As with everyone Alden ring patch, it comes with a plethora of balancing tweaks and changes, and Alden ring Patch 1.14 has the unenviable task of trying to balance everything in the expansion as well. This has been met with some controversy regarding the changes to the final boss of the DLC since promised consort Radahn
Found himself nerfed quite considerably. On the other hand, a lot of equipment was buffed outside of some weapons that were too powerful for PvP, which led to quite a few armaments being more viable for certain builds.
Many weapons have the speed of their heavy attack baffled, including hand-to-hand arts, colossal swords, curved swords and a lot more. In fact, many general weapon types saw some buffs in the new patch, outside of the backhand blades, which saw a nerf to their attack speed and damage against other players. That doesn't mean special weapons and equipment haven't seen buffs either, with all the equipment based on one of the expansion's best bosses seeing significant, positive changes in their favor.
The last Elden Ring patch baffled everything about Relana except her fight
From her swords to her spells
Rellana can be quite an unceremonious boss in the DLC, not getting a cinematic before her fight despite her clear prevalence in the story as the sister of the Karian Queen, Renala, and aunt to many demi-gods. Still, she is a reminder boss, and Your reminder can be used for everyone Relana's twin blades
Or Relana's twin moons
Both of which have seen considerable buffing in the new patch. Strangely, Rellana herself is largely uncharged outside of some hitbox alterations to be as originally intended.
Commemorations can be duplicated in the Walking Mausoleum, but can only be done once per Mausoleum.
The only boss that has been directly changed is the last one, Promised Consort Radahn, which has seen significant nerfs. With the buffs that Relana's reminder equipment has received in Patch 1.14These may be viable in a fight against the ultimate boss, Since the normal attack (Glinstone Light Waves) of Relana's Twin Blades in their Moon-and-Fire Stance is now fasterHas more range, and deals greater pause damage. It feels more like the player has taken the move right from the boss' arsenal, and this move is just as effective as when Rellana uses it.
The heavy attack of the Moon-and-Fire Stance (the Fire Tornado) is also baffled, With added pause damage. This means that the Ash of War of the weapon is much better in staggering bosses with both attacks and more effective to get the tarnished a riposte against enemies. The spell, Twin Moons, has been buffed with an added attack range, giving it an even better AoE, and while its knockback on the second attack is reduced, it's not much of a nerf, considering that enemies are now closer to the player, After being knocked over.
Even minor equipment bearing Rellana's name is baffled
Her cameo has seen some decent improvements
When it comes to equipment or spells to do with a boss, Players will usually go right to what they can trade in for their recallWhich is nice enough, but some bosses have talismans that they don't fall off, but are connected to them in some way. for example, Radagon of the Golden Order
It doesn't drop its Soreseal, but it still bears its name and has more about it in the item description. Another example is Relana's cameo, which the boss does not fall on her death, but has her name and lore about her in its item description.
Both Radagon and Marika have a Soreseal. Radagon's Soreseal can be found in Fort Pharoth, while Marika's can be found on an altar in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
The description of Relana's cameo
Details about the devotion of the followers who left their homeland to serve the knight, but that is not what makes the talisman interesting. The talisman can be found in Castle Ensis, lying on an altarAnd buffs any attacks done after being in a position for a while. This makes it perfect for Relana's Twin Blades and his Ashes of War, but it can also be paired with Transient Moonlight Skill
Wing Stance with Milady, and the Sword of Night and Flame's Ashes of War, along with many other stances.
Although it is already a decent but not too powerful talisman that works with many images, it was buffed in the last patch in quite a substantial way. The damage has been increased, although the patch notes don't say how much specificallyAnd the delay needed to activate the damage enhancement in a stance is also reduced. This makes the talisman a powerful tool, especially when paired with Alexander's Shard, and the damage buff from both talismans in unison can be quite something to behold.
Rellana's equipment went from decent to powerful
They now fit a Knight of the Twin Moon
In the patch notes, it seems that the buffing of DLC boss weapons and spells was something of a theme. Midra's Flame of Frenzy and Bayle's Flame Lightning, both incantations to deal with DLC bosses, have seen some decent buffs Along with everything to do with Relana. Oddly enough, all three bosses saw no changes in the way of buffs or nerfs, with Rellana and Bayle the Dread only receiving some minor bug fixes to make their fights closer to what FromSoftware originally intended.
In general, many of Rellana's equipment and spells have been fun, but on the weak side compared to similar equipment, such as the Sword of Night and Flame, Too really quite strong. It's also good for the boss, considering she didn't get much love from PromoSoftware in the way of cutscenes and lore presence despite how popular her fight became as a dance-like duel. At the very least, players can take her things with them and make themselves quite a formidable fighter by following the example of the Twin Moon Knight.
Of course, with no set of patch notes for Alden ringThere will be some form of controversy. Although the fight is technically a different one, Radahn has seen himself nerfed years on, and the constant balancing of PvP seems to be both an impossible and thankless task. Still, there are always interesting decisions made by FromSoftware in the patch notes, and the decision to ban everything about Rellana except her action could lead to her getting more tarnished to copy her.
Source: Bandai Namco