Echoes of Wisdom finally brought back that little link detail

Echoes of Wisdom finally brought back that little link detail

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Brings a mix of classic and new Seldom Styles to the Nintendo Switch, and it made what might be the biggest change to the series by including Zelda as a playable character. The latest entry in the series also has no shortage of little details and Easter eggs to find. moreover, Echoes of wisdom Brings back a forgotten character detail about Link.

Recurring characters are quite common in Seldom games, and this is especially true when it comes to the three main characters Zelda, Link, and Ganon. Although they received different designs to fit the setting of each new game, they were always recognizable and tended to have distinctive elements as part of their design. However, Link received a schedule shift in Twilight Princess Which ends up being reversed Echoes of wisdom.

A change from motion control games

Echoes of wisdom Continues a Nintendo trend of using female protagonists, but it Changes a set of links that appear due to the use of motion controls In games for the Wii. The link doesn't have to be playable Echoes of wisdom For him to be seen enough to notice that he is left-handed in this game. Since Twilight Princess Wii version of the game, Link was right-handed more often for the purpose of motion controls and most of the population is right-handed.

A rare left character

Link from the Zelda Oracle games in front of art of four swords.
Custom image by Ben Brosofsky

Considering most of the population is right-handed, it may not be surprising to see that most game characters are also right-handed. Because of this, Link has become a representative for an under-represented group in gaming: people who are left-handed. Although Zelda takes the lead Echoes of wisdomIt is still clear that Link has become left-handed again. The The decision to make link right-handed when motion controls are used is understandableBut now that they've been phased out of the series, there's no reason Link needs to be right-handed.


It's not a big detail, and it's easy to miss, but there's a touch of nostalgia that comes with seeing Link go back to being left-handed. However, the change in Link's dominant hand stuck in both BOTW And TOTKAlthough motion controls were not used and the hand he used in each game would not make an impact on the gameplay itself. Because of this, it remains to be seen if the shift will stick going forward, or if Link is left-handed again is a small detail that was only added for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Before changing again for the next game.