Easily missed Baldur's Gate 3 trick results in unexpected NPC behavior

Easily missed Baldur's Gate 3 trick results in unexpected NPC behavior


  • NPCs in Baldur's Gate 3 have nuanced reactions to player actions, including unique dialogue triggered under specific conditions.

  • Players can summon animals to interact with NPCs in various locations, with different characters having various reactions to them.

  • Some NPCs will react negatively to certain summons like spiders, adding practical uses beyond just cute interactions.

Players have discovered a unique NPC interaction in Baldur's Gate 3 That only triggers under certain conditions. Both origin characters and NPCs are incredibly reactive in BG3; They have nuanced responses to almost everything a player chooses to do, from their races and classes, to what they wear, to what they decide to pick up. Still, there are so many options for players that small details like this are still being discovered.

It is unknown whether this dialogue has always existed, or was added, along with other new ones BG3 scenes, in updates since launch. However, it fits seamlessly with the rest of the game, and makes for a wonderful little detail during what could be one of the game's bleakest chapters - and may even extend beyond that.


The tiefling children play with your summoned animals in BG3

and other animal interactions

Mall of Baldur's Gate 3 looking up with gold in the background.

As discovered by Reddit user savageseal_18, The kids at the Tiefling camp in Act One of Baldur's Gate 3 Will follow the player's summoned animalsEven commenting on them with voice dialogue. This particular example specifically depicts one of them reacting to a summoned bird, complimenting it on the beauty of its feathers. But this works with other animals as well, and certainly isn't limited to the Tiefling camp kids.

Players can also summon animals in other large areas where many children wander around - Think the Lower City - for similarly adorable reactions from NPCs. Different characters have different reactions, and certain familiars elicit unique voice lines. Jaheira's children will follow the named animals around her house, commenting on Boo's fluffiness, for example. The goblin kids will throw stones at any summoned animals instead. Players can also call us by the number of the same name, but kids will instead see the tiny brains devourer as a cat. (We explained that this was due to a bit of visual manipulation on their part.)

A druid turning into a cat using Wild Shape provokes a similar reaction from many BG3 NPCs.

This is mainly just a cute detail that does not have a practical use - in fact, it is more often the opposite. Players need to be careful where they take their summoned animals when kids are aroundAs they are likely to follow them directly into danger, as in act two, when they will follow a particularly fluffy cat directly into the shadow curse if they are able. Still, as long as no one gets hurt, it's a fun interaction worth seeking out.

BG3 NPCs don't always have a positive reaction to summons

Some are afraid of spiders

Baldur's Gate 3 Spider wild form wheat in stock

However, not all animal-NPC interactions are so innocent. Some BG3 Characters will run in fear of summoned spidersOr yell at druids for transforming into Rothe. This was previously thought to be a slip in Baldur's Gate 3But after several patches, it seems to be an intentional feature. Still, this can be used for more practical purposes, like getting NPCs to run away from chests or doors they're supposed to be guarding.

All of these cases, though, are testaments to the interactability of BG3. Tons of NPCs have nuanced reactions to tiny little details like these, which are certainly not limited to summoned animals. This is just a small group of examples in the wide world of Baldur's Gate 3.

Source: savageseal_18/Reddit