympathetic agent investigating the wrongful operation at Wonderland. McHattie may have played a lot of bad guy roles throughout his career, but he does a good job of masking Fulbright's allegations, and he and Murphy share some of the sequel's better dramatic scenes.
when Beverly Hills Cop 3s Finally revealing that Fulbright is part of the operation with Sanderson and DeWald, it comes too late. Axel has already killed the others and audiences are ready for the story to wrap up, so this reveal - which immediately results in Foley gunning Fulbright down - carries some weight. McHattie comes out on top as the third film's villain by sheer virtue of his intense screen presenceBut Fulbright is not a memorable character by any means.
Maxwell Dent (Jürgen Prochnow)
Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987)
The German actor Jürgen Prochnow rose to fame thanks to This boot and became a reliable rent-a-villain for American movies in the decades that followed. He is an actor with a huge presence, however like Beverly Hills Cop 2 Head villain Dent, Prochnow is made into a boring cipher. Dent is a businessman who pulls off a series of heists to get out of debt, but leaves the hard work to his subordinates.
... Dent talks a big game, but he poses no real threat to Axel and is easily transported into the sequel's finale.
He is the puppet master of a scheme that takes two or three revisions Beverly Hills Cop 2 To fully understand. Like Devald, Dent also talks a big game, but he poses no real threat to Axel and is easily dispatched in the sequel's finale with a well-placed shot to the head. It's a shame, since Prochnow has shown with his roles in John Carpenter In the mouth of madness Or Judge Dredd That he can have fun with a juicy villain role.
Captain Cade Grant (Kevin Bacon)
Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F (2024)
Easily the most famous face to play a Beverly Hills Cop Antagonist is Kevin Bacon, who plays a corrupt cop in the fourth outing, Axel F. Bacon brings a lot of charm (and smarts) to the role of Captain Grant. Grant is almost like an evil version of AxelRepresenting who Murphy's detective could have become under the wrong circumstances. Again, the problem is that Grant is just too insignificant a threat.
Murphy and Bacon have good chemistry and have multiple scenes where they butt heads, but the threat is never really there. If anything, Grant comes off as largely incompetent, making his defeat a foregone conclusion. This is more the fault of the screenplay than the actor, who had fun with scenery. Grant can't be at a top level because he's almost too believable about his villainy.
Zack (Jonathan Banks)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Jonathan Banks was one of those faces that audiences recognized from countless films, but never knew his name. That changed when he was cast as a keeper with a certain mike on Breaking badWho let him have a bath And A three-dimensional character. Banks also played the enforcer Zack in the original Beverly Hills CopWho murdered Axel's best friend Mikey (James Russo) in the opening scenes. in a way, Zack is responsible for the whole saga, how Mikey's murder sends Axel to Beverly Hills in the first place.
Zack and Axel later come to blows, but Banks is never more menacing than in the scene where he kills Mikey. It's a shockingly dark scene for a relatively light action comedy, but there's little doubt that Zack is a ruthless killer. Zack is one of the few characters in the Beverly Hills Cop Series that really feels like he could kill AxelWhich puts him above many other villains in the series.
Chief Harold Lutz (Allen Garfield)
Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987)
Chief Lutz is the chief of police in Beverly Hills Cop 2 But despite now actually being involved in criminal activity, he is one of the most unpleasant villains of the series. Cop movies of the 1980s are famous for their evil chiefs, but Lutz is the most demonic version Imaginable. He is constantly angry and abusive to his people and is an ego-driven career opportunist. He is one of the biggest roadblocks for Axel, Billy and Taggart looking into the alphabet case, but has little problem with sweeping up and taking credit for their findings.
He was also fond of firing officers who disagreed with his abrasive approach, but his fearsome attitude ultimately got him fired. Once the mayor saw the full extent of Lutz's shortcomings, he was immediately removed from his position. Even if not technically a criminal, Lutz is one of Beverly Hills Cop's Most disgusting jerks.
Victor Maitland (Steven Berkoff)
Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
Steven Berkoff was another reliable villain throughout the 1980s, playing evil Russians in James Bond adventures Octopus Or Rambo: First Blood Part II. Berkoff's Maitland in Beverly Hills Cop is one of his most famous roles, with the actor is a delightful ham as the evil art gallery owner Axel has to take down. Maitland doesn't even try to hide his guilt, with The subtext of a rich white businessman rolling his eyes at the thought that a black officer from Detroit brought him down has an interesting subtext.
Maitland is an evil figure because he believes his status protects him from consequence - and he is largely correct. Axel refuses to let him get away with Mikey's death though, with the showdown between Axel and Maitland being an intense one. Axel and Captain Bogomil (Ronnie Cox) take him down together, in the true spirit of cooperation between police departments, as they riddle Maitland with bullets.
Karla Fry (Brigette Nielsen)
Beverly Hills Cop 2 (1987)
Chances are, if audiences remember a villain from the franchise, this would be it Beverly Hills Cop 2 CarlaPlayed by Brigitte Nielsen. Carla is Dent's right-hand wife and lover and leads the heists that kick the story into motion. In truth, picking a statuesque blonde lady would only point the finger next to Dent, but the sequel overlooks this detail. Nielsen had a lot of hits during this time like Rocky IV And CobraHowever Beverly Hills Cop 2 Offered the former model her most famous role.
Carla is a fun threat to Axel and co, but also looks more than credible with gigantic handguns.
Carla is a role tailored to Nielsen's talents, with director Scott making great use of her imposing height and fashion sense. Carla is a fun threat to Axel and co, but also looks more than credible with gigantic handguns. She also totally outshines more veteran performers like Stockwell and Prochnow, and she makes sense as Axel's final opponent during Beverly Hills Cop 2 Climax.