Dragon Ball Super proved how deadly a ridiculous villain from Z could really be

Dragon Ball Super proved how deadly a ridiculous villain from Z could really be

Not every enemy in Dragon Ball Is as deadly and dangerous as Frieza or Cell. In fact, some of them are absolute goofballs, existing mostly for laughs rather than posing a threat to Goku and his friends. One such villain is Guldo, a member of the Genius Force who was laughably out of shape, but possessed a power that could have been incredibly deadly in the right hands, as Dragon Ball Super Proved.

Guldo was a member of the Genius Force whose short and pudgy appearance automatically made him seem like no threat at all, especially compared to some of his more dangerous (but equally goofy) compatriots like Recome. Guldo was weak and cowardly, so it was a mystery why he was even included in the Genius Force to begin with. However, Guldo has a special ability that should have given him a huge advantage in battle: the ability to stop time for as long as he can hold his breath.

Guldo strikes his Ginyu Force pose.

Unfortunately for Guldo, he was in no shape to use this ability to its fullest extent.

Guldo's time freezing abilities is absolutely wasted

Guldo can't use his time prize properly

Guldo struggles to hold his breath to keep time.

Guldo is among the first of the Ginyu Force to fight, pitted against Gohan and Krillin while Recome battles Vegeta. Guldo initially uses his Time Freeze ability to steal a Dragon Ball from them, but after that it becomes difficult to use the ability. Gohan and Krillin move so fast that by the time Guldo takes a breath, they are within inches of him, forcing him to use the time while time has stopped to retreat to a safe distance.Something that will become more difficult every time, because his exhausted body gets tired from running very fast.

Guldo, who is short of breath, can't hold the time freeze that long, allowing Gohan and Krillin to catch up each time. Guldo switches up to another ability he has, Mind Freeze, causing Gohan and Krillin to become unable to move. With his opponents now at his mercy, Guldo tries to kill them by using his psychic powers to lift a log, but is suddenly and brutally killed by Vegeta, who decapitates Guldo with a single attack.


While Guldo is legitimately dangerous, the entire battle comes off as a joke, especially since Guldo deals absolutely no lasting damage to Gohan or Krillin. Guldo is the first of the Ginyu Force to fall in battle as well, and quite rapidly compared to the others at that. It wouldn't be until the introduction of Hit in Dragon Ball Super That fans would see how deadly a time freeze ability could be.

Hit is the deadly threat Guldo could have been (if he trained)

Hit's mastery of the time jump made it a time freeze

Hit was initially introduced with the Time Skip ability, allowing him to jump over 1/10 of a second of time, which often gives him enough surprise to get the hang of his opponents, killing them in a single blow. How beat developed his time skip in the Dragon Ball Super anime, it eventually became a Time Freeze ability similar to Guldo'sAlthough he didn't have to hold his breath to pull it off. Hit shows the true power of a time freeze ability throughout SuperEspecially in the tournament between Universes 6 and 7.

Hit uses the time freeze to pause Goku, even while he is in Super Saiyan Blue and using the Kaio-ken technique. Strike is far more efficient than Guldo ever was, using the frozen time to move freely and dodge or land attacks while his opponent remains helplessly stuck in place. Hit's Related Time Prison skill, which only freezes the opponent in time rather than forever, was so powerful that the only one able to overcome it was Jiren, signaling to hit the true level of power that Jiren was in possession of . This technique is difficult to use, so it, like Guldo's technique, can only be used so often.

Hit's effectiveness in battle against even enemies like Jiren and Super Saiyan Blue Goku shows just how dangerous Guldo could have been if he took his training seriously. The Genius Force would have been one of the deadliest organizations in the galaxy with Guldo as a member if he focused on honing his ability as Hit. Guldo holding his breath to stop time was an advantage, as he could have frozen time for a full minute or more. Gohan and Krillin should be happy that Dragon BallS Guldo was such a pushover.