Of the three character archetypes in Marvel RivalsThe role of the Strategist is significant, featuring heroes and villains who support teams and keep them alive. However, some strategist characters are stronger than others due to their powerful abilities. While every tactician can greatly help their team, some stand out from the rest with abilities that can instantly change the course of a match.
No function queue in Marvel Rivals likely coming into the game, players who choose Strategist characters need to consider their abilities carefully. Just like Vanguards, specific Tacticians have powerful synergies with different characters through Team-Up abilities. This can be a game changer, making almost any tactician strong under the right circumstances.
Rocket Raccoon
Useful in the right place and time
The weakest strategist in the Marvel Rivals and Rocket Raccoonwhose abilities are arguably better suited to a Duelist character in some cases. Although Rocket Raccoon's primary weapon does decent damage, he has very few options to support your team consistently. His Repair Mode orbs bounce to heal allies, but these orbs often bounce in strange directions that make it difficult for allies to receive their restoration.
Rocket Raccoon's strongest ability, his Battle Rebirth Beacon (BRB), can revive players quickly, but is surprisingly limited. For starters, only one ally can be revived before they disappear in a long cooldown. The only other benefit of this device is the armor packs and jetpacks it drops, but these only benefits some characters who do not have good mobility options.
Although Rocket Raccoon has good mobility with his jetpack, he is not difficult to define, like Jeff the Land Shark or Loki. Rocket Ultimate is underwhelming, only giving allies a small damage boost. Although not "bad," it is much weaker than some of the powerful Ultimates that other strategist characters use.
Master of deception until the illusion is broken
It takes a lot of preparation for the strategist Loki perform strongly in a match. This complicated character is very complex, making it difficult for players to understand all of his abilities in order to use them consistently. Despite having good healing and damage in its primary attack, Loki struggles to balance supporting his team and staying alive.
Loki's signature ability is that he can summon multiple clones to multiple locations. Loki can teleport to these clones to escape danger or use them as sources of extra healing, as they still perform basic actions. That being said, enemy teams usually destroy Loki's clones quicklylimiting Loki's options if rival groups catch on to the character's trick when entering a match.
The fact that Loki's runic healing aura and clones can be easily destroyed by attentive teams it forces you to be clever with your tricks. This makes the character far from simple, as you need to balance good clone positioning with healing your team simultaneously. Combined with an Ultimate that transforms Loki into another character for a short period of time, you need to have a lot of game knowledge to use this Tactician effectively.
Jeff the Land Shark
It's not as threatening as you might think
Jeff the Land Shark in Marvel Rivals is easily one of the most talked about characters in the game as of this writing. With a powerful Ultimate that swallows friends and foes alike, Jeff can easily eliminate a captured enemy team by jumping off the map. Although he has one of the strongest Ultimates in the gameJeff doesn't have anything very powerful outside of his strongest ability.
Jeff has above average healing potential and useful damage with his primary and secondary attacks, respectfully. Among strategists, however, Jeff is barely a threat beyond his Ultimatewith very little health and just a hassle on their own. Jeff need other team members to support you, otherwise, characters like Iron Fist or Hela can finish him off when he is unprotected.
Fortunately, Jeff has more skills to help him survive compared to weaker strategists. While Jeff "nothing" on a map, he passively recovers his health while reducing his size, making it difficult for enemies to hit him. Jeff is a basic, balanced healer who has no specialty in addition to his Ultimate, making him a solid tactician who isn't too powerful most of the time.
Cloak and Dagger
Difficult to learn, powerful when mastered
One of the most original characters of all Marvel Rivals and Cloak and Daggertwo heroes in one who can switch between each other at any time. Both Cloak and Dagger have separate move lists that can support your team. Dagger uses homing projectiles and barriers to heal his team, while Cloak inflicts shockingly high damage and debuffs on enemies.
Dagger can create a healing bubble with his secondary attack that quickly restores the health of anyone inside it. This ability also affects itself, ggiving Dagger one of the highest self-heals among all strategists.
Cloak can use the power of the Darkforce to make himself and allies near him invisible and invulnerable. This skill can nullify enemy Ultimates or impressive abilitieslike Doctor Strange's powerful Ultimate move. Cloak can also blind enemies with its projected barrier, making it impossible for some enemies to hit weaker characters on your team.
Cloak & Dagger's only weakness comes from the complexity of its kit, as All abilities share a cooldown between the character's two forms. This makes it difficult to juggle all abilities at once, especially during chaotic fights between two team compositions. Marvel Rivals.
This character's strong AoE Ultimate and automatic blocking of attacks to heal and deal damage are easier to use than other strategists. It can be difficult to tell when to use Dagger and when to use Cloak even when you've mastered everything that character has to offer. While this character is difficult to learn, mastering his limited mobility and shared cooldowns can help him become one of the toughest tacticians for enemy teams to eliminate.
Adam Wizard
Resurrect your team to fight again
Adam Wizard is a character who ensures that his team survives fights with more intensity than any other tactician in the game. Warlock has the Ultimate ability to revive alliesallowing many characters to be resurrected at once when used correctly. Although revived characters return with little health, this unique ability makes Adam Warlock the conduit of second chances for his team to achieve victory.
Those who play Adam Warlock in Marvel Rivals You will also discover that the character can deal a shockingly high amount of damage. By charging up his secondary attack, Warlock can break through health bars when hitting opponents. This allows the character to work well on maps where his team is on the offensive or defensive, giving him a level of versatility.
Another strong point of Adam Warlock is how he can link the health of multiple characters and heal multiple targets at once with your support skills. By linking health bars together, Adam reduces the damage of attacks aimed at an ally, helping them survive. Even though Warlock has very low mobility compared to other strategists, his multi-heal and revive Ultimate makes him a great choice for many different situations.
Luna Neve
Maximize your healing potential
While all strategists have some way of healing their allies, no character has greater healing potential than Luna Snow. The only character in Marvel Rivals Not originally from the comics, Luna Snow uses projectiles to harm enemies and restore health to teammates. Unlike Dagger, Luna needs to hit her targets to apply damage or healing, giving the character a slightly higher skill cap.
Luna Snow has multiple ways to apply healing, such as attaching an Idol Aura to allow more than one ally to restore her health. This tactician can also enter a state called Ice Arts, where he deals more damage and heals more with larger ice shards he fires. As this also restores your own health, Luna Snow has consistent ways to heal herselfmaking it difficult for opponents to take her down.
To complete, Luna Snow has an Ultimate that makes her impossible to defeatas it allows her to continually regain health for as long as it lasts. Although this Ultimate allows Luna to create a large AoE aura of healing or damage, it is always better to use the restorative aura. This Ultimate prevents anyone around Luna Snow from being defeated due to its absurd healing rate, giving your team infinite stamina to win fights.
praying mantis
Perform any role with little effort
praying mantis is by far the strongest strategist in Marvel Rivals due to how she can practically fulfill the role of Duelist and Vanguard with her versatile abilities. praying mantis can Deal damage, heal allies quickly and survive longer than any other character in their archetype. His Ultimate is also stronger than any other Tactician, providing nearby allies with healing buffs over time and increased movement for a long period.
Mantis is also one of the best characters at interrupting Ultimate attacks with her Spore Slumber ability, which stuns the target she hits.
All of Mantis' attacks deal extremely high damagerivaling characters like Hela or Winter Soldier in Marvel Rivals. With critical hits, Mantis can destroy health bars, especially when she consumes a Life Orb to increase damage. With four different Life Orbs that Mantis has access to since spawning, she can also grant this damage boost to allies, giving them more ways to eliminate enemies.
Granting Life Orbs to allies can also help them heal over time, giving her Various ways to buff your teammates. Mantis still gets a Movement Boost and passive healing when not injured, so she can stay alive much longer than other strategists. If combined with Adam Warlock's Team-Up Rebirth ability, Mantis becomes the strongest strategist in Marvel Rivals from afar, giving her a second chance to support her team.