Each new evil ending for the origin characters

Each new evil ending for the origin characters

With the release of Patch 7, Larian Studios included a bunch of new endings for Baldur's Gate 3. Evil playthroughs received criticism for lacking content and to remedy this, Larian Studios not only included a collection of Tav and Dark Urge evil endings, but also a unique evil ending for each of the six origin characters. The darkest possible outcome for the origin cast can now be experienced, allowing the player to see just how evil some of ​​the best characters can be.

Each ending begins the same, with the character on the Elder Brain and looking over the ruined city below. The narrator explains the inn of the character's desires and how their new perception of their past problems is nothing to them now, Each origin character gets their own unique dialogue. When they descend on the city below and force the population to kneel, an option at the top of the list gives the player the opportunity to see the unique cut scene and how their story of corruption comes to an end.


Wyll ascends the Baldur's Gate throne as an evil ruler

A Tyrant Duke of Baldur's Gate

Becoming Duke of Baldur's Gate was not on Wyll Ravenguard's original agendaHaving resigned himself to being the Blade of Frontiers and fighting devils until his eventual fate to live as a lemur. Whether it's Mizora's influence or his flawed views on enforced peace, Wyll takes his place as Duke Ravenguard and turns everyone with a tadpole in their brain into mindfliers. If the people are completely subject to the will of their leader, then peace is ensured.


When Absolute Power defeats and captures the Elder Brain, Wyll's decision to rule is enacted with a twisted sense of peace and justice. An evil will playthrough run explores that even the most brave and just of characters can be corrupted when given great, unmatched power. A tyrant with the desire to do good can be just as evil as a dictator Who wants to suffer. Will can be described with the common phrase, "The ends justify the means."


Karlach's hearty nature is greatly despised

Burn Baldur's Gate to the ground

Karlach is iconic in Baldur's Gate 3 For her big heart and desire to do what is good, no matter what the outcome. Her chaotic good alignment is dismantled in her evil gameShifting her dramatically over to Chaotic Evil. Players will enjoy a trademark Karlach monologue as she decides the fate of Balaldur's Gate and the covering people within. Karlach playfully summons a horde of demons from Avernus to tear the people apart. She does it because she can, for no other reason than pettiness for the people choosing Gortash as their protector.

The fun-loving, kind-hearted Tiefling accepts that people see her as a devil.

Karlach's evil ending explores her infernal engine heart as the cause of her predicted death, due to the climate of Faerun unable to withstand the heat that her body provides. Instead of remaining a character who would accept death rather than face the fires of Avernus again or put others at risk, Karlach Choose to rip your heart out and burn the world around you For the joy of it. The fun-loving, kind-hearted Tiefling accepts that people see her as a devil, just like Wyll did at the beginning of the game.


Gale unleashes his fury, abandoning his typically jovial demeanor

War against the gods

Gale's relationship with the gods is a turbulent one. His misguided ambitions, ruled by a thinly masked pride, are evident in all versions of the character. Without anyone to help Gale calm his desire for his own seat in the heavens, Gale is free to rage war against the gods. at its end, Gale's lust for power is satiatedBut his place as a god is not assured. When the people of Balaldur's Gate fall prey to his rule and destroy images of Mystra and other gods, he opens a gate for his march against the Celestials.

Gale's evil conclusion is only a stone's throw over the line of what he is capable of.

The evil end for Gale is not unexpected. Where other origin characters make rather chaotic decisions that wouldn't be entirely believable if they were in the player's party for a Taw run, Gale's evil conclusion is just a stone's throw over the line of what he's capable of. His cheerful demeanor and swagger is a smoke screen for his inadequacy when he compares himself to the gods, and when given the power of an evil nature, not the heavenly type he can get in a good run, It is almost understandable that he wants to show the gods, what he considers to be insolent observers, a taste of the wrath of death..


Lae'zel embraces the power of the Mindflayers to usher in a new Githyanki era

The new Lich Queen

Unlike the other evil ends of Origin, Lae'zel embraces aspects of her character that are more evident in her first meeting and then enhanced by her eventual disdain for Vlaakith. As a number of you end before patch 7, Lae'zel takes to the skies on a red dragon with the intention of ousting Vlaakith from her eternal throne. In her good endings, she does so with only a silver sword at her side, but now she has an army of Mindfliers and loyal Githianki.


When Astrion succeeds in his ascension, Liesel claims, “We seek might not for individual power, but for the good of the collective.” This ideal is the main difference between a regular Lae'zel game and its evil ending. Leezel wanted to free the Githanki from their oppressive queen And would never accept elite power to do so. In her evil end, she openly embraces it and immediately proclaims herself the new Lich Queen. With an unexpected tadpole power, freedom does not taste sweet enough, but replacing the current power structure with her own.


Astrion becomes the monster Cazador created

King of the Sun

If there was a character that fit perfectly into the role of an absolute leader with ultimate power, it is Astrio. When the aging brain occurs, Asterion achieved everything he wanted: endless protection from the sun, loyal followers who love him, and the opportunity to stand at the top, rather than scheming and prowling at the bottom. Even with all the power of the minefield in his fingers, there is still a desire for acceptance, and a place in the world that the Narrator is guided by Astorian's inner thoughts.

In normal Astrian fashion, he can't resist his deception even as he holds power over the knees for him. He doesn't need to pretend to be a benevolent new king of Baldur's Gate before he has his vampire spawn herd and feasts on the helpless populace, but he does. Astrion's evil ending is that he becomes everything he was trying to break away from - an even more murderous Cazador. But he is weak to gifted power and embrace the ingrained dark side of his character; Become the monster that Cazador created.


Shadowheart becomes an oppressive goddess after breaking free from one

Shaar's chosen rebels

Shadowheart's evil ending focuses on false freedom from the constraints of her faith. Over Baldur's Gate 3, Shadowheart is chained by worshiping her goddess Shar And even when she steps out of the shadows, she embraces her side as a Selonite. She may be more free in her decisions during the normal game, when she spares the Nightsong, but she is still bound to faith as a major part of her characterization. With ultimate power, she is no longer trapped between two warring goddesses.

Shadowheart has the option of creating a new faith in her image, ironically mimicking what Shar and Selûne represent. By having her new followers brutally slaughter all the followers of the two goddesses, Shadowheart leans on everything she learned to hi Baldur's Gate 3. When finally given the freedom to choose without restraint, an evil shadow is unable to escape the reality of her past. Her mind is forever warmed by the concept of faith, but it is her people worship.