Broly's evolution from Dragon Ball Z to Dragon Ball Super showcases a shift from mindless rage to controlled power and adaptability.
The differences in Broly's upbringing and combat style between the two versions lead to distinct approaches in battle.
While both versions of Broly are formidable, Dragon Ball Super's Broly emerges as the stronger and more versatile fighter.
The legendary Super Saiyan Broly is popular among Dragon Ball Fans, known for his impressive power and terrifying fury. Broly became so notorious that 25 years after his debut, he returned with a brand new movie and an official place in the canon universe. However, the Broly that appeared in Dragon Ball p And the one that is introduced in Dragon Ball Super are Two very different characters with different personalities and histories.
in the Dragon Ball p movie, Broly - The legendary Super SaiyanThe titular character is shown to be driven by rage as an almost unstoppable force of nature. However, in Dragon Ball Super: BrolyWhile he is still capable of tremendous power, He is much more developed and complex. Both versions of the legendary Super Saiyan are formidable, and the power they are capable of leads to a debate about which would ultimately be stronger.
The evolution of Broly's power under Paragus
Broly's upbringing had a huge impact on his combat style
in Dragon Ball pBraly was kept under strict control by his father, Paragus, who used a crown to suppress Braly's overwhelming power. For years, his power was kept in check until he eventually broke free after coming face to face with Goku, unleashing his devastating power. As a result of Broly's long-term power suppression, his fighting style is longer Storm-driven and he relies heavily on brute force.
This all changes in Dragon Ball Super: BrolyWhere he grows up on planet Wampa, III He was forced to fend for himself in this difficult environment. and train under the guidance of Paragus. In this version, Broly was never forced to wear a restrictive crown, and instead a shock collar that allowed him to use his power as long as his father was on board with him. This upbringing gave Broly a more natural way to develop his latent ability and turned him into an adaptable fighter. When we see Broly battle in Dragon Ball SuperIt is clear that His combat style is more refined and that he is a quick learnerChanging his tactics to better fit the situation.
Broly's legendary power and its consequences
Even Broly has a few downsides to his impressive power
In the first movie, it is clear that Broly's strength lies in his ability to become The legendary Super SaiyanA form that gives him almost unlimited strength and endurance. Broly's rage leads him to be a terrifying character that strikes terror into even the mightiest of warriors, including Vegeta. However, this close-minded strategy of attack Makes brally More predictable and susceptible to being outmaneuvered By more experienced fighters. With his ego, Broly doesn't see it coming when Goku lands the final hit.
While Dragon Ball Supers Broly is more controlled and versatileHe has his own obstacles. When Frieza kills Paragus and charges it with a stray energy blast, Broly is overcome by rage and grief, prompting him to transform for the first time. Similar to his original counterpart, Broly goes berserk, and while he's not yet a full-fledged Legendary Super Saiyan in this initial scene, he's overcome enough rage that Goku and Vegeta have the chance to escape and regroup.
However, before the transformation took place, Broly was able to impressively hold his ground against Vegeta in his base form, even though Vegeta is a well-seasoned and experienced fighter. As their battle continued, it was clear that Broly's strength was starting to become overpowering, which then pushed Vegeta to transform into a Super Saiyan to finish Broly off. Instead, after a few initial hits, Broly is quickly able to Gain enough power to keep up with Vegeta while still in his base formA testament to Broly's impressive skill.
Broly vs. Broly
Who would win in battle?
Dragon Ball ps version of Broly is a terrifying opponent, akin to a mindless monster, driven by nothing but rage and a desire for destruction, while Dragon Ball Super Makes Broly a wonder, someone who has an abundance of power and a knack for adapting to the circumstances. Although both are capable of impressive transformations and deserve the title of Legendary Super Saiyan, it is clear that one is more formidable than the other.
The recreated Broly in Dragon Ball Super Is stronger than the original legendary Super Saiyan Due to his impressive control and technique, not to mention his latent power. In the first Broly movie, Broly was shown fighting and holding his own against several Super Saiyans, but DBS Broly was able to fight off a Super Saiyan Vegeta before he himself was able to transform. When this version of Broly finally became the legendary Super Saiyan, it took on the appearance of Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta to defeat him.
moreover, Dragon Ball Super Broly is still training with Goku and Vegeta, getting stronger by the day. In the last chapter of the series, Broly spars with Gohan in his beast form, which has been shown to be at least on par, if not stronger, than Goku's Mastered Ultra Instinct. Although it is still unclear where Broly currently stands in terms of power among the heroes of Dragon Ball SuperIt's sure that in a battle between Dragon Ball p Broly And Dragon Ball Super BrolyThe latter would emerge victorious.