Dyanmax Drilbur is one of the first creatures in Pokemon GO that you have the chance to fight and capture during Max Mondays, a new type of raid battle. Max Mondays feature Gigantamax Pokémon or massive variants of familiar pocket monsters with greater strength and toughness than the ones you normally fight. These Pokémon are extremely powerful, so you must understand their weaknesses to achieve victory.
By itself, Drilbur is a pretty standard Ground-type Pokémon that you can catch and evolve into the strong Steel and Ground-type, Excadrill with enough candy. The Dynamax version of Drilbur seen in the Max Monday battle is much stronger, using Max Moves to deal massive damage to your Pokémon. You will have to prepare to face this giant mole before it arrives during the "Simply innovative" event in Pokemon GO.
Dynamax Drilbur weaknesses and resistance in Pokémon GO
Find the right elements
Dynamax Drilbur has the same weaknesses and resistances as a normal Drilburso you should already know which types work best against it. For all Pokémon types, here are the relationships Dynamax Drilbur has with each element:
Type |
Relationship |
Error |
N/A - Neutral |
Dark |
N/A - Neutral |
Dragon |
N/A - Neutral |
Electric |
Resist |
Fairy |
N/A - Neutral |
Fire |
N/A - Neutral |
Fight |
N/A - Neutral |
Flight |
N/A - Neutral |
Ghost |
N/A - Neutral |
Gram |
Weak against |
Floor |
N/A - Neutral |
Ice |
Weak against |
Normal |
N/A - Neutral |
Toxic |
Resist |
Psychic |
N/A - Neutral |
Stone |
Resist |
Steel |
N/A - Neutral |
Water |
Weak against |
When a Pokémon has no relationship to a type, it means that any attack of that type will do a normal amount of damage. For example, Dynamax Drilbur reacts neutrally to Steel-type attacks, causing moves like Iron Head or Metal Claw to knock down a good amount of the Pokémon's health. However, given the destructive nature of a Dynamax boss, you need to use only super effective moves.
The difficulty of Dynamax battles in Pokemon GO means you can't use neutral attacks against Dynamax Drilbur. You must have more than one Pokémon with Grass, Ice or Water type attacks to deal the most damage to the Max Mondays boss each turn. Don't bring Pokémon that use Rock, Poison, or Electric moves as well, as these types are resisted and often weak to Drilbur's Max Ground-type attacks.
Dynamax Drilbur Best counters in Pokémon GO
Bring another giant Pokémon into battle
Max Mondays features a one- or three-star encounter with Dynamax Drilbur, with the higher-star version of the fight being much more difficult. You will have to join a group to defeat Dynamax Pokémonso be prepared to synergize your counters with others. Some of the best Pokémon you can use to counter Dynamax Drilbur are:
- Mega Sceptil
- Mega Swampert
- Zarude
- Gyarados Shadow
- Kartana
- Primordial Kyogre
The Mega Pokémon versions are quite strong, making the Grass-type Sceptile and the Water/Ground-type Swampert good choices for this fight. To break Dynamax Drilbur's defenses, you need to have Pokémon with strong Water, Ice, or Grass-type moves. However, it is also a good idea bring Pokémon with plenty of health compared to others as this will help them survive Drilbur's attack.
Likewise, Shadow Pokémon's fast, charged moves are also much stronger than their base versions. Earned through battles against trainers like Team Rocket's Arlo in Pokemon GOShadow Pokémon can deal more damage to Dynamax Drilbur than many other creatures on your team. Legendary Pokémon or the final evolutions of other pocket monsters will also be strong enough to take on the Gigantamax raid boss.
Once you have a strong team ready to fight Dynamax Drilbur, you need to spend 800 Max Particles (MP) to join the fight at a Power Spot location. You can use MP to unlock special Max Attacks with its own Dynamax Pokémon, which can become an extremely effective counterattack against Drilbur. Using a Max Gyser or Max Overgrowth attack will destroy Dynamax Drilbur, greatly depleting its health.
With the right Pokémon by your side, you'll be able to team up with other players to earn great rewards in the Max Monday Gigantamax Fight. After understanding how to beat Dynamax Drilbur in Pokemon GOYou can try farming Max Battle multiple times to capture a strong version of Gigantamax Battle to fight against other giant Pokémon, such as the Poison/Electric-type Toxtricity.