Each version of Tor, ranked from weakest to most powerful

Each version of Tor, ranked from weakest to most powerful

The Avengers may represent the strongest, meanest and noblest heroes in Marvel's universe, but none can compete when it comes to the godly cosmic strength and powers of Thorthe god of thunder,

Everyone knows that the Hulk is incredibly strong, and only gets stronger with his rage. But Thor was initially created by Stan Lee Specifically To be the one person who was stronger than the Hulk, and this soon became a tradition throughout the history of the Avengers. Not only is the 616th version of Thor proven strong enough to kill Galactus, but there are also Dozens of versions of Thor throughout the Marvel Multiverse, wildly varying in their identities, origins and power sets. These are The most powerful versions of Thor from Marvel history.


Jane Foster


First appearance:


Power Level:

Journey into Mystery #84 (as Jane Foster) and Thor: God of Thunder #25 (as Thor)

Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Skilled nurse with all the powers of Thor

Jane Foster was a major love interest for Thor and cared deeply about him. She worked alongside him in his Donald Blake persona and practically worshiped him. This all changed when Jane lost her husband and child in a car accident, which only got worse when she discovered she had breast cancer. This series of tragic events changed how Jane viewed the Gods, and her view changed even further when Thor lost his ability to wield Mjölnir.

novelty, While Thor can't wield Mjölnir anymore, Jane can. This allowed Jane Foster to become the new Thor. Although she is certainly strong, she is not as strong as the original Thor, as proven when she failed to defeat the Hulk during the Phoenix Tournament. Jane would later give up the mantle of Thor and become Valkyrie instead.




First appearance:


Power Level:

Civil war #3

Mark Millar and Steve McNiven

All the same abilities as Thor

Thor is one of the most powerful members of the Avengers, and that left some members feeling a little nervous. During one of their first meetings, Tony Stark came into possession of a single lock of Thor's hair. He kept on it for years, just in case it was ever needed. Once the events of Civil war Started, Tony realized that his side would need more firepower.

Using this single strand of hair, Tony is able to create a clone of Thor which he intends to use against the Secret Avengers. This clone would become a consistent enemy to Thor and a problem for everyone over the years. The clone even ends up joining Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers. Ragnorak has all the powers of Thor and even his own Mjölnir, which he took from another universe.


Beta Ray Bill


First appearance:


Power Level:

Thor #337

Walter Simonson

An alien cyborg worthy of Mjölnir

It's always surprising to see someone else lift Mjölnir and prove that they are just as good and as deserving of being Thor. This was the surprising case with Beta Ray Bill, a stranger to Corbyn. When his planet was under attack by Surtur, he was chosen to lead his people to safety. Although it almost cost him his life, he finally succeeded. After running into Thor, the two fought, and Bill was victorious.

With Thor reverting to his Donald Blake form, and completely unconscious, Bill curiously picks up Mjölnir and is shocked when he is transformed into Thor because of it. Not wanting to be two Thors, Beta Ray Bill and Thor fought again, with Bill winning Again. This would result in Beta Ray Bill being given the Hammer Stormbreaker, and he has been Thor ever since.


Iron hammer

Earth-616 (warp world)

First appearance:


Power Level:

Infinity Wars #3

Gerry Duggan and Humberto Ramos

A fusion of Thor and Iron Man

One of the easiest ways to make a strong character is to simply take two existing ones and mash them together. This is a sure way to end up with someone obscenely powerful, almost regardless of the combination that is used. This proved to be true once again during the Infinity Warps/ Warp World shenanigans, where Tony Stark and Thor are fused into Stark Odinson. Stark Odinson's backstory was a perfect fusion of both characters, with Stark being captured by Malekith and his Dark Elf army and forced to create weapons with the Dwarf Eighty.

This led to the pair forging the Iron Hammer armor, which gave Stark the power to defeat Malekith. Thor is already strong on his own, but combining his physical strength with Tony Stark's brilliance makes him one of the most powerful versions of Thor and Iron Man.


Thor Odinson


First appearance:


Power Level:

Ultimates #4

Mark Millar and Brian Hitch

A new version of Thor for a new universe.

One of the most popular things that Marvel has ever done is the launch of the Last Universe. A new universe needs a new Thor, and that's where the character comes in. Thor has much the same powers as his 616 counterpart. His strength is still massive, more than enough to match the Hulk, as he broke the Hulk's jaw with just three punches.

Another ability he had was teleportation, capable of using Mjölnir to instantly move anywhere he wanted, even through dimensions. But a major glaring weakness of the Thor was his belt. If it was ever removed, he would lose both his powers and his ability to wield Mjölnir, making him significantly weaker than his 616 counterpart.


Thor Odinson (God of Fists)


First appearance:


Power Level:

Avengers: Forever #8

Yoshan Aaron and Aaron Kuder

A Thor that doesn't need Mjölnir

on this earth, Thor was never able to lift Mjölnir. He tried all his life, but he could never lift it. This was made more frustrating by the fact that Mjölnir never left him. It always swam behind him, as if teasing him for his impossibility. Eventually, Asgard was destroyed and Earth was conquered by the Lords of Evil.

With no way to stop them, Thor traveled into the mountains to simply live in solitude, and it was here that he met Lei Kang. Lei Kung trained Thor to use his fists over anything else. Day in and day out, Thor would punch Mjölnir, over and over, taking decades of frustration. While this version of Thor never became worthy enough to be the God of Thunder, he managed to become the God of Fists.


Thor Odinson


First appearance:


Power Level:

Venus #11

Don Rico, Hy Rosen, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Larry Lieber

Complete control over flash and incredible strength.

Usually, on a list of powerful variants of a character, the original character is not very high. That just goes to show How incredibly powerful the default Tor actually is. He has total telepathic immunity, is a master combatant, has geokinesis, can generate cosmic flames, and the list goes on and on. On. That's not even to mention his most powerful ability, known as the Odin Force.

One of his main feats, as seen in Thor #51, contained the blast of a nuclear missile, and this was only a fraction of what the Odin Force was actually capable of. Although there are several versions of Thor stronger than the base, they are all older and different versions of him. While Beta Ray Bill and Jane Foster are plenty strong, nothing can compare to the original God of Thunder.


Play Thor the Destroyer


First appearance:


Power Level:

Secret Wars: Battleworld #1

Joshua Williamson

Thor wearing the powerful destroyer armor.

As previously covered, Thor is incredibly powerful and has a whole host of abilities and physical achievements that put him on a level above most heroes in Marvel. That's why it's so absurd to imagine someone that powerful too Wear the Destroyer Armor. The armor is practically invulnerable, stronger than both Adamantium and Uru, the only thing that seemed to hurt the armor was a combined blast by the Celestials.

Although Thor already has insane arms, wearing this armor would boost it even more, making him nearly invisible to all forms of damage.. The Destroyer Armor is also capable of manipulating and using energy that can shatter entire planets. A fully powered Thor who has access to the Odin Force, wearing this on top, would be one of the most terrifying beings in the universe.


Rune King Thor


First appearance:


Power Level:

Thor #83

Michael Avon Gemming and Daniel Berman

One of the most powerful forms of Thor.

Since Thor is from Norse mythology, he is often tied to the themes and stories that played out in Norse mythology. This is especially true of the Ragnorak event, a massive moment that would wipe out all of Asgard. Desperate to find a way to prevent this, Thor traveled to Hildstalf to try to get the knowledge he needed. It was here that Thor learned how to reach his full potential.

This caused him to gouge out his eyes and fall into the well of mime.. He also ended up sacrificing his own life and traveling to hell just to be reborn. When Thor eventually returned to the land of the living, Thor was known as the Rune King. His power was so great that he easily defeated Loki and ended the cycle of Ragnorak forever.


Old King Thor


First appearance:


Power Level:

Thor: God of Thunder #1

Jason Aaron, Esad Ribic

The final version of Thor, King of Asgard.

Initially, this was Thor's future. Because if Thor of Earth-616 was killed, then King Thor would also cease to exist. This eventually changed, and King Thor became his own being. This version of Thor was so ridiculously powerful that he became a "god cop", someone who polices and, if necessary, arrests other god-like beings for not following the rules.

King Thor not only has Thor's full potential, including his own Thor-force, but he was also once connected to the Phoenix Force. This would give him true immortality and also give him control and dominion over all life in the universe. Although there are many strong Thors on this list, there is simply no denying the King Thor is the most powerful to ever exist.