Echoes of Wisdom - Should you go to Eldin Volcano, Faron Wetlands or Sacred Mount Lanayru first?

Echoes of Wisdom - Should you go to Eldin Volcano, Faron Wetlands or Sacred Mount Lanayru first?

After clearing the first few areas of The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomThe game offers three new choices for the next primary destination. Rifts appeared in Eldin Volcano, Faron Wetlands and Holy Mount Lanayru, which are respectively to the northwest, north and southeast of Hyrule Castle. There is nothing that should stop Zelda from doing it firstSo it comes down to a question of the optimal approach.

The choice between Eldin Volcano, Faron Wetlands, and Holy Mount Lanayru is similar to the earlier coin flip between Gerudo Desert and Jabul Waters, but with three options, it can be an even more intimidating decision. All three areas also step up the challenge and have long quest lines and significant dungeon sprawls, so there's something of a commitment regardless of which one is picked.

The benefits of going to Eldin Vulcan first in Echoes of Wisdom

Flaming echoes are abundant

Heading to Eldin Volcano in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of wisdom Quite literally turns up the heat, with a remnant of lava, searing-warm surfaces and fiery enemies to meet. The Goron civilization can also be found there, and a young leader struggling to fill his father's shoes serves as a key character for Zelda to interact with.


Most of the standout echoes found at Eldin Volcano focus on fire, And heading to the area first gives Zelda more to work with than the Ignizol which does the heavy lifting for lighting things flaming in the early game. The Torch Slug and Fire Keese are both fun to use, and the Fire Wizzrobe is an especially powerful attack option once Zelda's got five triangle points to work with (which doesn't happen until you complete the area if she tackles it first).

Even better, the flying Zirro tosses out bombs, opening up another option besides dropping a bombfish to flop around on land. Later in the Eldin area, Zelda can unlock bombs for the swordfighter formGive you the ability to toss them out in traditional fashion or roll them up like bombshells.

The benefits of going to faron wetlands first

High-level echoes and electrifying enemies

Decus in the silent faron wetlands in echoes of wisdom

Returning to Faron Wetlands may not seem like the most exciting move if Zelda just completed Jabul Waters, but it's not as similar to an area as the name might suggest. A tropical jungle environment houses very different dangers, and most of the swimming is limited to side scrolling segments.


Faron Wetlands is a great place to collect high-powered echoes for combatWith the Level 3 Lizalfos, Electric Vizrobe, Mothala Lv. 2, and darknut lb. 3 All are powerful options that require five triangle points to use. Darknut lb. 3 in particular is not one to miss, because this armored combatant is capable of one-shot many enemies of the game without being interrupted.

This Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom Area is also home to a number of electric enemies Beyond the regional Wizzrobe, all that make it easy to zap enemies and set up killer attacks. Combining them with Drippitune, a frog that sings to generate rain, proves particularly effective.

The benefits of going to the holy mountain Lanayru first

Embrace the coldest reaches of Hyrule

A title card announcing Hebra Mountain in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

As far as mountains go, the path to Sacred Mount Lanayru is essentially the opposite of traveling up Eldin Volcano in Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom. Scalding surfaces and fiery enemies are largely replaced with freezing and icy enemies, which can actually prove even more of a threat, thanks to Zelda's need to stay warm in particularly frigid areas. innovation, Holy Mount Lanayru still has a couple of good fiery echoesWith the brazier and the easily enraged temper Tweelus both proved effective.


In general, however, the sacred Mount Lanayru equips Zelda with a cooler array of echoes, from the ice vizrobe to a gigantic snowball. Enemies like the Sword Moblin Lv. 3 can be useful, but the real standout may be new movement options. While Ice Block is less useful than Water Block, it's a lot of fun and The status of the cloud as a medium-air platform more than composed how quickly it collapses Under sustained weight.

You should go to Eldin Volcano before the rest

The listed order of the quests makes sense

Zelda Achieving Heart Piece in Eldin Vulcan in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

There is a decent argument for tackling these three areas in any order, however Heading to Eldin Volcan first, ultimately makes the most sense. The biggest reason lies in the rest of flaming echoes, which prove useful in both other regions. Faron Wetlands is riddled with cobwebs that are quickly destroyed by fire, and flame keeps Zelda warm even when she doesn't have an appropriate smoothie or potion on hand in the coldest parts of the climb to sacred Mount Lanayru. Having bombs in Swordfighter form also proves effective in both other regions.

Regardless of the regional order, it is best to deal with side quests found closer to the kingdom's center as the earliest opportunities, because they open new options like mounts, useful accessories and the ability to talk to cats over Hyrule.

Faron Wetlands makes the most sense as a second destination in Zelda: Resonance of WisdomAs the electric enemies of the area will also prove more effective against enemies on Holy Mount Lanayru than vice versa. There's also a good sense of puzzle progression when tackling things in that order - Eldin Volcano largely has the simplest puzzles, while Faron Wetlands and Holy Mount Lanayru continue to step things up a bit, although there's not a steep difference in difficulty regardless of difficulty. Order.

Ultimately, either approach should work reasonably well, and even the reverse sequence would have certain advantages, like letting Zelda use the cloud echo in other regions. For the undecided, though, there's probably a reason why the Goddesses quest lands Eldin Volcano first, and the echoes found there should be consistently useful throughout the rest of the game. In terms of overall efficiency, there is no more reliable order than Elden Volcano first, Faron Wetlands second, and Holy Mount Lanayru last in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

Strange rifts are tearing Hyrule apart, and with Link missing, it's up to Princess Zelda to save the kingdom. Armed with the Tree Wheel and aided by a mysterious fairy, she must solve puzzles, create environmental "echoes," and fight enemies while navigating new regions and uncovering hidden secrets.


September 26, 2024


Nintendo, Grezzo