Star Trek: Deep Space NineCaptain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) tripled Captain James T. Kirk's (William Shatner) singular devotion to the starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series. Sisko commanded the Deep Space Nine space station for seven seasons of DS9fending off all manner of hostile aliens, interstellar crises, and the all-encompassing Dominion War that nearly toppled the United Federation of Planets. Through it all, Captain Sisko has achieved a remarkable work-life balance that has eluded Captain Kirk.
Star Trek: The Original Series established Captain Kirk as the gold standard of starship captains. Kirk led the Starship Enterprise on a historic five-year mission, interacting with countless aliens, solving dilemmas, and saving the galaxy. To accomplish this feat, Kirk committed himself completely to the USS Enterprise and its crew. Jim may have enjoyed numerous human and alien lovers, but the Captain of the Enterprise denied himself a long-term relationship and a family. Kirk valued his ship above all else, but Captain Sisko spread his love more evenly.
How Star Trek: DS9's Captain Sisko Tripled Kirk's Love for the Company
Sisko handled DS9, Bajor and The Defiant
On Star Trek: Deep Space NineCaptain Benjamin Sisko surpassed Captain Kirk's love for the starship Enterprise by finding equal care and devotion to three things: the Deep Space Nine space station, the USS Defiant, and the planet Bajor. Captain Sisko was as committed to Deep Space Nine as Captain Kirk was to his beloved starship. As station commander, Sisko oversaw Starfleet personnel, Bajoran militia, the station's traders and inhabitants, and the countless visitors who passed through DS9. Sisko was an authority figure, certainly not distant. Ben was a reasonable, compassionate, and popular station chief, and cared for DS9's civilian and military population in equal measure.
In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine In season three, Captain Sisko received his own ship, the mighty USS Defiant. Partially designed by Sisko himself as a weapon against the Borg, the diminutive but powerful Defiant gave Deep Space Nine a much-needed edge in its numerous conflicts with the Klingons, Cardassians, and the Dominion. Captain Sisko loved the Defiantand he was devastated when he was destroyed by the Breen during the Dominion War. Soon after, however, USS São Paulo was assigned to DS9 and renamed USS Defiant. Sisko got his ship back to help him win the Dominion War.
Captain Sisko was able to give DS9, Defiant, and Bajor equal care and attention.
However, Captain Sisko's loyalty was continually divided between his Starfleet duties and his responsibilities to Bajor. As Sisko came to embrace his role as Emissary of the Prophets, he also fell in love with the planet Bajor and its people. Before becoming one of the Prophets, Ben even dreamed of retiring to Bajor and building a house there. As an Emissary, Sisko cared deeply about the Bajoran people, offering his advice and even presiding over weddings and personal events. Captain Sisko was able to give DS9, the Defiant, and the Bajor equal care and attention, while Captain Kirk's life revolved solely around the USS Enterprise.
Sisko met Kirk in Star Trek: DS9 (and saved his life)
Captain Kirk would have died on the K-7 space station without Sisko
Captain Kirk was Captain Sisko's hero, and Ben is one of the lucky few who met his hero and saved his life. In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Season 5 classic 'Trials and Tribble-ations', the Bajoran Orb of Time sent Sisko and the crew of the USS Defiant to the 23rd century. Sisko and his DS9 friends secretly became involved in the events of Star Trek: The Original Series' "The problem with Tribbles." However, this time, a Klingon agent posing as a human named Arne Darvin (Charlie Brill) traveled back in time with the crew of the Defiant and attempted to assassinate Captain Kirk with a bomb placed inside a Tribble.
Thanks to Captain Sisko and Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell), Darvin's plan failed and the Tribble Bomb exploded harmlessly in space without Captain Kirk knowing. In truth, Kirk had no idea his life was in danger on Space Station K-7nor did he know that 24th-century Starfleet officers were operating clandestinely aboard his starship Enterprise. Before returning to the future, Captain Sisko posed as a lieutenant, introduced himself to Kirk and shook his hero's hand. Captain Kirk went to his grave in the 24th century without knowing he met Captain Benjamin Sisko.
Sisko was Star Trek's most complete captain
Benjamin Sisko achieved a balance that few Star Trek captains have had
Captain Benjamin Sisko emerged as the most well-rounded, balanced and well-rounded Star Trek Captain precisely because he broke the mold established by Captain Kirk. Other Star Trek Captains like Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) in Star Trek: Voyager, and Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) in Star Trek: Enterprise They followed Kirk's example, dedicating themselves to their ships and denying themselves lasting relationships and family lives. The lonely ship Captain eventually became a classic Star Trek trope.
For Picard and Archer, nothing took precedence over the Enterprise, while Janeway purposefully made a solo act to lead the USS Voyager home from the Delta Quadrant.
However, Captain Sisko has not only found a way to balance his Starfleet duties on Deep Space Nine and the USS Defiant, as well as his religious responsibilities as an Emissary from Bajor, but also Ben also found time for familyyou. Sisko's biggest priority was raising his teenage son, Jake (Cirroc Lofton). Captain Sisko never neglected Jake or shied away from his most important role, being Jake's father. Ben also found time to visit Earth and see his own father, Joseph Sisko (Brock Peters). And Sisko still made time for love, dating and eventually marrying Captain Kasidy Yates (Penny Johnson Jerald). In fact, Captain Sisko was all in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
Juggling Starfleet, Bajor, and his personal life certainly wasn't easy for Captain Siskoespecially during the dark days of the Dominion War, when the Federation was on the brink of disaster. Ben had a lot of help and support from his friends and loved ones. But this is also why Captain Sisko shines in comparison to Captain Kirk's personal failings. Sisko understood that life was richer and more fulfilling than single-minded dedication to Starfleet. Kirk was one of Sisko's personal heroes, but Ben chose not to be like Jim where it really matters. Captain Sisko's love in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine contained multitudes.