Dragon Ball Is home to many iconic and exciting characters from different planets, or even dimensions, to compose A huge and expansive multiverse of fighters, but one of the greatest is Gohan. in Dragon Ball p Episode #1, Gohan was introduced as a character constantly hinted to have earth-shattering potential. Even in Gohan's base form, he is shown to exponentially outnumber other characters much older and more experienced than him in Dragon BallWith multiple instances where he used his gifts to save the day.
Despite his vast potential as a born fighter, Gohan is a peaceful man throughout his life, choosing only to take action and unleash his incredible raw power when those he cares about are threatened or harmed. Dragon Ball p- Next. One of the most interesting aspects about Gohan is the several unique transformations he has access to, With his potential empowered by Saiyan and human blood. While Gohan's forms are certainly less numerous than Dragon Ball's Other most prominent fighters, he makes a strong impression against his peers every time as one of the universe's toughest fighters.
Base form Gohan
First appearance: Dragon Ball Z Episode #1: The New Threat
Gohan's base form, through its many iterations in Dragon Ball Z, Super, And divorce, Is Quickly noted to be far superior even to Goku's base form at a similar age; Even at three years old, Gohan surpassed a pre-teen Goku dozens of times over. This allowed him to momentarily rival Raditz in raw strength, though it would take a lot of training with mentors like Piccolo and Goku for him to use even the power of his base form. But for simplicity, Base Form Gohan scales up or down relative to his physical conditioning and age in the Dragon Ball Franchise.
Given Gohan's tendency to focus on his studies rather than seek combat, the form has weakened Dragon Ball Super.
Base form Gohan faced an impressive array of enemies, including Vegeta and Nappa, and even went to Namek to face Frieza's forces. However, he faced insurmountable challenges against Recome at the time. After the cell saga, Gohan's base form is still powerful enough to empower his crime fighting persona, the Great Saiyaman. Still, given Gohan's tendency to focus on his studies rather than seek combat, the form has weakened Dragon Ball Super. Although mild inconsistencies like base form Gohan beating Frieza's final form, they are typically dismissed as filler.
Great Ape (Ōzaru) Gohan
First Appearance: Dragon Ball Z Episode #8: Gohan Goes Bananas!
This form quickly fades to irrelevance as it requires Gohan to retain his tail, which is routinely removed and not reloaded once he and the other Saiyan characters grow their power enough to no longer need it. However, when training to fight the Saiyans and again against Vegeta to get a win early in the series, Gohan transforms into his Ōzaru form, multiplying his Bite Form power several times. Although this hypothetically gives an innate multiplier to a Saiyan's strength, Later transformations are much more effective and convenientNot to mention easier to draw for Toriyama.
Another inconvenient factor for Gohan and other Saiyans using the Ōzaru form is the need for a full moon. While Vegeta, and then Gohan, bypass this need thanks to a proxy moon, it's an inconvenience caused specifically by Piccolo's unhinged destruction of the entire moon in orbit over Earth in episode #8. The Ōzaru form is also the largest in sheer mass, but ironically, it soon becomes Gohan's weakest transformation.
Super Saiyan (SSJ) Gohan
First appearance: Dragon Ball Z Episode #156: Bow to the Prince
Gohan is the youngest character in the present Dragon Ball p Timeline to reach a Super Saiyan form, overseen by Goku in the Room of Spirit and Time. In typical dense Goku fashion, Gohan is pushed to go Super Saiyan by imagining everyone close to him being killed by Cell; Due to his inability to image cells at the time, Gohan visions Frieza killing Piccolo especially. The ensuing vision sends Gohan into enough of a frenzy to unlock the transformation. Under Goku's guidance, he can passively maintain his Super Saiyan form outside of combat Dragon Ball p.
However, with other characters pouring more training into empowering this Super Saiyan form, Gohan seemingly falls behind in the Cell Games, with the transformation being noticeably weaker than Goku's. While this is almost certainly because Goku has superior fighting skills, honed over the years, with more abilities at his disposal, it's jarring to see Cell choosing Gohan initially, even with the typical SSJ multiplier of fifty times his base power. But what would soon follow would become the most beloved of all of Gohan's forms in Dragon Ball.
Super Saiyan 2 (SSJ2) Gohan
First Appearance: Dragon Ball Z Episode #184: Cell Junior Attack!
While mastering the Super Saiyan form long enough requires great concentration and exertion, Gohan achieves the SSJ2 form at the height of the Cell games when Cell ruthlessly executes Android 16. With SSJ2, Gohan's power is multiplied a hundred times overGaining tremendous speed, a crackling electric aura, and more severe spiky yellow hair. Beyond the physical changes, the SSJ2 form of Gohan also becomes, for the time being, the most powerful known being in the universe in Dragon Ball p.
Other noteworthy examples of characters who have attempted to achieve similar growth from their Super Saiyan forms in Dragon Ball p are Vegeta and Trunks' Ascended and Ultra Super Saiyan Forms, essentially SSJ1 but with more modestly increased power and greater muscle mass. Gohan's SSJ2 form would not be matched by other characters in Dragon Ball for yearsWith Goku showing the fruits of his labor with the SSJ3 form in the Buu Saga, while Gohan eventually underwent a different transformation.
Ultimate (Mystic) Gohan
First appearance: Dragon Ball Z Episode #262: Unlucky Break
Gohan's potential in Dragon Ball is so often mentioned that this form represents its greatest extreme. With even the most historically insignificant characters like Vegeta recognizes that Gohan has the most potential of the Earth's defenders in Dragon Ball Super Chapter #6, this form addresses it dramatically. After intensive training in the world of the Kais, Gohan can unleash it similar to how he would channel his Super Saiyan state, with raw power enough to surpass even SSJ3.
Gohan can unleash it similar to how he would channel his Super Saiyan state, with raw power enough to outdo even SSJ3.
Although this form is understated in appearance, but with a distinctive SSJ-esque aura, it is treated as a bona fide transformation. For a long time in Dragon Ball Kanon, this is Gohan's greatest form, Empowering him with enough power to display a cocky swagger against Super Buu. When Buu asks Gohan if he wants to fight, Gohan fires back with an ice-cold one-liner, "No, I intend to kill you." Although Gohan's fighting skills would still take time to catch up to the enormous feats of raw power, a final milestone was reached in recent years for Gohan's current greatest form in Dragon Ball.
Gohan's Ultimate form would officially be named that in Dragon Ball SuperWhere the form gets a little more time to shine during the super hero arc. Despite being out of practice, Ultimate Gohan is still a force to be reckoned with in both the movie and the manga version of the same events. Although this is the peak of Gohan's power for more than two decades, Gohan would eventually surpass it with another unique transformation that makes Gohan the strongest character in Dragon Ball's Universe according to Akira Toriyama.
Gohan animal
First appearance: Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero
Gohan Beast is the culmination of Gohan's efforts to develop an ultimate form yet unseen in the series. Dragon Ball Super: Super HeroOr chapter #99 in the Dragon Ball Super Manga depicts this transformation as a Super Saiyan-like transformation, as well as the results of Gohan's unique hybrid Saiyan and human heritage inaccessible to Goku. Although it is likely to fall below the upper limits of Broly, Gohan Beast can fight with Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku.
Gohan's forms in Dragon Ball They're less convoluted than other core franchise characters, but they're still fascinating, especially with the character's innate power levels hyped so strongly. This character is a fan favorite for these reasons, and is generally more interesting to follow than much of the rest of the main cast. While Gohan will never be the face of dragon ball, His various powerful forms have more than earned him a place among their most powerful Korean heroes.