Captain Benjamin Cisco (Avery Brooks) and Lt. Commander Worf (Michael Don) is an exemplary Starfleet officer Star Trek: Deep Space NineHowever They are very different and far apart in terms of being fathers. On Star Trek: The Next Generation, Lt. Worf learned that he had a son with Kehlir (Susie Plakson) named Alexander Rozhenko (Brian Bonsall), who came to live with Worf on the USS. Enterprise-D. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Introduced Commander Sisko as a widower and single father raising his son, Jake Sisko (Cirroc Lofton).
Satan Commander Worf joined Star Trek: Deep Space Nine In season 4 and became Captain Cisco's Starfleet Strategic Operations Officer. Worf preferred to live on the USS. Defiant, which he commands in place of Captain Sisko. During the Dominion War, in which Captain Sisko played a pivotal role, Worf split his time between Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Forces, often serving with his friend, General Martok (JG Hertzler). responsibilities to Starfleet apart, Cisco and Worf have very different approaches to fatherhood.
Compared to Captain Sisko, Worf is a terrible father in Star Trek
Sisko never let his job get in the way of being a parent
Captain Cisco was an excellent father to Jake On Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, And he's even more impressive when compared to Worf. Benjamin was burdened with running the Deep Space Nine space station, managing the political intrigue of the Bajorans, Cardassians, Klingons and the Dominion, leading Starfleet in the Dominion War, and his religious role as emissary of the Prophets of Bajor. But Captain Cisco never neglected Jake. Ben was an active and caring father, sometimes a disciplinarian, but he was involved in Jake's life, encouraged his son's interests and ambitions, and made time to have family dinners with Jake and his love, Cassidy Yates (Penny Johnson Gerald).
Even Michael Darn admits that Worf is a terrible father, especially compared to Captain Sisko. Worf had his moments of good parenting when Alexander was young on the USS Enterprise-D, but he was also impatient, distant and angry with his son. Worf often tasks counselor Deanna Troy (Marina Sirtis) to care for Alexander in his place. On Star Trek: Deep Space NinE, the grown-up Alexander (Marc Worden) has joined the Klingon Defense Forces to make his father proud. Wharf was still not the picture of fatherly warmth, and General Martok ended up taking care of Alexander after his bird of prey, the I.K.S. Rotarran. Worf and Alexander have never been as close as Ben and Jake Cisco was.
What happened to the sons of Sisko & Worf in Star Trek?
Jake Cisco and Alexander Rozhenko have very different destinations
Both Jake Cisco and Alexander Rozhenko made their last canonical appearances in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Alexander's last appearance was in DS9 Season 6's "You Are Cordially Invited" when he attends Worf's wedding to Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell). Shortly after, Alexander was transferred from the IKS Rotaran to the IKA Ya'Vang, having been accepted by his fellow Klingons as a "Congratulations" After a rocky start. in DS9 In season 7, Worf reported that Alexander had been promoted to the Yawang's weapons officer.
Jake Cisco was a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series regular, and he made his final appearance in DS9s series finale, "What You Leave Behind." When Captain Cisco joined the Prophets and became a non-linear being, Jake was left behind with Cassidy and her newborn son with Ben, who is Jake's half-brother. Star Trek Fans have been clamoring for Jake Sisko to appear in a Star Trek on Paramount+ seriesBut it has yet to happen. It is safe to guess that Jake Sisko has continued his career as a reporter and a writer yet Star Trek: Deep Space Nine ended, and he looks forward to the day when his father, Captain Sisko, finally returns.