Even after 250+ hours, Stardew Valley fans miss the main feature that makes organization a breeze

Even after 250+ hours, Stardew Valley fans miss the main feature that makes organization a breeze

Stardew Valley Veterans are still discovering new techniques in-game, and even with hundreds of hours under their belt, one fan recently discovered that a player can transfer stacks of items from inventory into chests all at once. There are so many things to discover and uncover inside Games of this magnitude, and rather than being met with hateful comments or criticism, even the most seasoned players share similar experiences they've had.

Redditor stefv86 has played Stardew Valley with their husbands when they noticed him Was able to move multiple items in a box at onceA technique stefv86 didn't know existed even after spending 250+ hours on the game.

The "technique", it turned out, was a simple button on the chest that allowed players to move multiple items into the chest at once, Save a lot of time in the long run.

Stardew Valley fans share their discoveries

Even after playing for hours, the game still holds surprises

Magic Hair Gel in a Stardew Valley inventory

Once the discovery was made, the pair quickly jumped to Reddit to see if anyone else had made the discovery before. Stefv86 was greeted with accolades from other players who had no idea the technique existed, even as seasoned experts.

There are also many other longtime players sharing their discoveries they only learned after hundreds of hours spent playing. Redditors then chimed in to share their own tips and tricks Stardew Valleysuch as user East_Buffalo506 Explain how to upgrade tools by holding them down. They said, "Oh yes keep them down and they do a lot more! You can water like 24 tiles at once or something with an iridium watering can."


Other findings included how a player could throw in different directions by hitting WASD on the keyboard, a discovery that ultravai3 Said was made after logging 900 hours on the game. With each new experience, Veteran players were left shocked that this was the first time they had heard most of them.

Our take: Many major titles still have features fans have yet to discover

From organizational tools to magic spells, there are so many hidden treasures in games

Screenshot from Stardew Valley showing the farm in winter with the player inventory open

There is no standard way to play video games anymore, especially as open-world gaming becomes more common. Players can log hundreds of hours and still make discoveries with each new save file. Outside of Stardu ValeYes, popular games such as Zelda: Breath of the Wild Or Tears of the kingdom Have similar worlds of secrets that enhance gameplay, only for those secrets to be discovered after hundreds of hours of dedicated gaming.


As stupid as a player can feel after making the discoveries after everyone else, it should be noted that the discovery of the secret tips and buttons is part of the experience. Developers want players to have fun and also give their players longevity, so The goal is for players to learn more through multiple saves rather than one game.

The Sims is a game that I often return to because there is always a new update and something new to learn about the game. Despite spending literal decades on the game, my first time switching to a first-person perspective was a complete accident and I only found out about it because my dog ​​slapped my keyboard. A touch of the keys added a whole new level of immersion for me and made me a more invested player overall, which is what makes games like Stadium Valley, SeldomAnd Sims All the more special.

Sources: Reddit


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