The Elder Scrolls: Castles is a mobile game in The Elder Scrolls Series. Android and iOS fans The Elder Scrolls Series can enjoy playing this mobile game where they control their castle and dynasties. Players oversee subjects, play out in-game years, watch families grow and have new rulers take the throne.
Running a dynasty is not easy. Players must Make hard choicesHow to choose between verses, keep the subjects happy and even expel people from the dynasty. Luck is the most important factor in The Elder Scrolls: Castle. It contributes to productivity and stability. Fortunately, some choices in the game can increase a subject's happiness.
How to improve your subject's happiness
The best methods to increase happiness
The happiness of your subjects is vital to keeping your dynasty in order. some decisions, Like where you assign your subjectsare easy to make and will keep them happy. other choices, Like choosing different rulingsRequires more thought and strategy. Here are the best ways to improve the happiness of your subjects in the end Elder scrolls Title.
Assign subjects to the music stage
Your subjects deserve some time to enjoy leisurely activities. One such activity is The Music StageWhere subjects can relax and listen to music. The music stage is not Unlocked until level 26But you can switch up to two subjects at a time when it's unlocked. Then, it's just a matter of checking their card to know when their happiness reaches the maximum amount.
Sophisticated subjects will respond better to the Music Stage than those without the trait.
The music stage takes 200 gold and 30 limestones to build. Upgrades to the Music Stage will cost more, with the first upgrade costing 1,000 gold, 150 quarried stones and 50 quartz, and the second upgrade costing 5,000 gold, 300 sandstone and 150 quartz. Each upgrade will improve the subject's luck at a faster rate.
Assign subjects to the bookcase
The bookcase is another station in The Elder Scrolls: Castles That increases subject happiness Much faster Like the music stage. However, the bookcase Can't unlock until level 42. You can assign two subjects at a time, and sophisticated subjects will respond better.
Since the bookcase is higher than the music stage, it Requires a little more resources to build. For the initial bookcase, you will need 350 gold and 40 limestones. The first upgrade requires 1,750 gold, 200 quarried stone and 75 quartz. The final and most expensive upgrade costs 87,500 gold, 400 sandstone and 200 quartz.
Assign subjects to the art studio
The art studio is one of The fastest way to increase subject happiness. Unfortunately, unlocking the art studio Needs 675 gemsWhich can be challenging without spending real money. You will also need to be patient because the Art Studio is not always available in the store to buy, but when it is, it will be part of the Art Lover package. Besides the art studio, the package comes with a few neat decorations.
The art studio is pretty big, and takes up as much space as the throne The Elder Scrolls: Castles. It also comes with the added benefit of Assigning three subjects to him at a time. Since the Art Studio is unlocked through the in-game store, it does not require any resources to build. Whether it's worth 675 gems is up to you.
Choose the right rulings for subjects
Choosing the right rule is the ultimate best method of increasing the subject's happiness. This is not something to take lightly, as choosing the wrong ruling can throw your entire dynasty through a loop. Decrees can affect Both individuals and entire groupsSo be careful.
If a subject is upset at the ruling you enact, assign them to the music stage or bookcase to help them down.
Since you are dealing with unique features, it is difficult to choose rules that suit everyone's needs. in this case, Focus on choosing rulings that will benefit those with the lowest happiness ratings. You can also choose neutral rule, but this will cost a lot of gold and resources. However, it might be worth it if it keeps all your subjects in a good mood. Do not choose based on your needs but on the needs of your subjects.
Other methods of increasing happiness
Maintain happiness levels to stay in good favor
Although the above methods are undoubtedly the fastest and easiest ways to increase the happiness of the subject The Elder Scrolls: CastlesYou can do a few other things to keep your subjects happy without actually increasing their joy. These tasks may require more decision-making and thought. Still, whether it's easy or not, keeping your subjects happy is your responsibility.
Build the right decorations
Certain decorations and things, like these Iron Armor Stand, Help keep a subject's happiness stable. The Iron Armor Stand lowers the amount of luck lost. Although it does not improve happiness, keeping it stable is just as important.
Similar to fallout 4's building mechanics, Effects of decorations stackSo you can build multiples of the same decoration and have the same effects build up. The Sword Banner is another decoration worth building because it lowers the chance of registering or killing the king.
Banish subjects who cause trouble
No matter how well you manage your dynasty, you'll likely end up with one or two unruly subjects. The topics May have bad traits That affects those around them, but this is not always the case. So, banishing should be used as a last resort.
Before you delete a topic, Try to learn them To see if anything changes. Sometimes, a lesson is all it takes to fix a relationship. If the subject continues to act out and cause trouble, Then banishing may be in the best interest of your dynasty. It will not be easy, but sometimes, getting rid of one bad apple is necessary to preserve the rest.
Pair subjects with similar traits
In real life, subjects with similar traits work better together. However, this is only true for positive characteristics. You wouldn't want to stick two bossy subjects together, however Lead to tension and decrease happiness.
Instead, group subjects with positive traits, such as considerate, sophisticated, or charming traits. Then you can stick the subjects in the kitchen or in the room. Their stable happiness will make their production more efficient.
When dealing with negative traits, like the bossy trait, you can Try grouping them with volatile subjects. It doesn't always work, but it can balance the negativity. If that doesn't work and production is slipping, you may need to banish the negative subject or assign them to another role.
Be strategic with breathing
Like the dwellers in Fallout Shelter, rulers and their dynasties are nothing without their subjects. If you get low on subjects or want new ones with better traits, It's time to start breathing. Now you can do the logical thing and Pair subjects with positive traits To increase the opportunity to pass on positive attributes. Or you can join enemies to force them to become lovers.
Forcing two enemies to marry and become lovers will Make them learn to work together. When they learn to be around each other and even like each other, the hostilities will fade, and happiness will increase. However, there is a risk of them Passing on their negative qualities to their childrenthus creating more problematic subjects. But you can cross that bridge when you get to it.
Increase subject happiness in The Elder Scrolls: Castles should be a top priority. After all, a happy dynasty will keep things running smoothly and will make for an easier mobile gaming experience. Assign your subjects to happiness-building stations, combine positive traits, execute the right rulings, and banish those who cause too much trouble, and your dynasty will flourish for years to come.