Andor Season 2 creator Tony Gilroy revealed exactly how the series will end, teasing a huge connection to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Andor it was always hoped that the story of season 2 would connect Rogue Onesince the titular character of the former was first introduced to Star Wars in the latter. Regardless, it hasn't stopped Star Wars theories are developed, focusing on how AndorThe cast of characters will end at the point they were found Rogue Oneopening scenes. Now, Gilroy has explained how the next Star Wars show will connect to its sister project.
This information was given by Gilroy to Empire Magazinewith the outlet focused on Andor Season 2 in its 2025 preview edit. The edit explored the story decisions that were made Andor Season 2, including the reduction from five to two seasons and the show's timeline that will span four years across 12 episodes. Gilroy revealed that this timeline always had an end point, revealing Andor season 2 connections with Rogue One:
"There's no mystery about where we're going. Let's end that walk to the ship with K-2 and head to the Rings of Kafrene and begin"ogue Um". But why does Cassian go? He's going because there was some information."
As Gilroy alludes, The Rings of Kafrene are presented in the opening of Rogue One. Cassian Andor travels to the planet to uncover information about the Empire's kyber crystal shipments, leading him to discover the construction of the Death Star. As is evident from Gilroy's comments, Andor season two will end right before this mission, tying the series and film inextricably together.
Andor Season 2 Finale Will Redefine Rogue One
Andor will give Rogue a new context
What Gilroy comments on Andor the proof of the season 2 finale is that the show will reset Rogue One. While the series' ties to the 2016 film have always been evident, these revelations about AndorThe ending proves how closely connected to Rogue One it will actually be at the time of the final episode. After Andor Season 2, whenever a new airing of the show begins, it will be fed directly Rogue One and will probably also make necessary a new observation of the latter.
However, after a new observation of Rogue Oneall AndorThe context will be fresh in viewers' minds. From Andor's journey and character arc to the revelations of the origins of the Rebel Alliance and the Death Star, Rogue One will feel much more impactful due to the story of Andor. Both stories will be united thanks to Andorfinal, bringing with it character arcs, emotions, setting, and payoff that will redefine Rogue One completely.
Our opinion on the end of Andor season 2
Overall, I'm extremely happy with Gilroy's comments on Andor season 2 finale. Where Rogue One is concerned, it is often considered one of the best Star Wars films produced by Disney. This is certainly an opinion I share, with Rogue One only being made better for me because of how much I loved it Andor season 1. Now, Andor the second season is scheduled for Rogue One more than the show has ever done, which will only benefit the latest project.
As one of Disney's best Star Wars films, Rogue One will be improved nine years after it was first released. AndorThe fantastic writing and storytelling of stories, as I mentioned, will be linked to Rogue One. As a result, what was already one of Disney's best films Star Wars films will only get even better in hindsight, proving Andor not only be a fantastic indie project, but also a project that is reshaping how good other stories in a galaxy far, far away really are.
Diego Luna stars as Cassian Andor in Andor, a Disney+ exclusive series set five years before Rogue One. The series follows the titular character as he rises from a humble thief to a revolutionary icon of rebellion against the empire. Cassian, a man trying to stay out of confrontation after the destruction of his world, is thrust into the central conflict as he naturally assumes the role of leader. Andor will explore the flourishing days of the Rebellion and highlight pivotal events from the Star Wars franchise before the construction of the Death Star.
- Release date
September 21, 2022
- Writers
Tony Gilroy, Dan Gilroy, Beau Willimon, Stephen Schiff
- Presenter
Tony Gilroy
Source: Império Magazine