DS9's Quark & ​​Rom appeared on TNG as different Ferengi

DS9's Quark & ​​Rom appeared on TNG as different Ferengi

Before Star Trek: Deep Space NineArmin Shimerman and Max Grodénchik made their franchise debuts as other Ferengi characters in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Shimmerman and Grodénchik are most famous for playing the sister duo Quark and Rom on Deep Space Nine. Quark was part of DS9's main cast of characters, appearing in almost every episode, while Rom was a recurring character who first appeared in the pilot episode "Emissary." Together with Ram's son, NG (Orn Eisenberg). The trio made up the bulk of Ferengi representation DS9.

As the first Ferengi capital letters on any Star Trek TV show, Quark and Rom expanded Star TrekFerengi history and lore, making the species more sympathetic and complex. This was no small feat, as when the Ferengi were created for Star Trek: TNGThey were meant to be the main villains of the series. Despite some of the Ferengi's less likable qualities, Quark and Rom as characters have come a long way To make them a staple Star Trek Alien race. However, Quark and Rom weren't the first Ferengi or Shimmerman or Grodénchik played.

Armin Shimerman played 2 other Ferengi on Star Trek: TNG before DS9's Quark

Shimmerman was one of TNG's first Ferengi characters

Not only has Armin Shimerman appeared as a ferret twice before Star Trek: Deep Space NineBut he was also one of TNGThe first Ferengi characters, appearing in the debut episode of the species. Shimerman played Letek in the Star Trek: TNG Season 1 episode "The Last Outpost," one of three Ferengi antagonists Which came out after they stole a Federation energy converter and were pursued by Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) and the USS Enterprise-D crew. Given how important Quark would become, it seems fitting that Shimmerman was an integral part of the Ferengi's inaugural episode in the franchise.


Besides Letek, Shimerman appeared as another Ferengi in TNGThis time in the season 2 episode "Peak Performance." Shimmerman's character in "Peak Perform" is named Damon Bracter, the captain of a Ferengi ship. Having inadvertently been caught in a war game simulation, the Enterprise-D was participating in preparations to fight the Borg. Although both Bractor and Letek were relatively small roles for Shimmerman, it is hard to believe that this did not contribute to him finally being cast as Quark on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.

Max Grodenchik's 2 other Ferengi roles on Star Trek: TNG before DS9's ROM

Grodentchik's star in the franchise mirrored Shimerman's

Like his fictional brother, Max Grodenchik also made two appearances TNG Before being cast as Rom, the first in the season 3 episode "Captain's Holiday." Grodénchik played Sovac, the episode's main Ferengi villain against Vash (Jennifer Hetrick) during her and Captain Picard's quest For the mysterious talks Uthat on Risa. Although Sovac was a fairly forgettable villain, "Captain's Holiday" is a memorable episode for its introduction of both Risa and Vash, who would be one of the most significant Picards. TNG Love interests.

Grodénchik's second and last TNG The appearance was season 5's "The Perfect Mate," where he once again played a villain. Grodénchik played Par Lenor, one half of the episode's Ferengi duo who tried to steal the empathic metamorph Kamala (Famke Janssen) While she was escorted to an arranged marriage by the Enterprise-D. Once again, Grodénchik's Par Lenor wasn't a huge part of the episode, which focused more on the relationship between Kamala and Picard, but his appearance probably contributed to him later wearing as Rom on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.