Dragon Ball Z's Second Strongest Villain Is Still Alive in Super, But Most Fans Haven't Realized

Dragon Ball Z's Second Strongest Villain Is Still Alive in Super, But Most Fans Haven't Realized

Dragon Ball Z has seen Goku, Gohan, and their other heroes come terrifyingly close to total annihilation on several occasions, but a bonus BD Super The chapter revealed that an enemy of one of his closest calls is still alive and strong as ever. The sequel series brought several notable villains back into the story with varying degrees of success, and although Frieza took much of the franchise's spotlight for villainy, Android #17 played a big role in preventing another from causing trouble. that could end the world.

Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 transformation during the Cell saga is a favorite of many DBZ fans. His power-up ended up being enough to turn the tide against Perfect Cell, but it didn't happen fast enough to prevent Dr.Gero's final creation from spawning seven mini-versions of himself, known as Cell Jr.'s. The villain stated that they matched his power level before each brutally injured the Z Fighters, including Vegeta and Trunks at full strength. After unlocking SS2, Gohan defeated them all easily, but as a bonus DBS chapter shared by Reddit user Deva966 reveals, Gohan didn't kill Cell Jr..

The Cell Jr. is still alive in Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Balls resurrected more than just the franchise's heroes

Every year, a special event known as Vitória Carnival Jump celebrates ongoing manga franchises. Here, participants receive an original guide packed with information and even short manga chapters from authors who work for Dragon ballpublisher, Shueisha. During the 2018 event, the guide included a bonus story leading up to the Tournament of Power involving Android #17 and his unlikely anti-poacher cadets, the seven Cell Jr.

The very short bonus Dragon Ball Super The manga chapter is a fascinating inclusion that explains Android #17's increased strength and the fate of the Cell Juniorswho would have the same kind of regenerative abilities as his evil father. When #17 leaves the island, he protects it from poachers to help during the Tournament of Power, the attack of the seven Cell Jr. Dragon Ball Superare Goten and Trunks, who would have no clue as to the identities of the mysterious creature. Still, #17 also proves his skills in instructing creatures, training the Cell Juniors not to harm the guards protecting the island's inhabitants.

"...the Cell Juniors were brought back to life using the magical wish-granting orbs."

It's not a stretch to imagine that Android #17 honed his skills while training the mini-Cells. If we believe Cell's comment about their power levels, each has the ability to cause problems for most of Earth's inhabitants with their strength that could easily destroy the planet. While No. 17's guiding hand played a role in preventing the Cell Juniors from getting into trouble, a monumental wish for the Dragon Balls during the Majin Buu arc proves that they wouldn't have been the kind of threat anyone would assume from a child of Cell. .

Although they are cell clones, The Cell Jr. are genuinely good

Cell would not have been a good influence on his children

After Cell sired the seven Cell Jr.s, they obeyed their creator's orders to brutalize the Z Fighters, all in a strategy to anger Gohan enough to activate his latent powers. Although that example of violence gave the impression that the creatures were as evil as Cell, the fact that they are still alive proves that to be false. After Super Buu launched a devastating energy attack that destroyed Earth's residents from Kami's lookout, Cell's children died. But like many of Dragon ball Franchise heroes and cast members, the Cell Juniors were brought back to life using magical wish-granting orbs.

Many of the resurrections caused by the Dragon Balls have helped bring fallen heroes back from the dead, but they have also been used to bring back multiple living beings at once. Near the end of the Buu saga, in Dragon Ball Z Chapter #319, Vegeta's plan to defeat Kid Buu used the Namek Dragon Balls to "Resurrect everyone who has died since the day of the tournament - except the bandits!" to gather enough energy to form Goku's Spirit Bomb. The Cell Juniors being resurrected and eventually becoming a team with Android #17 to help protect wildlife proves that they did not inherit Cell's cruel nature..

Nature versus Nurture is a profound concept that Dragon ball surprisingly spent a lot of time exploring. Piccolo's character arc establishes that monsters' descendants don't always have to follow the same path of hatred and destruction. If Cell had defeated the heroes, under his influence, the Cell Juniors would have caused more problems throughout the universe. However, they didn't spend enough time with their evil parents to corrupt them, and because of this, they were brought back to life and learned how to do so. Dragon ballMake the world a better place with the help of Android #17.

Source: Deva966/ Reddit

  • Dragon Ball Z is the sequel to Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball and continues Goku's adventures. Along with his companions, Goku defends Earth against various villains, from intergalactic space fighters and conquerors to powerful androids and nearly indestructible creatures.

  • Dragon Ball Super is a sequel to the original Dragon Ball series, as well as the fan-favorite Dragon Ball Z anime. Dragon Ball Super is set ten years after Majin Buu's defeat and follows Goku and his friends on new adventures. Just like its predecessors, Dragon Ball Super was praised throughout its 131 episodes.