Echoes of wisdom (so far)

Echoes of wisdom (so far)

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a pioneering game for the iconic series, being the first to feature the eponymous princess in a playable role, but it is still set to inherit many Seldom Staples. Along with its dungeons and rupee-giving destructible pottery, The series has long been known to have a variety of recurring characters. From humble merchants to the physical manifestation of deities, each Seldom Game is packed with familiar faces, and even characters that have a striking resemblance to others, even if they ultimately do not share a name.

There isn't really an in-universe explanation for why characters appear mostly unchanged in Hyrule's different eras. Direct sequels with familiar casts, viz Breath of the wild And Tears of the kingdomare not particularly common, and there is never any justification for why Beedle, for example, operates an airborne store in Skyward swordThen reappears almost identically, running a similar business on a boat in The Wind Waker. Echoes of wisdom Has a handful that almost seem to qualify as recurring - an unnamed King of Hyrule, a Gerudo Chief who looks a lot like Riju, big fairies, and a dojo master who looks like a combination of Wind Wakers sturgeon and orca - but they are not quite as definitively recurring as those below.


Business Scrub runs the smoothie shop in Echoes of Wisdom

First appeared in Ocarina of Time

Business Scrub is a bit of a beach case, viz It is difficult to call the leaf woodland creature a unique character in its previous appearances. They first appeared in Ocarina of TimeMostly in underground grottos, where Link would have to deflect a projectile back at them in order to subdue them in an exchange condition. The same mechanic was used in the Game Boy Advance The sexual cupBut more friendly incarnations of the Business Scrub can be seen in Majora's Mask And these Oracle Games.

Business scrubs typically sold relatively worthless goods, though their peddling of shields certainly helped Link in a pinch. in Echoes of wisdombut, At least one business scrub is the owner of a smoothie shop. It seems that smoothies will be a conserved part of the game, letting players combine ingredients they find around Hyrule into consumables that provide a wide range of benefits, like replenishing hearts or increasing resistance to certain types of damage.


Volvagia makes his second ever appearance in a Zelda game

First appeared in Ocarina of Time

Volvagia makes a fiery and indomitable reappearance in Echoes of wisdomMarking the dragon's return after a 25-year absence from the Seldom Series. in Nintendo of America's trailer "Into the Silent World, A Journey Continues" (via YouTube), Zelda is seen in a boss lair battling the unmistakably slender form of Volvagia. The dragon emerges from the ground and circles menacingly above, dropping boulders on the princess as she hops between platforms floating in a pool of lava. It is likely that Volvagia resides in Eldin Volcano (not to be confused with Seldom's more often featured Death Mountain), but this has yet to be confirmed.

Volvagia's original and only appearance prior to Echoes of wisdom was in Ocarina of Time As the host of the Fire Temple. The terrible creature is said to consume gorons, and is An ancient evil brought back by Ganondorf to eventually lay waste to Hyrule. The Hero of Time, armed with the Megaton Hammer, is the only one who manages to stop the monster. In a fascinating, non-canonical adaptation, however, Volvagia has a tragic past in the Ocarina of Time Manga, once Link's pet, turns against him through Ganondorf's magic. It remains to be seen to what extent Volvagia's role Echoes of wisdom Is.

First appeared in Ocarina of Time

On a technical, dark link first appeared in Ocarina of Time Like the mini-boss of the infamous Water Temple. It is not unusual to consider Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link The first appearance of Dark Link, however, where a similar entity officially known as Link's Shadow serves as the final boss of the game.

Regardless, Dark Link has become a fan-favorite mirror of the iconic hero who is sadly underutilized, despite featuring in many gamesincluded Oracle of times As a phase in a larger struggle, Twilight Princess As a cutscene stand-in for the interlopers, Spirit tracks During a mini game, A link to the pasts game boy advance remake in the bonus palace of the four sword dungeon, and even Breath of the wild And Tears of the kingdom As an acquireable outfit.

The red eyes and the textbook glowing makes a convincing case for Echoes of wisdom See a true return of Dark Link.

Much like Link's shadow, The appearance of dark link in Echoes of wisdom May finally prove to bear another title. He turns to Zelda and is much like Link, only with red eyes and a purple miasma swirling around him, rather than the dark monochrome version usually associated with Dark Link. It's possible that this is actually the real link, somehow corrupted by the afterworld, but the red eyes and textbook glowing make a convincing case for Echoes of wisdom See a true return of Dark Link.


Dampé provides Zelda with useful automatons in Echoes of Wisdom

First appeared in Ocarina of Time

Dampé has shy and downright creepy origins The Legend of Zelda As the grave digger in Ocarina of TimeS Kakariko Village. Link acquires the hook shot by beating Dumpé's ghost - Dumpé died while Link was trapped in the Sacred Realm for seven years - in a race, but the Kakariko Village graveyard hosts a couple of other important fixtures: the Tomb of the Royal Family where Link learns the Song of the Sun, and the Shadow Temple hidden above. Dampé appeared again Majora's Mask As one of many reused Ocarina letters, and also in Four Swords Adventures, A link between worldsAnd in the Switch remake of Link's Awakening.

Link's Awakening Was Damp's first appearance where he was not a captain, and Echoes of wisdom Seems to continue the trend, making him something of a thinker. Zelda will be able to visit Dampé and obtain automatons from him. Each automaton has a specialized functionBut they can only take a limited amount of damage before they are destroyed. They will seemingly join Zelda's arsenal along with her Echoes, providing powerful benefits as long as players can keep them from falling apart.


The large deco tree stands again on a pedestal

First appeared in Ocarina of Time

Most newer Seldom Fans will easily recognize the circumstances of the large Deku Tree Echoes of wisdomPresides over a tree in the forest, as he did in both BOTW And TOTK. In addition to protecting Korok Forest in the games, the Great Deku Tree seemingly watched over the Master Sword while it rested in its pedestal. The Triforce-bearing pedestal in Echoes of wisdom It does not appear to wear the Lord SwordAnd clips from trailers with the tree are notably short, so its role remains a mystery.

The great DCU Tree debuted in Ocarina of TimeAnd is in fact the first character featured in the game, his voice beginning the opening cutscenes with an introduction to the fairy-less Link. His role in each appearance is quite consistent: the Deku Tree acts as the guardian spirit to the childlike entities that inhabit the surrounding forest - the Kokiri in OcarinaAnd the Corox in The Wind Waker, BOTWAnd TOTK. Each iteration is implied to hold a deep magical influence in Hyrule, and is often a target of Ganondorf's plans.


Ganon may have created the Rifts dragging Hyrule into the Silent World

First appeared in The Legend of Zelda

perhaps surprisingly, Ganon is confirmed to appear in Echoes of wisdomPotentially as the main villain once again. Ganon is present in the opening scene of the Echoes of wisdom Announcement trailer (via Nintendo of Americas YouTube channel), where he is seemingly defeated by Link. Ganon's spear, however, sinks into the ground, where a rift to the Silent World then opens. The scenes are presumably from the beginning of the game, and it remains unclear what role Ganon will play throughout.

Ganon has long been the primary villain of The Legend of ZeldaAppearing in a majority of the series games since the 1986 original. Ganon is the more beastly form of the Gerudo King Ganondorf, who is himself The manifestation of evil born of Demis, the demon king who rose to challenge the goddess Hylia Prior to Skyward sword. Ganon is inextricable from Hyrule's recurring conflict, destined by Demise's curse to confront the descendants of Hylia (Zelda) and those who possess the spirit of the hero (Link).

First appeared in The Legend of Zelda

It would seem that in Echoes of wisdomGanon has at least subdued the one most commonly responsible for thwarting his plans: Link. As mentioned earlier, The link is 1/3 of Seldoms main three, his various incarnations destined to face Ganon and save Hyrule. Usually a boy or young adult, the Hylian Link is the silent but stalwart hero in each one Seldom Play prior to Echoes of wisdom. He seems to be trapped in the silent world for at least the majority of Echoes of wisdomHowever, a clever broken Zelder from a crystallized prison, with an arrow, just before he sinks into a rift.

Nintendo arguably has the most recognizable character in the world in Mario, but Link isn't far behind.

Link is published in each Seldom GameFrom the original on the NES, to the Switch's Tears of the kingdom. Funny, he has even more Seldom Credentials like Zelda herself, which is notably absent from games that take place outside of Hyrule, viz Link's Awakening And Majora's Mask (Even in the latter she appeared in a flashback). Nintendo arguably has the most recognizable character in the world in Mario, but Link isn't far behind. Every inch of his design is iconic, from his green tunic and hat to his penchant for vandalizing people's property in search of rupees.


Zelda must save Hyrule with Tri's help in Echoes of Wisdom

First appeared in The Legend of Zelda

It's been a long time since Zelda could truly be considered a terminal damsel in distress. The Legend of Zelda Has given her heroic roles for years, but always in a supporting capacity, largely working in the background. of years spent represented as Shiek in Ocarina of TimeTo countless millennia as the light dragon in Tears of the kingdom, Zelda is almost always instrumental in saving Hyrule from Ganon's treachery - Players just spend a lot more time with Link.

Her name is on the building, so to speak, and Echoes of wisdom It feels like she finally gets Zelda right. With Link the One in trouble, Zelda teams up with a fairy called Tree to solve the mystery of the Rifts. Built on the creative struts that propped up BOTW And TOTKZelda's new adventure has her solving puzzles in an open-ended manner, with the tree wheel letting players summon echoes of items and enemies. Zelda is not toothless The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomAlthough, as the swordfighter form will allow you to participate in the series' classic hack and slash combat, at least for limited amounts of time.

Sources: Nintendo of America / YouTube (1, 2)