Echoes Of Wisdom almost broke the franchise's biggest rule

Echoes Of Wisdom almost broke the franchise's biggest rule

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom made some big changes to Nintendo's popular franchise, but almost went even further by breaking one of the oldest rules in the series. The reveal that players would finally have the opportunity to take on the role of Zelda instead of Link was enough of a surprise to shake up the status quo, but the lack of a speaking protagonist left the development team with some problems. Although Zelda is known for talking, the series has never had a speaking hero.

Talking to Famitsuseries producer Eiji Aonuma explained that The fact that Zelda no longer speaks led the developer to consider giving Link a voice, breaking one of the oldest rules of the game. Legend of Zelda: Link doesn't speak. While the Hyrulian Hero may have spoken during early versions of the game, Aonuma admits he was dropped because the team couldn't figure out what he would actually say. Echoes of Wisdom director Satoshi Terada joked that everything Link said "I didn't feel good"So he went back to being the silent character that everyone knows.

It just doesn't feel right

Link is a strange character in that he is generally quite bland: he is not particularly three-dimensional or layered, and largely exists as a stand-in for the players' experiences. That being said, there is something compelling about his courageous courage and his quiet confidence during his many, many missions. Terada points out that after being around for nearly 40 years and having said little more than a grunt or groan, it's hard to imagine how Link would speak if given the opportunity.

Nintendo finally got around the need for a spoken guide by implementing Trian “ethereal being” capable of communicating with Zelda and providing information about the world and history. Removing Zelda's ability to speak may seem odd given her roles in previous games, but playing as a protagonist who can speak in a Legend of Zelda Admittedly, it looks strange. It's a small feature of the franchise that isn't normally considered, but when it's changed it's hard to ignore.

Echoes Of Wisdom is a fantastic game

No speaking parts needed

Silver brooch in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom Quest

Despite Nintendo's early difficulties with dialogue, I think you've finally come up with a great solution in the form of Tri. I loved The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom and I'm happy that the studio plans to develop more “2D” games in the series. Just as fun Breath of Nature and Tears of the Kingdom are, I much prefer the puzzle box elements of top-down games, even if the protagonists are especially non-chatty.

Source: Famitsu