Echoes of Wisdom dungeon is shockingly easy to skip

Echoes of Wisdom dungeon is shockingly easy to skip

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is one of the easiest Seldom Games to break, and one simple technique makes it possible to skip almost all of a major dungeon without much trouble. Building on the ideas of Breath of the wild And Tears of the kingdomwhich encourage thinking outside the box when it comes to puzzles, Echoes of wisdom Gives Zelda a powerful set of echoes that can make it easy to embrace challenges.

Even so, the structure of Echoes of wisdom is more rigorous than its immediate predecessors, and dungeons are typically completed in the room-by-room fashion that has defined the franchise for decades. While echoes can trivialize puzzles, gaps, and enemies, they can't often get Zelda to a key well ahead of schedule. More and more major skips will undoubtedly be discovered over time by skilled speedrunners, however The Jabul Ruins dungeon in particular has a solution that no player can stumble upon.

Jabul Ruins can be skipped in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

A main dungeon can take several minutes

Zelda still swims in echoes of wisdom

After Zelda makes her way through the surrounding rift area, Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom Jabul Ruins dungeon starts in dramatic fashion, with the floor collapsing beneath Zelda to dump her in a basement area of ​​the dungeon. Tree then flies up to check how far they've fallen, remarking "I guess you can't just go up here, can you, Zelda?"Fortunately for Trey, though, she can. As long as Zelda activated a warp point before the trap, it is possible to immediately warp back to the beginning.


There is still the matter of the newly created hole in the floor, but in Zelda: Resonance of WisdomA gap is hardly a problem. If Zelda has already visited the Gerudo Desert, she should easily have the materials to make it across, whether it's a few stacked beds and a dramatic jump in swordfighter form or a simple deployment of the flying tail echo. With advance knowledge, it is also possible to do this before the floor ever crumbles to begin with.

The Crawltula Echo is the key to the Jabul Ruins skip

Wall climbing has never been so easy

Zelda learn the Crawltula Echo

The solution is so straightforward that it comes across as a deliberately designed option, but it's only one part of the dungeon-skipping process. Immediately after, Zelda enters the central room of the tank, which holds the bass door out of reach at a height that most echoes cannot reach. A Crawltula echo, however, can climb all the way up the wallAnd Zelda can piggyback by using bind to secure herself to the creature when it makes its ascent.

At this point, all that is necessary is to make a stop on the right side of the second floor, complete one small area to grab the boss key, and take the Crawltula back to fight the boss. It's a very simple process that doesn't require any particular skills, and it skips a much slower process of completing areas around the dungeon to eventually unleash a water spout that can take Zelda up to the top.

Breaking Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom may not be worth it

Skipping dungeons is not that fun

Figuring out the dungeon hop of Jabul Ruins can be a lot of fun, and it's a great example of a design philosophy that encourages players to push the seams of Zelda: Resonance of Wisdom. In practice, however, It's even more engaging to take on the dungeon on its intended termsAt least when it comes to something this important. Dungeons are a big part of what makes Echoes of wisdom Interesting, and ignoring bespoke content for the sake of speed doesn't make much sense in most playthroughs.


Regardless, these kinds of epiphanies tend to open up the idea of ​​treatment Echoes of wisdom As a sandbox for creative play, much like the balance maze puzzle Breath of the wild Which can be flipped on its head to avoid the challenge. Zelda has a huge toolkit in the game, and understanding that beds and water blocks aren't always the most powerful solutions unlocks a world of possibilities. Skipping Jabul ruins may not be the most exciting thing to do at The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of WisdomBut it's a great showcase of the game's flexibility.

Strange rifts are tearing Hyrule apart, and with Link missing, it's up to Princess Zelda to save the kingdom. Armed with the Tree Wheel and aided by a mysterious fairy, she must solve puzzles, create environmental "echoes," and fight enemies while navigating new regions and uncovering hidden secrets.


September 26, 2024


Nintendo, Grezzo