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It would be best if you have a substantial population The Elder Scrolls: Castles To make a permanent fortress. These subjects do all the work you need to be done on top of populating your castle. The better the subject, the faster the work is done, and the longer each subject can last under your rule. So it is an excellent idea for any castle to have a skilled population. However, there is much more to this than meets the eye.
There are many ways to get subjects, and while recruiting is explained in-game, making them isn't that simple. Recruiting subjects is just about finding the best ones. However, there is a bit of research that needs to be done with your subjects before you try to breed new ones. You can create a workforce of skilled and talented subjects if you are good at it. So it's a great idea to know exactly how to make more subjects The Elder Scrolls: Castles.
Create your own themes
in Elder Scrolls: CastlesGrowing your workforce goes beyond just recruiting new subjects. Breeding allows you to create new generations of potential workers who inherit traits from their parents. Once you Reach level 13 in your dynasty progressYou can unlock the ability to Assign couples of any gender to a bed. This starts the process of baby-making. Unlike games like Fallout shelterWhat is still worth playing, breathing in the Elder Scrolls: Castles Don't take too long. So you can expand your workforce pretty quickly.
While marriage Is not required, it can speed up the process. Making babies doesn't take very long; The bigger your population, the more babies you can make. Each pair can only Create one child per daySo you'll be waiting a while if you only have two spare residents. You also can't banish babies until they turn 16, so if you make one you don't like, it will take a while to get rid of them.
Don't worry about marrying anyone if you don't want to. Breeding subjects are mostly about quality, not role-playing. However, this is considered cheating and can break up couples.
Use the Elixir of Growth to bypass the wait time
Unlike getting more dwellers in Fallout shelter, You can only breed subjects that are of an adult age in The Elder Scrolls: Castles. This means they must be 16-64. Using the Elixir of Growth is a good idea to speed up the process. This accelerates the aging process of subjects and turns babies into adults. This can be a valuable tool when you need a quick workforce increase or you want to breed the next generation quickly. However, using these only when you need a mature subject is wise.
Breed subjects with improved traits
The Elder Scrolls: Castles Adds more depth to breathing than just popping out subjects. Every subject has unique traits which influence their abilities and personalities. By carefully selecting breeding pairs, you can influence the characteristics of your offspring.
For example, you might pair a subject with a rare "mild" trait with another subject known for their "Strong" trait, hoping to create a child with both valuable characteristics. This strategic breeding allows you to shape your workforce with specific skills, as seen in StillAliveGGs video on YouTube.
Remember that the Quality of your subjects plays a massive role In the potential of their offspring. Pairing subjects with higher rarity traits, like epic or legendary, as in Fallout shelterWill increase the chances of producing better children with extraordinary abilities. Also, recruit subjects with great qualities so you can add some you may not have. It is an excellent idea to have residents in mind for pairing instead of randomly putting anyone together.
Priorities first
Prioritize breeding subjects with high rarities. Legendary and Epic rarity subjects have a higher chance of producing offspring with similar qualities. Although not guaranteed, breeding two legendary subjects will significantly increase the odds of getting a rare, epic, or even legendary child. So, as it sounds, always focus on the subjects that are presumed better than other subjects when it comes to breathing. In the long run, it will help your population.
Take advantage of events
Take advantage of baby booms and other special events. Many events offer rare, epic or legendary characters as rewards. Completing these events can add new, high-quality subjects to your castle's gene pool.
This will diversify your workforce and improve your chances of making subjects with better quality ratings. These special events can be a pain sometimes, but they are worth watching and actively participating in The Elder Scross Castles. It's a good idea to stop replaying events because no harsh realities come from them.
Video Credit: StillAliveGG/YouTube