Elle Fanning's role in Predator: Badlands it became even more demanding... that's because she's playing several characters in the film. After the success of 2022 Preydirector Dan Trachtenberg is returning to Predator franchise. However, before he confirms Prey 2Trachtenberg decided to direct the next Predator: Badlands. Different Prey, Badlands will take place in the future, and Trachtenberg appears to have several other unique ideas for the film.
While most Predator films were set on Earth, Predator: Badlands will take place on an alien planet and feature the Predator himself as the protagonist, rather than a human character. Trachtenberg has already revolutionized the franchise with Preyand the aforementioned creative decisions prove that Predator: Badlands it might also be one of the most unique films in the series. Predator: Badlands could also end up being one of the best roles of Elle Fanning's career, as it has been revealed that she is playing multiple characters.
Elle Fanning will play more than one character in Predator: Badlands
Fanning's role in Predator: Badlands may be the most unique of his career
Throughout her career, Elle Fanning has appeared on Maleficent movies, Sofia Coppola The deceivedand received acclaim for her role as Catherine the Great in the television series The Great. Therefore, Fanning is a talented young actor who will likely excel in Predator: Badlands. Although no other casting decisions have been revealed for the film, Elle Fanning has been cast in Predator: Badlands it was an exciting update. Trachtenberg recently admitted that Fanning faced many challenges during filming Badlandsbut his past work should make fans confident in the project.
Trachtenberg's previous entry in Predator franchise, Preymainly focused on one character, Naru from Amber Midthunder. Therefore, it is possible that no other major casting announcements were made for Badlands because Fanning is playing one of the only human characters. Trachtenberg confirmed that Fanning is actually playing more than one character in Predator: Badlands. While it's unclear whether she's playing two characters, or potentially more, this makes it even more likely that few other human characters will play major roles in Predator: Badlands.
Elle Fanning may not be playing the heroine in Predator: Badlands
Fanning Will Likely Fight the Predator in Badlands
Since everyone else Predator films followed human characters fighting the intergalactic hunter, Elle Fanning Predator: Badlands character could actually become the most interesting human in the series yet. Badlands will flip the franchise's script and follow the Predator. Trachtenberg's goal is to make viewers feel emotionally connected to the Predatorwhile still being afraid of the threatening creature. So if viewers are rooting for the Predator more than ever in Badlandsso they will also need someone to root for.
Since Fanning will play multiple roles in the upcoming film, it's possible that one of her characters will form an alliance with the Predator, while another will fight the creature.
Currently, one of Fanning's mysterious characters is the most likely villain candidate in Predator: Badlands. Since Fanning will play multiple roles in the upcoming film, it's possible that one of her characters will form an alliance with the Predator, while another will fight the creature. Although most plot details about Predator: Badlands are currently unknown, the update on Elle Fanning's role should make fans of the series even more excited about the film.
Predator: Badlands is a new entry in the Predator franchise, with Prey writer and director Dan Trachtenberg returning for this installment. There are no details about the film other than the fact that Badlands will be a standalone entry set during a new time period.
- Director
Dan Trachtenberg
- Studio(s)
20th century studios
- Cast
Elle Fanning
- Writers
Dan Trachtenberg